View Full Version : HELP! Gantry out of a/square??

11-21-2014, 12:01 AM
Long story short, my shopbot stopped mid cut and I was having some software trouble and couldn't get my computer to recognize my machine. It finally opened correctly and I went to jog the router and hit enter before I remembered that the bit was still in the wood. Needless to say it didn't like it, tried moving and broke the bit. I continued to have software problems all afternoon and wasn't able to get the shopbot program to recognize my machine. I finally got it up and running this evening after removing and re-installing all the software.

Here's the problem: when I go to move the router around it barely wants to move and the whole table shakes. I think when the bit was jamming into the wood before it broke, it somehow got my gantry out of square?? I measured to the end of the rails and both sides are the same, so I'm not sure where I need to be looking.

What is the best way to get it back to square without moving the router all over the table, as I don't want to mess things up any more than they already are!

Thanks so much,

11-21-2014, 06:58 AM
Lisa, The full size guys ought to be along shortly, but on comm problem--Have you read all the associated threads on proper grounding? Always seem to be a bunch of problems at this time of year when humidity drops. Are the software issues recent?
What Diameter bit was in?
Good luck:)

11-21-2014, 07:29 AM
What machine do you have. If it is a full size you can go to the Shopbot web site and search square table you will get instructions on how to do this.

here is a file I use to square a 48x 96 table

11-21-2014, 07:45 AM

Thanks for posting the file, I want to give it a try although I believe that I have squared mine pretty good. Would you mind explaining the steps in your file, the msg's are good if you wrote the routine but I am having a slight bit of trouble understanding it.


Brady Watson
11-21-2014, 09:03 AM

There is also an official document from SB in the Documents area.


11-21-2014, 10:20 AM
Thanks y'all. I have a 96x48 table. I'll take a look at these docs when I get back to my shop today. I saw one last night and it looked like you had to move the router all over the table and my concern is that it is shaking so bad when it moves that I will cause harm?

Scott- my computer running the shopboy software crashed so I had to install it on a new computer and that's where the issues were coming from. I think one of my USB ports is a little loose and it wasn't getting a good connection. Hopefully I've got that taken care of now. It was a 1/4" bit.

11-21-2014, 12:53 PM
I’m having a hard time imagining your machine out of square enough to cause what you’re describing… If for some reason my PRT gets out of square, powering down and back up lets it spring back square. I don’t know which series machine you have, but is it possible that a wheel is off the track? Or that one of the motors isn’t working?

Brady Watson
11-21-2014, 02:36 PM
There were several models in 96x48 trim. What year or model is the tool? PR (pre-2000), PRT (@2000-2006) or PRS (2007 & newer).

Regardless of model, each X motor should be dropped down out of gear mesh & v-roller to rail alignment checked. While the motors are dropped out of mesh, you should use the K command to move the motors to make sure they are spinning in the proper directions and note any strange sounds.

It is possible that one of the X motor drivers is defective, burnt out or otherwise 'tired' causing only one side of the gantry to move under power. This can cause the machine to go out of square under cutting load.

If you are unsure what model tool you have, take a picture of the tool (the gantry) AND the control box and post a link or pics.


11-21-2014, 04:14 PM
Thanks Brady, I am beginning to think it might be one of the motors. I'm running a 2010 PRS. It seems I'm having some power issues now to the machine. I went to turn it on and I didn't hear either of the motors lock and my computer is not able to find the shopbot and update the firmware.

I measured on my rails and I'm about 1/4" off square from the left to right side, I'm quessjng this happened from the little movement I did last night.

Starting to freak out, have 150 orders to get cut and shipped by Tuesday!

11-21-2014, 05:03 PM
Easiest way to test the motors would be to drop them and then issue a jog command for the axis. If you drop the X motors then issue a jx,?? and listen to the motors. Do the same for the Y . This will help you to figure out a motor issue. Also, I have had issues with my communications (USB) and have had to move the cable to another open port on the computer and have the control software look for the port. Then test everything again.

11-21-2014, 06:13 PM
I would unplug the controller and let it set for 30 seconds. then try to power it back up. I don't know if you have the 4g controller or the newer one. If it is the 4g look at the gecko drives and see if they have any lights on them.

11-21-2014, 09:06 PM
Thanks everyone! After some troubleshooting, looks like it was a computer communication issue. The motors sounded horrible when I dropped them and tested them, then switched the software over to a new computer and everything seems to be working smooth at the moment. Hoping that's all it was! I appreciate everyone coming to the rescue with advice :)