View Full Version : 7th Annual Midwest Camp ShopBot Sept 27-8
06-30-2008, 03:18 PM
The 7th Annual Midwest Camp ShopBot is being held on Friday September 27th and Saturday September 28th. This year we are also holding an all day "Cabinet Making with the ShopBot" seminar on Thursday September 26th. The seminar will be a compilation of 35 years of making cabinets and furniture. Tony McKenzie of Vectric Software will be here to show how to layout cabinet and furniture in software. Ryan the developer of Cabinet Parts Pro will be showing his brand new updated (he is very excited about it) software also. We will be cutting parts and assembling cabinets. ShopBot is sponsoring the seminar and it will be free.
The Camp will be held at my new shop (over 6000 sq ft)
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-3195
Last year we had over 80 people that attended so please make your reservation by September 12th.
This year the proposed agenda/Speakers is/are:
Mirka Abrasives
Northern Contour Doors
A Veener Company
A Plywood Manufacturer
Sealeze (Brushes for dust collection)
Vectric CNC Software
A Spindle Manufacturer
A Router Manufacturer
A High End Router Bit Manufacturer
A Lacquer Manufacturer
In the above list anything with a generic label means that we have a tentative agreement with them to attend and as it firms up I will update the list.
I will be posting more details as they become available, along with directions and motel information. You can go to the Camp Archives and get the information from the 6th Annual Midwest Camp.
Please email me at (
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
07-17-2008, 11:32 AM
HI John,
Mary and I plan to attend. What are the hours each day?
07-17-2008, 12:06 PM
You might want to e-mail John at the address he lists above, as he does not check the Forum every day...
07-22-2008, 12:55 PM
We now have firm commitments from the following vendors.
Franklin International. Adhesives
Sherwin Williams. Finishes
Sealeze. Dust collection brushes
Mirka. Abrasives
Vectric. Software
Northern Contours. Cabinet doors
Oakwood Veneer and Flexible Materials. Wood Veneers
Cabinet Parts Pro. Cabinet software
Hours are 8:00 a.m to 5:00 each day.
Thursday- Everything Cabinets
Friday and Saturday presentations on all the above. Show and tell, so bring your stuff.
No cost to you (except ShopBot). Lots of presentations that are "how to type" not "buy this from me".
Coffee, soft drinks and stuff in the morning and Pizza for lunch.
I am looking for shopbotters who have something neat to share (maybe a new and better way) and can do it in 10 to 15 minutes. If it is really good maybe even more time.
Some of the discussions amongst our selves will be on hold downs (vacuum and mechanical), sale techniques, safety, materials, supply sources and just the general shopbot type talk. Be prepared to share and remember counting ceiling tile is the best way to be singled out.
I know this will be difficult for many of you but for hotel information go to the Camp ShopBot archives and pick any topic that has a number before midwest camp shopbot and it will be there. For directions put in 147 Davids Street, Marion Ohio 43302 (Google has my street name wrong, it is actually David). That's where I am. You should know where you are.
Don't wait until the last minute for the Cabinet part on Thursday. We may need to limit the number.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
07-23-2008, 01:56 PM
The following have also made commitments to attend
Onsrud. Router Cutters
Carve3d/James Booth. 3D Files
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
07-23-2008, 02:06 PM
I give.
Here are the motels in the Marion Area.
The motels in the Marion area are:
Comfort Inn
256 James Way
1 740-389.5552
Country Inn & Suits
2091 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd.
1 740 386-5451
Fairfield Inn
227 James Way
1 740 389-6636
Super 8 Motel
2117 Marion- Mt Gilead Rd.
1 740 389-1998
1952 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd.
1 740 389-4671
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
1842 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd.
1 740 389-4300
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
07-23-2008, 04:52 PM
As many have pointed out (thanks) I got the dates wrong.
Cabinet Class Thursday September 25, 2008
Camp Shopbot Friday and Saturday Septemper 26 & 27, 2008
Just trying to make everyone as confused as I am.
John Forney
07-24-2008, 08:02 AM
The Fairfield Inn has blocked out rooms for the Camp at a special price. Reservations must be made by September 1st. Call direct and tell them that it is for the Camp ShopBot. Any problems ask for Mary E. Hamby. She is the general manager. It is the only hotel that would give us a discount. Also they have discount coupons for food at local establishments. Ask when you check in.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
Fairfield Inn
227 Jamesway
Marion, Ohio
740 389-6636
07-24-2008, 08:28 AM
In the next few weeks I will quickly highlight what to expect from each of the presenters.
James Booth (his brother Toll being unable to attend) has sent me a 3D file that we will carve at lunch each day. It is the grape carving in a dish and is available from him as are collections of 3D files. He will be showing that particular file in depth, as well as other files and explaining how they can be used to make money. While he may be a disreputable looking character, others find him an extremely interesting speaker. The use of inexpensive 3D files to add value to your products, in my opinion, is one of the best uses of any CNC. After his presentation, James will be available to discuss applications and ready made files that will build value for your products. He can also design custom 3D applications for that very special project.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
07-25-2008, 04:00 PM
We have one more company that will be at the camp. Rob from Chemco Manufacturing will be here and willing to discuss any and all filtration issues.
I am glad that Chemco is joining us, since I will be able to have him see my shop and point out what I am doing wrong. From dust collector bags to spray booth supplies, Rob is the guy to ask. Great company, I've dealt with them for at least 5 years.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
07-30-2008, 09:52 AM
I have just been emailing my friend David Buschbaum. He is coming from the Atlanta area with another shopbotter and would be willing to rent a van for others in the area to ride along. I am assuming that anyone interested would be required to share the expenses but with the cost of gas it would seem to be worth it. Please contact him at ( about the trip.
