View Full Version : Northern California Camp Shopbot - Sept 13

05-12-2008, 04:02 PM
While we were on our recent trip to California for the User Group/Maker Faire we hooked up with the Sawdust Shop from Sunnyvale,CA ( www.sawdustshop.com (http://www.sawdustshop.com) ). We cut out 150 rubber band racers, and they help a bunch of kids assemble them.
They have a unique woodworking business,(check out the web page) part of which involves renting out time on their Shopbot! SO it seemed natural to collaborate on the next Northern California Camp together..
The Camp will be held on Saturday Sept 13th at their facility. Keep an eye on this thread in the next few weeks for updates...As usual you can contact me at; campshopbot"at"gmail.com for specifics...

07-14-2008, 11:26 AM
Northern California Camp update !
I spoke with Craig at the Sawdust Shop over the weekend, and we are on schedule for this Fall's Camp. As with most Camps we'll have an 8-9 AM "coffee/donut session"and then start the actual sessions around 9 AM. Most Camps run until approximately 4PM.
We'll be covering many of the more "universal" topics which are listed in multiple other Camp threads here on the Forum, but if anyone planning to attend has specific interests please contact me as early as possible so we can try to accommodate your needs.
In order to facilitate planning we're asking people to contact us in advance of the Camp so we know how many people to prepare for. I can be reached at; the e-mail address listed above, and it's probably going to be easier to have all the
reservation info go through me so we don't cut into their work time out at the Shop.
Considering the great turnout we had at last year's Jamboree/Maker Faire in the area we're expecting a pretty good group for this Camp, so please contact me as soon as possible to make all of this work seamlessly...

08-18-2008, 08:01 PM
We are starting to get RSVP's for this Camp and a few questions have been asked regarding the topics to be covered.
Our basic agenda is similar to most Camps this Fall;
Vacuum hold down systems
3D carving
sign making
software options
digitizing and scanning
Shopbot projects around the world
And as usual these topics can be swapped out if the group attending has interest in other areas as well.
Please drop me a note in the next few weeks to let us know that you plan on attending;
campshopbot "at" gmail.com

09-03-2008, 04:38 PM
Hey Bill, how about a special session on how to get the power company to come out and hook my power to my new shop!
See ya' in 10 days! Can't wait!. Russ

09-03-2008, 05:56 PM
There IS another way....A few years back I hooked up my old PR machine to my solar panels/battery bank. NO problem running the 'Bot, but when I switched on the PC router it's starting surge was too much for the old 1200 watt Heart inverter I was using then...
I currently have a rig with 675 amp hours of battery storage, and a 2400 watt Trace inverter which I think could handle the job. I could even set up a dual inverter/220V setup for a spindle...
I'm curious to hear if anyone else is running a "Green 'Bot"out there... Solar, wind, hydro?

09-03-2008, 06:23 PM
Are you coming to the Troy, Va camp? I'd like to get more info on solar panels and such not so much for running the bot but general use but all i've heard is its a very expensive proposition. So if you have any links or info i'd like to talk to you when you're here. thanks

09-03-2008, 07:49 PM
I'll be there, storm willing...

09-08-2008, 10:04 AM
We're set for the Northern CA. Camp this weekend. If you have not yet dropped us an e-mail to let us know you plan to attend, please do so very soon. We always need to know how many people to prepare for! The e-mail address is ;campshopbot "at"gmail.com
We'll have some new faces, (as well as some more "experienced" faces too...)so it should be a great mix.
The Sawdust Shop has a unique facility which also offers prospective users in the area a chance to TRY out a Shopbot, before pulling the trigger.
We'll try to cover as many topics as time will allow.
I'll be in transit for the next few days so I may have dodgy e-mail access again, but I hope to see all of you in the SF Bay area on Saturday.

09-14-2008, 01:10 PM
Many Thank You's to Craig and his staff at the Sawdust Shop! We had a nice turnout, and a very good Camp !
There were some great pieces brought in for Show and Tell as well...
I have posted pictures on the Shopbot Flickr page; http://www.flickr.com/photos/campshopbot/
and the blog is at; http://campshopbot.blogspot.com/

09-14-2008, 11:44 PM

A BIG thank you for coming out to NorCal to do a Camp ShopBot for us!!!

I don't know the criteria for deciding where to hold these camps but rest assured that you have a growing community of enthusiastic ShopBot loyalists over here.

Please reserve a spot on the calendar for heading out this way next year if possible. It is a great event.

Thanks again

09-16-2008, 05:50 PM
Patti and I really got a lot out of the day, Bill. A huge thanks to you, Shopbot, and of course The Sawdust Shop.

(one who came home with more than literature...

09-18-2008, 08:20 PM
Bill and Craig,

The presentations were great and the location was great but the meeting of the fellow shopbotters and to see some of their wares was truely the highlight for me. I am also very excited about the west coast training facility announcement for later this year. Please include me in the inital class registrants! Thanks again to ShopBot and you personally for supporting your customers so well! BTW I got home to a very nice surprise, I have power in my new shop! and a shipping notice that my Bot will be here on Monday! Double Hurray!