View Full Version : Atlanta Camp 2010

12-15-2009, 03:50 PM
We are hosting the camp for the second time!
The date is set for Jan. 23rd.

4076 Airline Rd.
McDonough, GA 30252
(White house with a red roof...).
You can look it up on Google Maps

Robby has updated the farm site again.. http://www.bentfork.com/

There will be a camp sign by the road the day of the camp. You can reach me directly at 770 follwed by 262 and then 0800 if you need help or have questions.

I'm running a PRT Alpha 48x96 with the 7.2:1 upgrade and a 4HP HSD spindle.

I am **considering** running a half day or so on Friday before the camp for anyone that does not own a bot and would like to see one run and ask questions. Actual cutting will occur. If you would be interested please use the email in my profile and let me know.

-- Directions:
Google map 4076 Airline Rd. McDonough, GA 30252 for route alternatives. When you get close look for our sign and a white house with red roof.

From I-75 South
Take Exit 228 Hwy 138 Stockbridge Exit, turn left
In about 1.2 Miles turn right onto Hwy 138 (toward Conyers)
In about 9.1 miles (and after you cross Hwy 155) turn right onto Union Church Road.
Follow Union Church road about 4 miles and look for us on the left.

From I-75 North
Take Exit 216 and turn left onto Hwy 155 (the exit loops)
Follow Hwy 155 until you reach Ga 20 in about 3 miles (go straight)
Continue on Hwy 20 (go straight, no turns)
In about 4 miles you'll pass Simmons Mfg on the right, the next left is Airline Rd.
Turn left on Airline Rd. and follow it for about 4.3 miles, we'll be on the right.

From I-20 West
Take exit 82, Hwy 138 Conyers Exit
Turn Left
Go straight on Hwy 138, Go straight onto Hwy 20 (no turns)
In about 6 miles you see a Sonic on the right
Turn right on Oglesby Bridge Rd at that Sonic.
Follow Oglesby Bridge road until it deadends in about 4.6 miles.
Turn left, that is Airline Rd. We are up the hill on the left.

From I-20 East
Takes Exit 68, Turn Right onto Wesley Chapel Rd.
In about 1.5 miles or so, turn left onto Rainbow Dr/Snapfinger Rd.
Follow that and it becomes Hwy 155 in about 3 miles.
Once it becomes Hwy 155 follow it another 4.8 miles (about 7.8 total from Wesley Chapel)
You'll come to a 4 way stop for Hwy 138
Turn Left onto Hwy 138 toward Conyers.
In 1 mile turn Right onto Union Church Rd.
Follow Union Church road about 4 miles and look for us on the left.

There are several ways to get here, if in doubt check out google maps. Turn on the sat image and you'll
see our house close to where google thinks 4076 is located.

-- Parking (see image at bottom of thread):
As you come down the drive be aware on the right side is a drainage pipe and almost at the end toward the house is a drainage pit with large rocks sitting around it.

If you have a problem with horses chewing on your car DO NOT park on the side of the driveway close to the fences. Horse can and will reach over to nuzzle and chew on your vehicle. If you don't care, feel free.

You can park in front and behind the house, on the drive way and off to the side you'll see space as well. Don't worry about the grass. Again, just keep more than a horse neck's distance from the fence unless you don't care.

If you have a truck and are able to park in the rougher areas please do so and that will leave the better areas for the cars.

If it is raining we'll have a plan B for parking as the back would not be available.

The red line and encircled area shows the approx parking areas. We can go outside the red lines and feel free to park out in the triangle (in blue) and walk down the drive if you wish.

-- Finding us when you are close:
When you approach there will be sign that says Camp ShopBot on it at the end of the driveway.

When you come down the driveway you will go to the right toward the white house with the red roof. The entrance for the camp is on the back side of the house. There will be markers to show you the way.

-- Food
There will be coffee, hot tea, orange juice etc... along with donuts available in the morning and something will be served for lunch.

Rather than tons of email split between two people etc...

If you plan to attend, please post here with a head count so we can keep track of it.

If you are considering a bot purchase and would be interested in a session before the camp (no promises) please email me directly using the email in my profile.

See you at the camp!



12-15-2009, 06:31 PM
Sign me up!

12-15-2009, 08:55 PM
I'll be there.

Andy B.

12-15-2009, 11:30 PM
Sounds good - I'll be there
Bob S

12-16-2009, 03:18 PM
Count me in

Gary Gardner

12-19-2009, 10:53 AM
I will be there also, thanks, joe

01-05-2010, 12:41 PM
Thanks for the early responses so far. Again we're asking that people planning to attend notify us in advance ( you can do that here on the Forum or drop me a note if you have any questions...) so we can plan accordingly.
We always get great "Show and tell" items at the Atlanta Camp so I hope many of you are planning to bring something along with you.