Franklin International has sent me 100 bottles of fluorescent glue and 100 black lights. These will be given to the first 100 to register. This looks to be a large camp, so for this freebie you need to act soon.
Don't forget to call the Fairfield Inn for the special rate.
Again, show and tell is just that SHOW and tell. Be sure to bring you stuff and to be honest some of the best things that have been brought have been brought by very new shopbotters. Don't think what you do isn't good. Most, if not all, is better than anything I have done.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
07-30-2008, 10:13 AM
I just spoke to Mary at the Fairfield inn. They are only holding our block of rooms until the 1st of September. Marion is a small town with a limited number of rooms. There are some other events the last of September and I urge you to make reservations early no matter which hotel.
Also there will be cutting files that we will be giving away at the camp. Please bring a memory stick since none of my floppy drives have survived the dust and I won't be burning any cds. The files will also be posted after the camp.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 David Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
08-08-2008, 09:10 AM
Rev-a-shelf a supplier of kitchen storage items such as lazy susans, drawer storage etc. will also be here. They have a lot of trick items that build value.
Rowmark Plastics is sending us samples to use for the photo v carve. Nice stuff, makes cutting photographs with the photo v carve much eaiser.
Don't forget to email me if your coming. If you need to know if I got the info require a confirmation in you email program.
Marion just put up new street signs with Davids Street. I give up. It is now Davids according to the city but not the county tax people where it is both.
For those of you that know Saint Renee', my wonderful wife, her PET scan came back clear of cancer. What a relief.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd
147 Davids Street
Marion, Ohio 43302
740 387-1547
08-08-2008, 03:06 PM
Great news about Renee!
See you in Atlanta.
08-13-2008, 09:13 AM
Won't be in Atlanta this year. I am working on 5 kitchens right now. Quite a load for just me. Come on up to Marion, we would love to have you.
08-19-2008, 01:14 PM
Looking forward to our first Shopbot Seminar and Camp Shopbot.
We live only a few hours away and will be staying at one of your local campgrounds. I googled and found 2 within 10 miles of you. Hickory Grove and River Bend. Do you have any recommendations for one of these or any other RV campground that did not show up on google search? I would prefer full hookup for 30 ft travel trailer.
Also we will be staying in area a few extra days, probably last camping trip of the year. Does anyone have any suggestions of things for family to see and do while there?
Sincerely, Fred
Waterford, MI
08-28-2008, 07:39 AM
No I don't have any suggestions on the two sites. I would call them.
09-03-2008, 06:54 AM
Hi John.... originally from Marion, I will be coming from Columbus, Ohio. This is my first Camp Shopbot, so I am no sure how one registers for the event? I would also like to introduce a new type of dust collector boot that uses a shopvac and is very efficient....
09-03-2008, 08:55 AM
If you scroll up this thread you'll find an e-mail address to use for contacting John about the Camp...
09-15-2008, 02:59 PM
Ok, we're getting pretty full. If you haven't contacted me, now is the time.
Renee' will be taking anyone who is interested to the Prairie Peddler ( on Friday. Saturday she is going to the Polaris mall for shopping and lunch. For those trips, admission and lunch are on you. We may need some people to drive, depending on how many want to go. If so, be here at 8:00 a.m. on Friday or Saturday. Might also be a good idea to let me know so Renee' can plan.
09-17-2008, 05:31 PM
For Renee's trips I goofed. Prairie Peddler is on Saturday and Friday is the mall.
09-24-2008, 01:24 PM
Hickory Grove CG woiuld be closer to John's shop and just west of Marion but still in marion county.
Marion attractions are:
Marion Popcorn Museum
Stengell True Mueseum
President Hardings's Memorial
Harding's home
Just to name a few. What are your sightseeing interests?
09-28-2008, 03:38 PM
To the Forney's,
Thanks for a great Shopbot camp!! John, your new shop is huge and awesome. As we have come to expect, great $$$ ideas and networking; they are always part of the Ohio camp experience. Al Kluge did a great job helping you at camp and behind the scenes, kudos to him. A special thanks to Saint Renee' - my son, John Paul, and his friend, Hurley had a wonderful time at Prairie Peddler and are looking forward to next year already!! John and Renee', as always, you are wonderful hosts. My colleague, Cliff Newton had a great experience, as well. Thanks again, Jim Schanck
ps. Hopefully Bo Bo the wonder dog will be at camp next year, too.
09-29-2008, 09:57 PM
I've posted the Camp pix on the Flickr page-
However I'm missing a few names to give proper credit for the Show and Tell items. So if your work is not captioned properly please get back to me, and I'll correct the labeling.
The blog will be up at- shortly...
10-03-2008, 09:27 AM
Just read this on //
"Ted Hall described some of the latest developments down in Durham, as well as some of the scheduled events planned for the upcoming Jamboree in Austin, TX."
Bill, Ted, or anyone, can you expand on this a little bit? New software? Upgrades? Scheduled events? Thanks. The curious would like to know!
10-03-2008, 09:56 AM
We almost have the schedule sorted out, and we're hoping to post it right after the weekend.
As far as the software/upgrades, etc. sessions ;it looks as though the two main companies which create the software packages most Shopbotters use will both have new versions/offerings coming out soon, but we won't get to hear the full details of these releases until the Jamboree itself.....
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