View Full Version : Post Processor will not output arc moves.

11-07-2014, 12:36 PM
I have a PRTalpha BT, software version 3.3.18 which I program with part wizard2. After having repairs done on my computer, I had to reinstall the shopbot software and the part wizard2. Now, it only outputs in linear format, (m's), it will not output in arc format, CG's) like it used to. Makes for long programs. Everything is intact including the postp folder in part wizard2 which includes arc_inch processor. I talked to a guy in tech support who sent me a new postprocessor but it didn't help. Does anyone know what's going on? Is there something I've got to reset somewhere? :eek:

Brady Watson
11-07-2014, 03:08 PM
...and did you select the arcs_inch post processor from the drop down in PW2 before you saved out the toolpath? The posts are very specific for PW2, so a regular ArtCAM one will not work.


11-07-2014, 03:12 PM
When you go to save your toolpath do you have Shopbot inch arc (*.spb) in the machine output window at lower right of Save Toolpaths window?

11-08-2014, 11:37 AM
You solved my problem. Thank you. After all these years I've been programming with this thing, I never noticed that the arc_inch has to be in that window. Amazing. I guess I never had to do it before. I knew something had to be reset. Thank you again!:)