01-06-2010, 02:13 AM
OK I finally caved in and made a calendar for 2010. I plan to be there.

David B.

01-06-2010, 10:22 AM
considering attending - do you have a lists of topics you plan to cover?

01-06-2010, 11:42 AM
As I wrote in another post here on the Forum we are trying to gauge where people's interests are for this year's Camps. What would YOU like to see covered?

01-07-2010, 06:24 PM
Bill, touche'! my shopbotting experience has mainly been 2d, and on items where hold down can be clamps or screws. i am now venturing into 3d and items that would require vacuum systems. so those two areas are of interest. also i am one of the old prt guys who has not done any upgrades to my system, so seeing a newer system in operation would be of value. and i still use a router and would like to learn more about spindles. thanks, don

01-07-2010, 06:53 PM
We'll certainly have info on vacuum systems available, and hopefully David Buchsbaum will bring along some more of his cam clamps as another option for specific jobs.
Robert's machine is pretty current, and he has a good vacuum hookup that we can show everyone.
The Atlanta contingent usually brings in some pretty good Show and Tell items as well, so we'll try to cover all of the bases for you...

01-11-2010, 11:48 AM
To all Atlanta area Campers; as we're getting pretty close to the actual Camp date we're still asking for more input from you as to what areas you'd like us to cover at the Camp. We also need to know how many are planning to attend so we can figure out the supply requirements.
So far we've had a bunch of "the usual suspects" let us know their plans, but please don't assume that if you were here last year we'll assume that you're going to be back again. Drop one of us a note, or post something here on the Forum. Thanks!

01-11-2010, 03:09 PM
This will be my first Camp Shopbot experience. I'm looking forward to it. Count me in.
Dan N.

01-13-2010, 01:25 PM
Speaking about subjects to discuss or demonstrate: From time to time someone will mention another program such as Corell or Rhino or Photoshop in relation to Partworks or Aspire. They will talk about "STL" or other suffixes on file names. I would like for someone to give a lesson on what these people are talking about and how can I understand and use these other programs also. Also, any demonstration or information about the use of pen tablets. I am sure I am not being clear here, but I know someone here knows about these things. Any help in this area would be appreciated, joe

01-13-2010, 02:16 PM
Hey Joe,

I'm sure this is not at all what you have in mind when you ask about Wacom tablets, but there's a project in ShopBot Labs called the Sketchpad that lets you draw with a tablet and it creates a part file from your drawing. If your tablet is one of the pressure sensitive ones you can change the depth of the cut by pressing harder on the tip.

As with all the things in ShopBot Labs it should be considered "experimental", but there are some folks that are using it with kids as an easy way to get them using a ShopBot.



01-13-2010, 02:51 PM
"I would like for someone to give a lesson on what these people are talking about and how can I understand and use these other programs also."
Understanding, and using ANY programs would obviously take much more time than we ever have during a one day Camp.
I think the context you are asking about here is HOW someone might USE a file which was created in another program, and then bring it into Partworks, or Aspire to create your file, and tool path it.
Each different program would have it's own technique to create the original file, and then depending upon your purpose, you would either "open", or "import" that file into the Vectric program of your choice.
Vectric has written a number of great tutorials telling you how to do exactly that;
The suffix of .STL is used when someone creates a specific "3D" type of file. it contains data that includes height, width, and depth. It is similar in that respect to other 3D files types such as ".3DS", or ".OBJ". The main difference I have found with .STL files is that because of the way they are written they are VERY large when compared to some of the other file types., and for that reason cannot easily be e-mailed to clients, OR other Shopbotters.
What we CAN do during a Camp is show you HOW you would import such a file into your current tool pathing program, but again to explain ALL the nuances of creating such a file is far beyond our time frame.Again, take a look at the Vectric page(s) on creating 3D objects, and I think you'll get the hang of it.
As Bill Y. points out above there are a number of ways to use a "tablet",and he most common one is using the "pen/stylus"which comes with many of these tablets, instead of your computer's mouse to do drawings. Some people find it VERY difficult to draw lines of ANY type with a mouse, and they prefer the "feel" of a pen/pencil in their hand. THIS is where a tablet works well. You "draw" with your "pen", and you can see it on your tablet screen ( or computer screen depending on how you are set up). Once you have created a drawing you are happy with, you save the drawing in a file format that will work for your particular application ( .dxf, or .eps are the most common formats for simple 2D line drawings).
I believe there may also be a tutorial somewhere in the Vectric library regarding HOW to use these tablets, as I know that James Booth has done numerous presentations about Vectric software and why HE prefers to use a Wacom tablet himself.
We will do what we can within the time frame we have at the Camp to clear some of this up, but I think the Vectric information will have just about ALL the answers you need. If not, ASK a specific question on the Vectric Forum, there are many people there who can get you jump started...!

