View Full Version : The Shop Bot.

10-13-2014, 01:01 PM
Sometimes My postings Look like I am bragging..I'm Not, What would be bragging would be for me to show you how much we ship out each week. The orders That I post are done so to show you that if you have a Shop Bot You can make good money and make a good living. This is true for any business that you use the shop bot for or actually any business. It takes hard work on your part, it take knocking on doors getting sales and following up on leads and on old customers.

I bought my shop bot to make my life easier, I had reached the point with my sales that I no longer could keep up with the orders doing them by hand, I knew that I had to do something to keep on growing. So I bought my shop bot. You can ask shop bot (Dianne and Frank) I let my shop bot sit and do only one job a year. ( I was afraid to break it) I finally got tired of it sitting there and collecting dust. I decided that I would either learn how to use it or destroy it in the process. Frank reassured me that I would not break it. lol.. I broke lots of bits learning but I did learn. Now it makes 90 % of my products that we sale, and I am constantly adding new product to our long list to order from.

People if I can learn how to use it and make a living off of it, anyone can. This is one of the reason I want to have a school. Shop bot can only teach us so much, Aspire can only teach us so much, Art cam can only teach us so much, and The pattern companies can on design and teach us so much. I want to bridge the gap between all of the companies, Allow people to learn to use their skills and make money at doing things they love doing.

Your shop bot is a gold mine (all you have to do is learn to mine that gold mine)

10-14-2014, 07:23 AM
Hey I appreciate all your posts...they are inspirational to me as I want to dump my day job and just work in the shop...keep posting!