View Full Version : Northern Neck Virginia
Ready to take the plunge with a Shopbot
The practical side doesn't phase me/CNC does
It would be helpful to be guided in all aspects by an experienced user
Thank you
08-24-2014, 07:33 PM
Welcome. There is all sort of help here, from the search feature to see what been done, to all levels of live input from the uses here. I can assure you there is little that gets past this group. From the little things to stuff that will make you head hurt.
Details will help us help you and we all love pictures of what you are doing.
08-24-2014, 08:05 PM
Which machine are you buying?
08-24-2014, 08:38 PM
You will find that the CNC part is the least of your concerns. The machine WILL hose you from time to time- but it is because it will only do what you tell it to- and you will overlook some minor aspect- and it will cost you materials or a bit or something. It is pretty much a straight forward deal and will serve you well.
08-25-2014, 02:13 AM
I am in Charlottesville, i have a 5x10 shopbot with an indexer capable of making 8' long columns so it's a monster. I've had a Shopbot since 2006 (can't believe i've known some of you knuckleheads for 8 years!:D)
I'd be willing to give you a tour of the bot and show you all you need to know. Believe me, if i can master it, you should have no problem:eek: you can email me direct at
Thank you all for your generosity of spirit
Frankly I have no idea what machine best suits my needs the same applies to the control side of the equation
I narrowed my focus to ShopBot, judging by the response both from this forum and ShopBot it seems like a wise move
Having made the tough decision to give up riding and sell my motorcycle I would like to put the funds to good use
08-25-2014, 03:27 PM
Well you can't make money on a motorcycle....and you can't ride a Shopbot:eek::D sounds like a dilema to me!:rolleyes:
I emailed you back send me your phone number....
09-07-2014, 09:13 PM
I'm right here in Smithfield if thats closer and easier for you I have a 4x8 a destop and a Handibot if you want to come by and take the experience in at a closer distance !!!
09-08-2014, 07:31 AM
Stuart, I would definitely take someone up on their kind offer! I wish I had when I started a year ago, it would have saved me months probably and I wouldn't have been quite so apprehensive as I'd never done anything remotely like this before. I gave a crash course to Kirk at our second Desktop----He hit the ground running:) STILL haven't met another 'Botter in person, and know I'm poorer for it.
I'm right here in Smithfield if thats closer and easier for you I have a 4x8 a destop and a Handibot if you want to come by and take the experience in at a closer distance !!!
I sent you a PM a few days ago
Thank you
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