View Full Version : xy

09-12-2014, 06:53 PM
I have aspire program and the problem I have is the x and y are different then the shopbot they are switch any help will be good

09-13-2014, 07:02 PM
Sorry Harry, but could you be more detailed in what your issue is?


09-24-2014, 12:37 AM
the x axes and y axes are backwards on the aspire program when I set up my project I have to program them different
when I set up x axes on aspire it will be y axes on the shopbot

09-24-2014, 03:57 AM
The X and Y axis will always be correct in relation to the table X and Y.......I think you are referring to orientation in that if like my case I have to have the computer on the left of the Buddy......when looking at the Aspire / VCP screen the X is horizontal but on the default Buddy the X is at right angles to the screen X.....is this what you are referring to?
As this was the case with me I just swapped the X and Y axis on the SB to orientate to that which was in front of me on the computer screen.


09-24-2014, 06:17 AM
In Aspire you can set the corner of the project on the first screen to match your machine.