View Full Version : Spindle Disengage Switch

12-07-2014, 11:29 PM
I frequently use a PRS standard (with HSD spindle) at my local fab lab. On the control box is a "Disengage" switch. This switch disables the spindle motor and prevents bad stuff from happening while changing the tool out. It does not stop the machine from moving in X,Y or Z though. This is a problem because it's really easy to forget to put the key in and then start a job. Sometimes there's enough time to hit stop before the tool crashes, but I've had several occasions where I wasn't able to stop the job fast enough and I lost valuable carbide to a simple mistake.

Should this be able to happen (movement without the spindle being engaged)? Is there possibly something wrong with the setup?

I'm really surprised that a dialog doesn't pop up on the control computer letting you know the spindle is disengaged and prevents movement.

12-08-2014, 01:38 AM
There are definitely situations in which you don't turn the spindle on. Primary example is when using a drag knife. I'm not sure if there is a way to sense the position of that key. If there is, it would be quite straight forward to modify your post in order to check for it and remind the user to turn it on.

12-08-2014, 04:47 AM
On my 'bot I get a box pop up telling me to start the spindle. I then press the green button and if the spindle starts I acknowledge the pop up and away I go.

If the spindle doesn't start then I know I've forgotten to turn the key or there is another issue and I press cancel.

This is on a PRS alpha. Is it different on a Standard?

12-08-2014, 08:37 AM
Also something we have to watch as Gordon Fabbed a keyed spindle interlock switch right below our E-stops. Usually easy to remember as we have to manually set VFD frequency for the new tool(and key is attached to collet wrench), BUT have done it a few times:(
Shopbot WAS going to make the interlock a standard feature at some point, but that was 11 months ago.
Maybe a call to Shopbot would help, as they may be working on something like this for the new Desktops with spindle interlock standard?

12-08-2014, 10:57 AM
I like the idea of adding the interlock key as an input (if it isn't already). It would also be nice to have a real E-stop for PRS Standard. The stop button is quite often not enough to prevent tool breakage if something goes awry. Not to mention the stop button seems to cause errors with the SB3 control software if you press it more than once (which I frequently do when I see that things are about to go wrong).

Is it possible to modify the start routine for a job so that the spindle start dialog is separate from the movement start dialog? At least then I'd have a chance to realize the spindle isn't running before the SB moves.

12-08-2014, 04:54 PM
You can add "C6" prior to the cut section of the .sbp file, this will tell you to turn on the spindle with a popup dialog, then add a "PAUSE 2" just after that to let the spindle come up to speed before cutting. I don't believe that I began getting this added until I setup the "Spindle [R] RPM Control" fill in sheet under tools. You should have this filled in correctly for a spindle drive as it allows you to control the speed via the Tools Database. Each tool will have their own spindle speed and move speed. Once you click the spindle rpm control selection the Spindle control window pops up and you will need to click in the top, left hand side to get the fill in sheet and be sure that you set "Start when SB3 Starts" to a 1. The spindle speed window will then open up every time to start the console. Hope this helps. I did not have this set when I first got mine and was cutting at 24k for a few cuts until I did more research.
