View Full Version : Looking for a 0.023" bit

08-12-2007, 11:21 AM
I am looking for bits that are 0.023" diameter (non-tapered) for cutting fret slots into rosewood, maple and ebony. It could be a bit smaller and even a bit larger - hopefully not too much though.

I've done a search on this forum and a general Google search. I'm pretty sure it exists - just need to find it

Anybody ?

08-12-2007, 03:40 PM
i think www.mscdirect.com (http://www.mscdirect.com) has 1/64" bits but their site is down for a few hours. I have bought .031 from them they are 15.00 or so each.
http://www.mcmaster.com/ tehy have them do a search for endmill and start clicking. they have them way smaller then that.

08-12-2007, 07:32 PM
I got some 1/32" bits from Think and Tinker http://www.thinktink.com and they've held up really well. Long enough cutting length to get through 1/8" plywood for me. I see they've also got them smaller than what I got. Good prices too.