View Full Version : Lifting the Buddy...

10-14-2014, 09:46 PM
So, back several weeks there was this thread: http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20286 where it was discussed how to increase the Z travel on a standard height Buddy.

I bought the 1.5"x3" sections of the heavy guage 8020 extrusions, and some 6 hole side plates.

Today after work I (by myself) unbolted the side plates, lifted up the ends (with Bessey K body Revo clamps working as spreaders) and fit the new 36" lengths of extrusion.

I managed to get the works bolted back together, but have to still veryify that the gantry is in the same position and cutting square to the X axis. WIll do that tomorrow.

It looks like this will be just what I needed in terms of getting that little extra bit of function out of this machine. I have some extended length bits (both end mills and ball end mills) that were somewhat unusable due to just not quite enough Z travel upwards.

I will do just one more thing though, and that is drill a few holes in the lower section of the side plates, and put in two more 5/16" bolts fastening the side plates to the original 6" high extrusion. That should really tie the 6" and new 3" pcs together, both on the inside with the joiner plates, and the outside with the side frame plates.

THis was a pretty simple job... it should be useful! Also, it certainly gives a little extra clearance for loading and unloading the table with my 48" y 48" material.


PS there was just enough slack in the wiring to gain the extra 3" height.

http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/ajcoholic/IMG_2453_zps6ef22da9.jpg (http://s83.photobucket.com/user/ajcoholic/media/IMG_2453_zps6ef22da9.jpg.html)

http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/ajcoholic/IMG_2452_zps8fc82991.jpg (http://s83.photobucket.com/user/ajcoholic/media/IMG_2452_zps8fc82991.jpg.html)

http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/ajcoholic/IMG_2454_zps5f7dfd19.jpg (http://s83.photobucket.com/user/ajcoholic/media/IMG_2454_zps5f7dfd19.jpg.html)

10-15-2014, 07:28 AM
I have also ordered from Aussie 80:20 supplier but I'm going for the 1515 extrusion which is inch and a half.......that will be enough extra height for me.....I only need that much extra Z height.

I noticed from the catalog that the 80:20 profile is not exactly same as the one on the Shopbot......not sure now if Shopbot's extrusion is actually from 80:20??

Anyhow it's not cheap stuff.....2metres of 1515 and 8 x 4 hole joining plates is costing me $155 plus shipping from interstate....ouch!!!


Brady Watson
10-15-2014, 07:53 AM
See? Told ya it would work ;)

I can't see, but you should also have some of those splice plates on the outsides of the extrusions as well. (for the lurkers)


10-15-2014, 07:11 PM
See? Told ya it would work ;)

I can't see, but you should also have some of those splice plates on the outsides of the extrusions as well. (for the lurkers)


Brady, there isn't any room on the outside - except the narrow part in the front between the side plate and the leg.

I did drill two holes in the side plate in line with the upper track of the main 6" extrusion, and put in two more 5/16" bolts. That should tie the main rail and the new one together on that side, no?

Here's a pic..

http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/ajcoholic/image-1_zps8e1df38a.jpg (http://s83.photobucket.com/user/ajcoholic/media/image-1_zps8e1df38a.jpg.html)

Also, I cut a large square and tweaked the gantry position to get the Y axis dead square to the X. I believe it is even better now than previously - as there was a very slight but measurable "out of squareness" as delivered, that I never bothered to adjust (it was very very close).

I did some other cuts today from 1/2" Baltic birch - went just fine.

Thanks Brady for the advice and materials to source!

I believe this will be the last of my mods & improvments to my Buddy. I cannot believe how awesome the aluminum table has been, and the universal vacuum. I've cut more stuff in the past few months that just wasnt easily done (or not possible). Plus with the aluminum table my vertical tolerances are within 5 to 10 thou or better consistantly - no more fighting with the MDF top trying to move.

Now with this lift it will not only allow longer bits and deeper carves, but is just plain easier to load and unload 48" by 48" material by raising the bit up out of the way.

10-15-2014, 07:17 PM
I have also ordered from Aussie 80:20 supplier but I'm going for the 1515 extrusion which is inch and a half.......that will be enough extra height for me.....I only need that much extra Z height.

I noticed from the catalog that the 80:20 profile is not exactly same as the one on the Shopbot......not sure now if Shopbot's extrusion is actually from 80:20??

Anyhow it's not cheap stuff.....2metres of 1515 and 8 x 4 hole joining plates is costing me $155 plus shipping from interstate....ouch!!!


MIke, I ended up buying a 96" length - and the 4pc of 6 hole joining plates and
bolts for about the same with freight. Since this is my business, I dont get too worked up about spending a few hundred bucks on tool related stuff.

