08-15-2006, 05:47 PM
Information will be forth coming on the agenda for our 5th Camp ShopBot. The camp will be held on September 29th and 30th at my shop. The address is 132 1/2 High St (St. Rt 95) Edison, Ohio. The telephone number is 419 947-8186. Do a map quest search for directions.
link to directions (http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searchtype=address&country=US&addtohistory =&searchtab=home&formtype=address&popflag=0&latitu de=&longitude=&name=&phone=&level=&cat=&address=13 2+High+Street+&city=&state=&zipcode=43320)
Hotels are mostly in Marion and are
Comfort Inn 740 389-5552
Country Inn and Suites 740 386-5451
Holiday Inn Express 740-3894300
Super 8 740 389-1998
Travel Lodge 740 389-4671
Best Western Inn 419 768-1234
All but Best Western are west of my shop and in Marion. Best Western is just off I-71 at St. Rt. 95.
Both sets of motels are the same distance from my shop.
For those of you that have come to the previous camps, the bowling alley is now a church. Same parking lot and the women are going to fix lunch both days. Should be better than the paper crust pizza we have had.
Now times:
Starting time is some time after 8:00 a.m., though many will be waiting for me to show up at 7:00 a.m. Those of you that just have to show up a day early will have to work getting the shop ready for the rest of the group.
I am looking for a few people that want to present something about something. Please let me know if you are interested. It should have something to do with woodworking/shopbot and you will need to fill 45 minutes and be well prepared. Harold is your model.
Art Cam people will be here with presentations and will help with their products. If you have specific questions (Those are questions that don't sound like, How does the software work and do I need a mouse) bring examples on a memory stick. None of my floppy disks work. If you want to take some of the files home with you bring a memory stick. Last year we ran Walmart out of memory sticks so bring your own.
We will be showing examples of vacuum hold down, gasketing material, other hold downs and cutting strategies.
We will cut a vanity top with the shopbot, glue the edge detail and install a the sink. I will also show how to seam the material. This will be a class on how to do solid surface (sometimes called courian, however we will be using Dovae).
3D carving will be shown as well as lithophanes.
This is just a preview and there may or may not be a detailed agenda posted later.
If you haven't attended a Camp you should. If you want to attend this one, you need to email me so I can plan. That doesn't mean you can't come, there just may not be enough food for you.
Oh, as usual plenty of give aways and drawings. Every year so far, everyone has won something.
link to directions (http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?searchtype=address&country=US&addtohistory =&searchtab=home&formtype=address&popflag=0&latitu de=&longitude=&name=&phone=&level=&cat=&address=13 2+High+Street+&city=&state=&zipcode=43320)
Hotels are mostly in Marion and are
Comfort Inn 740 389-5552
Country Inn and Suites 740 386-5451
Holiday Inn Express 740-3894300
Super 8 740 389-1998
Travel Lodge 740 389-4671
Best Western Inn 419 768-1234
All but Best Western are west of my shop and in Marion. Best Western is just off I-71 at St. Rt. 95.
Both sets of motels are the same distance from my shop.
For those of you that have come to the previous camps, the bowling alley is now a church. Same parking lot and the women are going to fix lunch both days. Should be better than the paper crust pizza we have had.
Now times:
Starting time is some time after 8:00 a.m., though many will be waiting for me to show up at 7:00 a.m. Those of you that just have to show up a day early will have to work getting the shop ready for the rest of the group.
I am looking for a few people that want to present something about something. Please let me know if you are interested. It should have something to do with woodworking/shopbot and you will need to fill 45 minutes and be well prepared. Harold is your model.
Art Cam people will be here with presentations and will help with their products. If you have specific questions (Those are questions that don't sound like, How does the software work and do I need a mouse) bring examples on a memory stick. None of my floppy disks work. If you want to take some of the files home with you bring a memory stick. Last year we ran Walmart out of memory sticks so bring your own.
We will be showing examples of vacuum hold down, gasketing material, other hold downs and cutting strategies.
We will cut a vanity top with the shopbot, glue the edge detail and install a the sink. I will also show how to seam the material. This will be a class on how to do solid surface (sometimes called courian, however we will be using Dovae).
3D carving will be shown as well as lithophanes.
This is just a preview and there may or may not be a detailed agenda posted later.
If you haven't attended a Camp you should. If you want to attend this one, you need to email me so I can plan. That doesn't mean you can't come, there just may not be enough food for you.
Oh, as usual plenty of give aways and drawings. Every year so far, everyone has won something.