View Full Version : 5th Annual Midwest Camp ShopBot

08-15-2006, 05:47 PM
Information will be forth coming on the agenda for our 5th Camp ShopBot. The camp will be held on September 29th and 30th at my shop. The address is 132 1/2 High St (St. Rt 95) Edison, Ohio. The telephone number is 419 947-8186. Do a map quest search for directions.
link to directions (http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searchtype=address&country=US&addtohistory =&searchtab=home&formtype=address&popflag=0&latitu de=&longitude=&name=&phone=&level=&cat=&address=13 2+High+Street+&city=&state=&zipcode=43320)

Hotels are mostly in Marion and are

Comfort Inn 740 389-5552
Country Inn and Suites 740 386-5451
Holiday Inn Express 740-3894300
Super 8 740 389-1998
Travel Lodge 740 389-4671
Best Western Inn 419 768-1234

All but Best Western are west of my shop and in Marion. Best Western is just off I-71 at St. Rt. 95.

Both sets of motels are the same distance from my shop.

For those of you that have come to the previous camps, the bowling alley is now a church. Same parking lot and the women are going to fix lunch both days. Should be better than the paper crust pizza we have had.

Now times:
Starting time is some time after 8:00 a.m., though many will be waiting for me to show up at 7:00 a.m. Those of you that just have to show up a day early will have to work getting the shop ready for the rest of the group.

I am looking for a few people that want to present something about something. Please let me know if you are interested. It should have something to do with woodworking/shopbot and you will need to fill 45 minutes and be well prepared. Harold is your model.

Art Cam people will be here with presentations and will help with their products. If you have specific questions (Those are questions that don't sound like, How does the software work and do I need a mouse) bring examples on a memory stick. None of my floppy disks work. If you want to take some of the files home with you bring a memory stick. Last year we ran Walmart out of memory sticks so bring your own.

We will be showing examples of vacuum hold down, gasketing material, other hold downs and cutting strategies.

We will cut a vanity top with the shopbot, glue the edge detail and install a the sink. I will also show how to seam the material. This will be a class on how to do solid surface (sometimes called courian, however we will be using Dovae).

3D carving will be shown as well as lithophanes.

This is just a preview and there may or may not be a detailed agenda posted later.

If you haven't attended a Camp you should. If you want to attend this one, you need to email me so I can plan. That doesn't mean you can't come, there just may not be enough food for you.

Oh, as usual plenty of give aways and drawings. Every year so far, everyone has won something.

08-16-2006, 11:11 AM
Hey John, I've been called a lot of things but this is the first time anyone has called me a model. Shall I have my agent send you a contract to sign?

08-18-2006, 08:44 AM
Harold, Just forward it to ShopBot.

Two more companies are going to be at the Camp

Tom Sayman will be here on Friday the 29th. He is with Gemini Coatings and will be going over staining, finishing and repairing.

Doug Bootes with Northern Countours will be presenting his line of cabinet doors. We will be carving a door of his and finishing it with Gemini finish.

They will be available for questions during the day.


08-22-2006, 09:52 AM
For those that are coming with an unwilling companion, my wife has planned a trip to The Yankee Peddler. We need to know how many would be interested in going. It will take most of the day Saturday. Below is a little about it. More at this link http://www.yankeepeddlerfestival.com/

Step back in time 200 years as you enter the 14th Colony at The Yankee Peddler Festival. Watch over 300 master craftspeople demonstrate their skills. Sample pioneer food cooked over an open fire. Enjoy the sights and sounds of costumed musicians and entertainers. Hear the Town Crier report the news of the day.

08-22-2006, 09:56 AM
One of the topics covered will be the carving of a door. I am uploading a picture of one we will do on both Friday and Saturday.

08-22-2006, 01:09 PM

I'll be there, and I'll be happy to talk about something. What are you interested in? 2D foamcutting? 3D? Mold Making?


P.S. Wife and Dog may be making an appearance... So the side trip sounds nice.

P.P.S. Oops, forgot about the baby. Same goes for her.