Heck, I just bought a new hand plane, that cost me nearly $500 by the time it got here :eek:

With the work I did to my Buddy since the summer - the aluminum deck, rail support system, vacuum pump and related plumbing & hoses, the electrical stuff and the plastic plenum - I have spent quite a chunk of change on the machine. A few more hundred wasn't going to change much, lol.

But I have zero regrets and man oh man - what I did made a very capable machine just that much more capable, easier to use and in the end will allow me to better/faster process sheet goods for work. That's what it was all about for me!

Brady Watson
10-15-2014, 11:34 PM
Hey Andrew - Yes, drilling the lower end of the side plates and bolting them is a good idea. On my BT48 I was able to get straps between the gantry plate & front legs, and if I recall also at the back side. I think when SB went to the power stick the table sides were longer - although I don't have it here anymore to verify.

Thanks for posting pics - looks great. Keep it up!


Joe Porter
10-16-2014, 11:22 AM
Looks good, Andrew!!...joe

10-16-2014, 10:12 PM
Got my 80:20 today....
I'm going to only raise it 1.5" as that is all the extra Z height I need to compensate for the vac table once it's done.

The picture attached shows the 1515 profile that I can only get here (we're a metricated country now so choices in imperial is limited without special order).

Anyhow as you can see it is much heftier than the one used by Shopbot...anyhow better that way than the other way.

I'm going to install it on the bottom so that I can also bolt it from the leg side bolts as well as the other side with joiners supplied.

I might get time this weekend to do it.....been under the pump lately! Will report success and pics when completed.


10-19-2014, 01:10 AM
OK got a chance this weekend to raise my Buddy gantry.

I didn't think I needed to start a new thread so just tacked my efforts to Andrews Thread.....hope you don't mind Andrew;)

As said above only raised it 1.5"for now as all I need. If I want more in the future it will be easy job to just add another 1.5"extrusion.

If interested attached my report on what and how I did mine....Its too big to attach here so I have uploaded it to my server.....click the link to download.

www.simflight.com.au/Raising the Gantry.pdf


Bob Eustace
10-19-2014, 05:11 AM
Very nice job Mike. Amazing what a difference 1 1/2 inches makes. What was the finished cost?

10-19-2014, 07:48 AM

With the extra 1 1/2 " do you think a (#15102) 6" Rotary Indexing Head (for PRSalpha) would work on the Buddy? I'm really interested to increase the height for that. What are your thoughts?



10-19-2014, 02:39 PM
OK got a chance this weekend to raise my Buddy gantry.

I didn't think I needed to start a new thread so just tacked my efforts to Andrews Thread.....hope you don't mind Andrew;)

As said above only raised it 1.5"for now as all I need. If I want more in the future it will be easy job to just add another 1.5"extrusion.

If interested attached my report on what and how I did mine....Its too big to attach here so I have uploaded it to my server.....click the link to download.

www.simflight.com.au/Raising the Gantry.pdf


Looks great Mike! I guess it is a cleaner install with the new pc under the main extrusion.

It is a little intimidating at first to start removing bolts etc but once you get going its not to bad :)

10-19-2014, 02:50 PM
Very nice job Mike. Amazing what a difference 1 1/2 inches makes. What was the finished cost?

Bob, if you want to know my cost here in Canada, it was:

$192.12 Canadian total to me.

That was for the extrusion, 4 pcs plates and screws/nuts plus freight.

The original freight charge I was quoted was too low, I reimbursed the company for the difference.

I dealt with this company in the province of Quebec - D.R. Design Inc. They carry the 8020 line of product.

SOmeone was asking me about the actual extrusion. It is just the heavier wall extrusion, 8020 - 15QE1530 1.5" x 3" Heavy Wall T-Slotted Extrusion

10-19-2014, 02:56 PM

2m of the 1515 extrusion cost me $80 (I'm sure the thinner walled version as used by SB would be cheaper but the 80:20 dealer here would need to order in from US). The joining plate with 4 bolts with T-nuts is $13 per plate. Personally now looking at it there is no requirement for the joining plates at all if you place the extrusion underneath the fences like I did......so all up $80 plus it cost me $25 freight.


I have no experience with the indexer. But my gut feeling is if I was going to get one (certainly not now with the current exchange rate:eek:) I would add another 1.5" and do what Andrew has done.
I only needed the 1.5" to help with some of the aluminium cutting jigs I have....they got close to the upper Z limit otherwise it was rare for me to have a Z height issue. With an indexer it would definitely help!


Yes I must say I was a little nervous dismantling the Buddy at first but it's really no issue. I guess having the Buddy delivered from the factory in one piece makes you reluctant to fiddle with it but once done it's definitely worth it! Whereas the table owners are used to it!
