View Full Version : VCarve Slope Gadget
07-27-2014, 07:41 AM
I have found I can do LOTs with the basic cutting that Shopbot + VCarve supports. I have found it extremely cool how I can use the pathworks 3D and cut lots of 3D shapes with a few constraints.
However, I am finding that many of my ideas include a surface which is at a different slope from the rest of the project. In effect, if the "Pocket" tool path generator allowed the selection of two extreme edges and an offset of depth, that would add a lot of flexibility. It seems that, perhaps, this could be done with a VCarve Gadget. I checked Vectric's site and they don't seem to have one. Has anyone seen one? Does anyone have ideas as to how to do this other than to cock the material for the second plane?
Thank you all for your time,
07-27-2014, 08:06 AM
Chazz, You talking about like THIS? If so linear array/circular array lines depending on bit diameter(make sure you node edit a single line to get starting point you want). And just use fluting toolpath. There is also a fluting gadget and Paul R's FlutingPlus on the Vectric forum(just search fluting toolpaths).
It sounds like what you wanted and is VERY useful and fun to play with.:)
07-27-2014, 09:43 AM
Found it in the VCarve itself... just didn't notice it before.... Thanks
07-27-2014, 10:00 AM
Chazz, Just something I found out to speed things up. The first flute-the bit is cutting along the entire cutter edge, so you want to go your regular pass depth and just cut the one. Then grab them all, and because subsequent passes are only cutting on one edge(use small offsets and almost no sanding-Ballnoses work nice too) and only taking small bites you can usually set pass depth to full depth and increase feed as well. Play with it. Try circular array with a .5BN with ramping at start and end and you can get some neat scalloped effects.:)
07-27-2014, 02:35 PM
The one I found in the VCarve just ramps the edge cut.... kinda strange as I don't see why I would do that on any particular frequency. I haven't found flutingPlus yet but going to give it another go.
07-27-2014, 03:07 PM
Chazz, "Ramp over entire length" "Linear"
07-30-2014, 12:35 AM
I got FlutePlus to work.... now I have to imagine a nice project to use it upon....
07-30-2014, 07:52 AM
Congrats Chazz, Better man than me(but then I'm computer challenged), I can't seem to get it installed,but only a half hearted try and plenty of stuff to do just using the fluting toolpath. Another Gadget he has is the"Cookie Cutter" where you can cut out and trim any shape you want out of the shapes you made in "FlutePlus". I'm going to have to try again.
THIS guy seems to have fluting down.
Also, the ability to create a ramped edge of any angle WITHOUT a shaped bit is VERY out of the box.
So what am I doing with it today? Buttons! Yep Brady Buttons:) We need an inexpensive item that we can pump out to put in our Booth that will get women to pause and look. Cheapest item in booth is $60 right now and we have to change that even though stuff just started selling yesterday at the Maine Woodcarvers Show. Yippee:)
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