View Full Version : Inlays

09-22-2014, 01:03 PM
I'm trying to inlay cherry and maple together to create a nice tight fit so there is no gaps. This will be used in the food industry and can't have voids where the wood meets. I have done v-carve inlays but I can't do a v-carve on this, it has to be the inlay function toolpath. What I am wondering is what the magic offset number is to create a tight fit, I have been playing around but can't find the magic number. Any help would be very appreciated.

Brady Watson
09-22-2014, 03:54 PM
Add allowance to only ONE side - Start somewhere .004-.007" allowance on the female/pocket. Cut the male first. This way you can keep trying on the female side until you get it right. If you fill the gap with epoxy, it should be impervious to shmutz.


09-22-2014, 04:43 PM
.....Start somewhere .004-.007" allowance on the female/pocket. ....

Additional question: assuming Vcarve or Aspire, that means a negative allowance number, correct? Thanks.

Since I usually cut with 1/8" bits I have not tried to change this setting. In most cases, the bit flex when conventional cutting creates just sufficient allowance. But that is not very systematic and maybe I should try to get this better controlled.

09-22-2014, 06:18 PM
Additional question: assuming Vcarve or Aspire, that means a negative allowance number, correct? Thanks.

Since I usually cut with 1/8" bits I have not tried to change this setting. In most cases, the bit flex when conventional cutting creates just sufficient allowance. But that is not very systematic and maybe I should try to get this better controlled.

You can always check the number you put in on the pocket allowance by going to your 2D view and click on the Solid checkbox in the lower right hand corner. Zoom in then and you will see where the solid toolpath is compared to the vector drawing.

09-22-2014, 06:20 PM
I do scrollsaw inlays into cabinet doors. I cut the pocket and the blank with the same oval/circle pattern. When the scroll work is done, I use a sanding block to create a slight bevel (I mean VERY slight) and press fit the scrolled piece into the door panel.

The secret is to know EXACTLY the diameter of the bit you are using to create the pocket and the blank.

So far I've done about 50 and have never had one come out. I could glue them but so far no problem.

09-23-2014, 09:20 AM
Wow Don...that's purty:D:eek:

09-23-2014, 03:52 PM
Thank you Jack. :)

11-14-2014, 04:18 AM
NICE Don!:)
Don't know how I missed that one. Got to show Dad that one!!
Great work.