View Full Version : ShopBot Wiki content Well done Robert Ball

12-22-2007, 07:57 AM
I had a little time to look around the ShopBot Wiki last night and this morning. While finding a LOT of good information, I ran across the section on Business. The I found the subsection on "Pricing your Work" You know something... The information that was presented there was nothing I didn't already know, BUT it was presented in a way that it made logical sense and I think it "stuck" or will finally "sink in" with me.

I hope Robert Ball will take the time to write more for the Wiki. I like his "style" of writing. Hey, I took the time to find out who wrote it just so I could thank them!

There are others who have made contributions to the Wiki that need to be thanked too. I don't know who you are yet. But I'll find you!


12-22-2007, 08:25 AM
Thanks to all the ShopBotters that have added to the wiki...it's currently got 300+ pages! Please feel free to add to the wiki if you have information that you are willing to share (like Robert's great article on pricing), but don't feel like you need to be an "expert" to get involved. If there's information from the forum that you've found helpful, copy it over so that it'll be easier to find. If you have any problems, just send me an email and I'll be glad to help you get started.

FYI, I'm still working on getting pages added to the navigation tree, which means that the page names may change so that they make sense in a menu. For instance, this page will become "Pricing Your Work" (http://shopbotwiki.com/index.php?title=Pricing_Your_Work) in the menu instead of "PricingMain". So if you find an older link on the forum to a page that doesn't work, don't worry...the content is still there but it's just been renamed. Explore around and you should find it, or use the Search function and it should pop up.

I'll should have all this renaming business finished soon...hopefully the confusion will be worth it!


12-26-2007, 09:27 AM
Thanks Ed and Bill... much of that comes from my personal experience over the years not just in woodworking. I wasn't looking for any recognition but since you pointed me out I'll take a bow.

You're right Ed, it's not anything you didn't already know. I'm glad it helped you a little.

I hope to write more in the future... it's so much better than writing technical manuals and training documentation.


01-12-2008, 08:36 PM
Rob you are the "Literary Man" I just read Ed's recommendation, it was almost ...poetic, you should write childrens books with Bats & Bots in them. Hope you're well, Nev

01-13-2008, 09:29 AM
I was looking for Paul Zank's inlay project and could not find it listed under any of the index headings. However I did find it using the search function. Paul did a great job writing this up. I think it should be moved into the Things to Make section.

01-13-2008, 11:05 AM

The index is a work in progress for sure and only a part of the wiki has been added to it so far. The search works really well, though, and is still the best option at the moment. If you know the username of the person that posted it, you can also click the "Special Pages" link in the left sidebar, then "User Contributions" and type in their user name, and you'll see everything that they contributed. You can try it out with "Paco" or "BillYoung".

(note...this is a good reason to select a user name that ShopBotters will recognize when you register for the wiki. Then they can more easily search for your contributions if they like your work and want to find more things that you've posted. Adding some information to your profile helps too.)

As for Paul's great article, any article in a wiki can be linked to from more than one place, so you could maybe create a new page in the Making Things section that talks about a project that used that technique and then link to his article from there as well. Paco's article that lists the file and folder structure of the Control software install is linked to from both the Control Software page and the Computers and Windows page, since it fits in both places.

As you can see it's all pretty flexible...