View Full Version : Grinding Noise

08-15-2014, 10:58 AM
I recently replaced my control computer (Windows 7) and am getting little 'hiccups' during my cutting. It only happens occasionally, and it's as if the machine is shuddering or grinding. I believe something in the computer is causing interference, but have no idea what it is, or how to shut it off. I've seen reference to the Black Viper site, but am not computer savvy ,and have tried several times to figure out just what I should be turning off, or even how to do it. Machine was running fine with the old computer.

Any help would be much appreciated.


08-15-2014, 12:32 PM
Start by shutting off wifi and windows updates. Once you've disconnected with the internet, disable the antivirus.
If it's a Dell machine, go into your control panel and get rid of all the Dell programs that aren't necessary, like Dell Update and the other senseless stuff they put on there.
What's likely happening is that your processor is spiking at 100% and causing a short instance of dataflow interuption.
We're trying to find out what's doing it.
You can also open task manager and watch the running programs to see what's doing it, but if it's that seldom, you probably won't catch it.
If you disable some stuff and it cures it, you're all done.

08-15-2014, 02:45 PM
Nat: If this is your control computer only and you don't surf the internet than delete your anti-virus. You can still be hooked up to the internet for things like going to the SB download site to get software or update firmware through the control program but just don't go anywhere else. Go through you list of installed programs. Anything you don't use, get rid of.
On the Black Viper site there are two or three different columns. For my control computer I used the most aggressive column on the right. If you load your SB files by networking to another computer than look for a service that enables newtworking and leave that on. Otherwise following the rest of their reccomendations works well. When I got done setting up my Windows 7 computer used only for controlling the computer and a bit of occaisional fast Partwizard work out in the shop the darn thing turned on in about 10 seconds flat or less!

At the least you want to disable all check for and install automatic updates. Often this is the thing that will bog it down. Automatic file indexing and search assistant also uses a lot of resources. Some of the "surrogate" programs that we tend to have, like flash player, DVD/CD writer software, media players, etc. have their own automatic update checkers so you need to make sure they are turned off as well.

08-15-2014, 03:28 PM
I agree with Scott and Dave, and must insert this footnote based on my experiences after upgrading control software about 6 mos. ago:

I had untold grief with my system due to windows update alerts in the "Action Center". This is the little flag on the right side of the start bar at the bottom of your screen. You may have gone to user account settings just as I had and turned off all update notices, but this action center will still persist in doing so. If there is a red circle with an "X" or similar icon attached to that flag, it will disrupt your communications intermittently, causing the type of issues you've described.

Remedy: click on the icon if alerts are present. It will likely be displaying notices that windows needs to update firewall, backups, program updates, etc. You need to look for the line that reads to the effect "disable this feature and never ask me again" on each of the alert boxes for each issue.
Upon doing so, all the ridiculous problems I'd been experiencing ceased.

Remember, I had already turned off all updates in user account settings as recommended (and verified it was set properly with the guidance of tech support), but Windows still triggered this after I updated the SB control software, so keep an eye on that little flag.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.


08-15-2014, 03:30 PM
Nat, are you using a powered USB hub of some sort? I was running into some problems with my machine and it was because of intermittent communication. Chris helped me with that by installing a small powered USB hub. I need to do a better one, but it is making a lare difference. Just a suggestion. ( and all the cmments on disabling above should also be considered. Plus: Try a different USB port to see if there is an issue with the one you are currently using.

08-15-2014, 04:26 PM
Thanks very much for the replies, I'm slowly working my way down the list. I've disabled automatic updates, and don't see any virus software on this computer.

I've attached screenshots of the programs installed on the computer and the features that are enabled. Would love to hear which of these I'm able to remove or turn off, Computer is strictly used for cutting parts, printing and viewing labels. Thanks again for the help.

08-15-2014, 05:55 PM
You could turn off everything in the first screen shot if this isjust your control computer

08-15-2014, 06:20 PM
Will turn those off in the morning.

Using the USB hub that came with the machine, will try a different port though.


08-15-2014, 09:46 PM
I was having similar problems turned out to be a bad ground.

It was intermitent I think as the gantry moved up X it came in contact with the DC hose and static zaped the gantry. Is the hose well grounded?

08-15-2014, 10:12 PM
Leaning toward a computer issue vs mechanical issue only because machine was working fine up until the computer changeover...

08-16-2014, 05:56 AM
Nat, How is your comm speed/ packet #'s with the new set up ?

08-16-2014, 06:20 AM
Ran the speed test and it came up at 75%.

08-17-2014, 12:18 PM
Run your speed test without the hub and see what happens, Nat. You may see it improve with the new computer. It probably has usb 2/3.

08-17-2014, 03:32 PM
Thanks, will try it without the hub tomorrow and see what it looks like.

08-17-2014, 07:37 PM
When I set up my new laptop on my buddy, I gained like 3% by removing the hub.
I landed right around 75% when I was done. I'm curious to see if you do even better than that.
The new sb3 doesn't have a speed test, does it? Or did they put it back in? Or are you using an old version? (Which I kinda wish I was. I miss that speed test.)

08-18-2014, 06:47 AM
Something that I turned off wiped out my Ecabinets link setting for some reason. It also won't allow me to import my saved settings back into the program. Any ideas? (Re-install link software?)

I've switched back to my old control computer for the time being....

08-18-2014, 07:00 AM
try a roll back to day before you turned off the stuff

08-18-2014, 03:07 PM
Thanks, will give that a try once I get a chance to swap computers again.

08-18-2014, 06:47 PM
Go down the list that you turned off. The link needs to establish an automatic connection to work and you probably disabled something related to that. If you contact GC he can likely tell you right off which one it is!

08-18-2014, 07:19 PM
Yup, looking like he very well may be getting that call...

08-22-2014, 06:27 PM
Appear to be back on track, though posting that will no doubt jinx that.

I uninstalled then reinstalled the SB Link software onto my computer (twice), created a new settings file on my design computer (twice) and was eventually able to pull these setting into the Link.

I turned off the Windows programs posted in the screenshot, and double checked grounding at all ponts on the machine. The hiccup appears to be gone, but I'll certainly be back looking for a plan 'B' if it does turn up again.

A sincere thank you to all who posted (and called). I never cease to be amazed at the depth of support I've received for my machine over the years both here on the forum and at SB via tech support. It's made all the difference, and I'm very grateful for it.