View Full Version : Just figured out that Aspire is only 32bit

12-13-2014, 02:58 PM
So I am trying to create a tool path for an area 23"x65" with some 3D elements and I get the out of memory error. This is on my CAD machine Win7 x64.

When the error/failure occurs I have 12G physical mem available +-100M. It seems that when Aspire uses >4G you are SOL. 32bit apps can only address 4G. Kind of a headache. Maybe I am the only one who cares.

I request that Aspire be made 64bit so it can address more than 4G of ram in a process. On the plus side when creating it does seem to engage all 8 CPU cores either deliberately or through some OS magic.

In the attached image the toolpath is for the inside of the extruded 'frame' 1/8 tapered @ 4%

Lurkers: The workaround is to split the area into smaller sections. Lame I know but at least you are up and running again.

Brady Watson
12-13-2014, 04:03 PM
The next version will be 64-bit. I'm still surprised that you had a memory issue on that project though. I've pulled 500Mb+ files into the 32-bit version on a Win7 64 no problem.

If I were machining that, I would put a boundary around the detailed parts and only cut them with a 1/8 or 1/16 ball.


12-13-2014, 04:21 PM
That is the way I had it but there was a little ripple at the crossover from the 1/8 on the detail parts and the 1/2 ball for the pillow-ish expanse. I wanted to make the virtual cut with one bit to see if it was an artifact of where the two cuts met or something else. :)

As it is cutting on the machine right now I expanded my detail work boundaries about .1 and it cleaned up the ripple. So the lions share of the 3d is 1/2 ball and the fine work is a 1/8 followed by 1/16.

:) So glad the next version is 64bit! Now I will have a serviceable reason to upgrade from 4.0

12-13-2014, 06:00 PM
That's odd, I've done several 400Mb+ files as well with no issues with a Win7 64 and 8gb mem.

Large expanses of flat areas do take more time/resources to calculate/render.

Make sure you have the latest version with Help/Check for updates also.