08-28-2006, 09:32 AM
Dan will be presenting some techniques he uses. It is worth the trip to see some of the stuff he does.

Also we will have the new V-Clamp here (www.vac-clamp.com (http://www.vac-clamp.com)) and be able to put it through it's paces. Saw this at the IWF show and was really impressed. Will post after the camp about it.

Ran into a product that sounds interesting. It's called Silent Running (www.silentrunning.us (http://www.silentrunning.us)). A water base coating that will dampen vibration and reduce unwanted noise. They are sending a sample and I'll have it on for the Camp. Maybe it will reduce some of the noise and vibration on my shopbot.

The camp is will be large this year if everyone comes that has emailed me. If you are planning to attend let me know as soon as possible so that I can plan. On the two days we normally get about 45 to 60 people and this year there are more people than that who have emailed me about comming. If you don't want half a lunch let me know soon.


10-01-2006, 12:19 AM
John and Renee:

Once again, thanks for a great 2006 camp! My wife
and son had a ball "hanging" with Renee on Sat.
This is my second Mid-West camp, and as last year,
it was a wealth of information from all speakers
and fellow shopbotters who shared tips and their
experiences. My son, John Paul made a new
friend, Gordon's son, Ryan; they had a ball with
your dogs, especially BoBo. Pics of this will
follow. Looking forward to next year's camp !!
Please let me know if you'd like me to share my
eBay buying/selling experiences with the group
next year.

Thanks again,

Jim Schanck

10-02-2006, 09:30 AM
Hey John and Renee,

Thanks for putting up with all of us again this year. I've been to all 5 of your camps and I always learn enough to make the trip worthwhile.

10-02-2006, 12:47 PM
It was a great camp, though by Saturday afternoon I was ready for everyone to leave. Already planing the 6th Annual.

A big thanks to all the presenters.
Mary Turner with Master Cut Router Bits
Jen with Art Cam
Doug with Northern Contours
Tom with Gemini Coatings
Dirk with BotRods.com
Gordon with ShopBot
Bill Jarvis with 3dcncart.com
Tony with Vectric (via Video)
and last but not least
Harold who was with Jo (his lovely wife)

It is people like they that make the camp so special.

Thanks to all the people who shared tips from their shops, especially Mike who had the bright idea to use a car IR thermometer to check cutting temps on different materials.

And lastly to all of you that made the trip to the middle of the corn field and actually found my shop.

I have put the new ShopBot Gecko board on my machine and am getting speeds of 20 ips out of my old tired (like me) PRT. As you all saw, it is a no brainer change out. Check with ShopBot for more information as to price and availability. But stand back and lace your shoes tight since this thing will blow your socks off. I will start a new topic and give more info on how it works when I get my shop back to working order. Already though, much less noise (unless you think whoose is a lot of noise), way better smoothness on 2D cuts and 3D is fast and smooth.

John Forney

10-02-2006, 01:33 PM
John, I really enjoyed the camp. My favorite demo's were Cabinet Parts Pro with Ryan, Bill Jarvis' input on creating signs, and Jen's demo of Artcam. It was interesting to talk with folks who, unlike my friends and family, know what a Shopbot is and how to improve it's usefulness. Had a good time and my brother and I will be there again next year.

10-02-2006, 02:54 PM
Glad you and your brother made it. Next year you can be in charge of the Harbor Freight specials.


10-02-2006, 03:01 PM
As far as what I have done with the new ShopBot board I V Carved in solid surface both at my old speeds of 1,.5 and then 3,1.5. No problem and both were much, much smoother. I have always had a problem with chatter in the v's, especially in the hard solid surface but this is far smoother as well as much faster. I'll try kicking the speed up as I get more time and let you know how it works.
I understand that the board only gets better and I am still a shopbotter.


10-03-2006, 02:29 PM
We've gotten some pictures from John's Camp posted on Flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/campshopbot

As usual if anyone else has pictures please send them on to us at campshopbot@shopbottools.com (mailto:campshopbot@shopbottools.com) and we'll try to get them posted ASAP
