View Full Version : Y axis not moving
Moonhill Woodworks
08-31-2014, 09:55 PM
Fired up machine today, it's been sitting for a couple weeks but was running fine last time I ran it. Tried to do an X Y zero, X zeroed, Y not so much. Can hear a faint buzz but gantry does not move. I shut down machine and tried moving it by hand, no obstructions, moves fine. Fired up again, restarted computer, same issue. Where do I start troubleshooting first?
08-31-2014, 10:49 PM
What type machine? What type control box?
Be cautious moving axes with the motors engaged and still connected to the board. You can send electricity back into the control board and start blowing things.
If you hear a buzz, it is trying to run. Maybe a bad electrical connection? Maybe a bad controller or, if an older machine, may be a bad diode... gotta learn a little more to figure it out.
Moonhill Woodworks
09-01-2014, 10:06 AM
PRT 48 x 96. it's 2007, not sure what type of control box off hand
09-01-2014, 02:05 PM
Being a 2007, and a PRT, you could have a couple issues. Someone else just recently had a problem on a PRS that turned out to be a driver on his X axis ( one of two drivers was out) .
If I were you, I would:
(1) disengage my Y axis control wire at the box, and try to move the Y axis ONLY. (This will tell you if it is jammed in some form or fashion.) If it is not powered up, the motor should move fairly freely, so you will know if the pinion has gotten jammed to the rack with something. You could have a FOD problem. Wood or metal chips, loose screw, forgotten tool... anything....
(2) You could then drop (disengage from rack) your X axis motors, then go to your box and swap your wire from your Y axis to one of your X axes and run an X jog. If you know the motor is not jammed, you should get motion from your Y axis based upon the input you gave it. This isolates and checks the motor and the wire. If the motor does not run, then you have to isolate to the wire... Make sure to check the tightness of connectors. Check that no wire has been pulled out of the WAGO connector You can figure out rather quickly if your y axis motor- or the wire (in between motor and the box are the trouble.)
(3) If she runs when you do this (above), then you need to look at your box and see what is amiss on your board... driver, zeiner diode or blown segment on the board... ( that's just about in order of likelihood).
Depending on which control box you have you MAY have a power light on condition/state light on the driver. If it is there and you get a red light, you have a bad controller. In 2007, its possible you have a 4G board- and can see these lights. ( You will have to open up the case or control box for this check)
This will give you an hour of checks that you can run. Try them out and let us know what you find!
Moonhill Woodworks
09-01-2014, 06:49 PM
I tried switching x y, got the Y to move. not sure where to look next. Thanks for your help.
Moonhill Woodworks
09-01-2014, 06:51 PM
Another control box photo
09-01-2014, 07:16 PM
That's an Alpha control box...
Here's the drive assignments my 06' has.
09-01-2014, 10:46 PM
That is the nice control box! Good for you. If you swapped one plug and got the Y to work, and I can see a couple green lights on controllers.... that means that the wires that swoop over that one light in your photo MAY not show a green light. If they do not, you will have to chat with SB Control to ask what to do next.
Alternately if that last controller shows a green light, you need to look at that board underneath.... that board that sits underneath all of those controllers should have all green lights. If you gently push your wires to the side and examine the lights on that board.... you should see all green. You should not see any blinking red lights. If there are faults or issues with the board there will likely be a solid red light on the board. And there is a square light chip toward the back of the board that may have a fault code flashing on it. it will be a number that flashes.
Take a peek in there and see if you can see either of these two things.... again: This will probably require a call to SB. I have the same drive set up for my machine, however, my ability to diagnose beyond this level is a BIT suspect. Someone else may have some advanced info to relay to you... but this is where I am kind of hitting a gap in my experience with the SB machines... but look on that main board and see if you have a red light or a flashing number on that info block AFTER using the "reset button" on your pendant.... and take a photo of it, because you are going to want to post that or to send it to SB to help them figure out the issue.
When I had a problem with MY Alpha board, it was because of a lightning strike. I had to get a new low voltage transformer ( I forget if it was the 5V or the 24V), a new USB cable, and then I had to send my board in because I had a blown IC on the board. SB was fantastic and fixed it in a day and turned it right back around for me... and was VERY reasonably priced for the repair.
SB will want to see that photo of your service tag, as well as the photo of the board. (assuming there is a red light or what have you.) You will need to write the number down that flashes. It could be a multi-digit number.
Keep on it. You are really close to your answer.
Hope this is helpful
09-01-2014, 10:49 PM
Scott: One thing. I went out and looked at my board and when she is powered up and ready to go, there ARE some amber lights on the board.
I didn't want you to be concerned if you saw amber lights.
Moonhill Woodworks
09-02-2014, 03:41 PM
Ha, found out it was nothing more than Value Setting number. Thanks for your help!
09-02-2014, 05:26 PM
EXCELLENT! HA! Those people at ShopBot rock! Don't they!?
Go man go!
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