01-13-2010, 05:49 PM
Thanks to both of you for your replys. Any help you can squeeze into the meeting would be greatly appreciated. joe

01-14-2010, 08:18 AM
Would love to come. Can you put me down as a maybe? I have a business trip scheduled that I am trying to get postponed.

01-14-2010, 10:02 AM
We now have you down as a definite maybe.....

01-14-2010, 02:21 PM
Planning on being there !!


01-14-2010, 03:39 PM
See you there Paul.....!

01-15-2010, 01:58 PM
For those of you who are new to the Camp schedule(s); we usually start the day with a "meet and eat donut" session between 8-9 AM. Then the actual sessions run from about 9-4PM with a Shopbot sponsored pizza type lunch in the middle.
For everyone; please read Robert's parking information above. This worked out very well last year, as everyone followed the instructions and there were no reports of bite marks on any of the vehicles parked properly...

01-18-2010, 12:37 PM
I'll be attending.
Thanks, Del

01-18-2010, 01:50 PM
Thanks for the RSVP !
Any more of you "lurkers" out there planning to attend? Looks like the Georgia glacier is receding this weekend...

01-18-2010, 03:06 PM
We are somewhere between never seeing one work and turning ours on. Is the Friday session going to happen or is it just Saturday.
There will be two of us attending.

01-18-2010, 04:11 PM
You'll have to contact Robert directly for that info...

01-20-2010, 04:37 PM

It is Saturday only. I didn't get much of a response for Friday. There will be practical knowledge shared that I believe would be beneficial.

Hope to see you there.

01-21-2010, 09:31 PM
I would like to attend.


01-21-2010, 09:37 PM
We'll see you there !

01-22-2010, 05:59 PM
Atlanta Camp Update !
I just went over to Robert's shop thgs afternoon and the recent VERY heavy rains in the area have taken their toll on his driveway, and lower parking area. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE DRIVEWAY AS YOU PROCEED DOWN THE HILL !!!
It would be better to park your vehicles further up the hill, and maybe have one side of the vehicle on the pavement....THANKS !!!

01-23-2010, 10:13 PM
The Camp finished a few hours ago, and it was a good one! I've posted pictures at:
And the blog is up at;
Thank you again Robert(and Robbie) for being such gracious hosts !

01-24-2010, 11:06 AM
As always had a great time. Thanks Robert and Robbie for hosting. Thank you too Bill. This was my 4th camp and I always come away with something new to think about.

Andy B.

01-24-2010, 12:24 PM
Thanks Robert for hosting, Bill for just being 'YOU', and all the rest of the great Atlanta, " ShopBot'ters " for a great day !!


01-26-2010, 12:33 AM
Thanks everyone for a great camp. Robby and myself enjoyed the day. I hope everyone found something of value at the camp.


01-27-2010, 12:21 AM
Thanks again to Robert for hosting and to Bill for his usual expertise in running the show.

Thanks for the pizza too!

Always a good time when the Atlanta group meets.

01-27-2010, 09:28 AM
Another "thank you" to Robert & Bill - I am constantly amazed at the amount of information and help that Shopbot & the Shopbot community provides to those of us that are new at this.

01-28-2010, 08:52 AM
This was my first Camp and it was very inspiring. It was great meeting everyone and having the opportunity to gather all the information that was available. You've got a fantastic shop Robert, thanks for hosting.

01-28-2010, 11:34 PM
That's an interesting laser set up with the cross hairs. Does anyone have any information on that?

01-29-2010, 01:44 PM
If it is the green one on the machine that's mine. I don't remember if Bill posted photos or not. Here is a thread on it...



01-29-2010, 02:45 PM
The images posted on the Flickr page were of Gary Gardner's rig.I remembered that Robert said his laser was not an "off the shelf" model so I showed Gary's instead. Maybe he can chime in and provide some details.....

01-29-2010, 02:56 PM
Thanks Bill. I like the cross hair vs. a laser point. I hope to hear from Gary, and your's is on my list to read again too Robert.


01-30-2010, 12:37 AM
Gary's supposed to come to the Florida camp so if I can contact him I'll ask him to post details, upload more info, pix, etc.

01-31-2010, 05:07 PM
The lasers that i made are a dot laser and a crosshair laser. I turned a piece of maple to fit in the half inch collett and in the oposite end I opened a hole to fit the laser into. The dot laser I use to go to a set point for zeroing and the crosshair laser is great for zeroing to the corner of the table. The dot laser is a key chain laser costing about $4.00 and the crosshair laser has an adjustable lens and i got it from www.dealextreme.com (http://www.dealextreme.com) for about $3.00. The crosshair needs 4.5 volts so I got a 4 cell holder from radio shack and put a switch in the last cell hole and now have 3 cells to get 4.5 volts. They work great for me.