View Full Version : 2007-Feb Austin Camp Shopbot
01-09-2007, 05:58 PM
In addition to the Saturday February 24 session on the Shopbot Calender, the Austin Camp will include a more informal Friday session. The camp will begin at 10AM Friday and 9AM Saturday.
My shop is located in Southwest Austin at 9000 Feather Hill Rd., Austin, TX 78737, just off of highway 290 and easily accessable from most any direction.
The two nearest hotels or motels are:
Extended StayAmerica Austin - Southwest
5100 US Hwy. 290 W.
Austin, TX 78735
Telephone: (512) 892-4272
Fax: (512) 892-4303 (
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
Hotel Front Desk: 1-512-8919500.
Almost any motel in South or Central Austin should be 30 minutes or less from my shop.
This year will include presentations on material holding using a vacuum table with a Fein vacuum and using dedicated pucks. Raymond Chapman will talk about using the Shopbot in making signs and the Lemke brothers will show a recent boatbuilding project. There will also be an Indexer presentation as well as a presentation on 3d work and players to be named later.
Show and Tell is really being emphasized this year so please bring examples or photos (preferably digital) of your work, shopbot modifications, vacuum or other holddown systems or anything else you think might be of interest.
For planning, please let me know if you plan to attend and if you will be here one day or two.
Also, please let me know of anything you would like covered or if you would like to make a presentation on a topic.
This will be the fourth Austin Camp and should be the best so far.
Wayne Locke
01-09-2007, 06:53 PM
This camp last year was my first exposure to a ShopBot up close and personal and was the determining factor in my final decision to buy one.
While I've been doing signs for a long, long time, my experience with using a ShopBot in the process has only been a few months now, but I am convinced that it is the only way to produce dimensional signs.
I'm looking forward to sharing my experience with dimensional signs and how the ShopBot has made it so much easier.
Hopefully, I'll get to share some time with that other Chapman that makes signs also.
01-09-2007, 07:44 PM
Looking forward to seeing you, Ray, and to learning more about how you're using the ShopBot to make your great signs.
I've agreed to do a demo of my minimalist vacuum-hold-down system using one small Fein vacuum, unless Wayne has his own vac hold down to show by then.
01-10-2007, 09:21 AM
Don - looking forward to your seeing your vacuum system. That's next on my agenda of things to do.
01-12-2007, 09:52 AM
Wayne asked me to bring my portable vacuum system to demo. Here is a picture of it. It is from Joe Woodworker components and plans.
01-12-2007, 06:42 PM
Well, I'm looking forward to seeing all of you since this is my first camp!! -OG
01-12-2007, 07:43 PM
Glad you are coming over Oscar. I have read some of your posts. You have a Benchtop don't you? I think we got our machines about the same time. What kind of projects have you done so far?
01-23-2007, 07:04 PM
James Booth of Vector Art 3d will be attending the camp and doing a presentation on the Vectric and Vector Art 3d Products. He will be bringing some Vector Art 3d for door prizes as well as a door prize from Vectric.
James spent ten years with Delcam and knows the ArtCam family well. He is also well versed with the Vectric software products. He will be a great addition to the camp.
If you haven't, please rsvp if you plan to attend.
01-24-2007, 01:30 PM
Great news! James knows just about everything about ArtCam and Vectric.
He will sound slightly different from the rest of the folks in Texas but we will probably figure out what he's saying.
01-25-2007, 02:10 PM
Here is a tentative list of presenters for the Saturday session:
02-07-2007, 08:57 AM
Recently we have discovered a new High Density Urethane (HDU) material for our dimensional signs. It is called Corafoam and is produced by Duna, USA in Baytown, Texas. In the past we have used both Precision Board and SignFoam and have been pleased with both, but this new product seems to be even better.
After making several signs with Corafoam I am extemely pleased with how it works and what smooth finishes we get.
The company is sending samples to Wayne Locke's ShopBot Camp for anyone who might be interested.
One of the distributors is Laird Plastics in Austin. Others in Texas and Oklahoma may be available soon. Presently, distributors are located in Georgia and California.
By the way, I'm not receiving anything for this commercial...just like the product and thought others might also.
02-07-2007, 07:04 PM
How long does the camp last? Was wondering if I shpould bring the wife and drop her off at the mall or leave her home. If we are going to be there all day, that is way too much shopping annd this new shopbot could cost me a fortune.
02-07-2007, 07:19 PM
It will probably end about 5 pm both days.
02-09-2007, 06:04 PM
Bring the wife, I'm bringing mine. She gets as much out of the camp as I do.
02-11-2007, 01:18 PM
The camp is only 2 weeks away. If you plan on coming and have not rsvp'd please do so and especially let me know which days you plan to attend.
Also, please bring some Show and Tell of recent work, jigs or whatever.
There will be several presentations Friday as well as a full day's worth of presentations Saturday.
See you.
02-20-2007, 07:44 PM
I will be attending and will be bringing my father.
02-24-2007, 08:37 PM
Wayne, Thanks again for hosting a great camp. Also thanks to Bill P. and Chris from ShopBot for all the work they do. James and Jo-Anne
02-25-2007, 12:08 AM
We had a blast too... Looking forward to next year and being able to build something.
02-25-2007, 12:22 PM
Had a great time at Wayne's meet. (Thank you, Wayne). Very good turn out of Botters.
I always enjoy the opportunity to meet some new folks and see some great friends.
02-25-2007, 05:24 PM
Thanks Wayne for a great camp. Great presentations by everyone, and a great time visiting with everyone too.
02-26-2007, 01:10 PM
Just another thank you to Wayne for all of the work he did in getting this year's Camp together. We had between 60-70 Campers attending this year, and the level of craftsmanship has shown remarkable growth in the 4 years Wayne has been hosting this event.
We'll be posting a bunch of pictures from this Camp later today so all of you can see some of the work which was displayed. If anyone attending the Austin Camp has any additional pictures you'd like to share with all of us please send them to; (
02-26-2007, 07:30 PM
We have posted pictures from the Austin Camp on the Shopbot Flickr page;
There are some pictures where we don't have the names of the people who created the parts shown, so if you'll contact me I will add the proper credit to those pages....
02-26-2007, 11:33 PM
Thanks Wayne,
Had a tremendously good time and learned a number of things too. Thanks to Bill,Chris, Grant, James and everyone else for the host of information presented.
I installed the prtg4 board, thanks to Shopbot, without a hitch. Man what a difference. That thing moves, no more reading the paper while jogging home.
02-27-2007, 04:19 PM
Thanks Wayne
We did enjoy Austin.
If you did not see my presntation e-mail me to ( I will be more than happy to shrare our day to day with shobottools.
02-27-2007, 04:46 PM
Thanks to Wayne for hosting the Austin camp and to all the other presenters as well. As with all these camps, very informative and most enjoyable, especially getting to visit with old friends as well as meet the new.
02-28-2007, 01:43 PM
Who was the gentleman who was selling the 3-D carving bits? I never did get a card and can't remember his name or info. Thanks, Oscar
02-28-2007, 02:27 PM
Oscar, that would be me...........
here's the link
Hope to have the shopping cart up in the next few days
thanks, gary
03-01-2007, 11:41 PM
Please note the above link has been changed
The new link is
The shopping cart is now activated for the 3d set, I expect it will still be a couple of weeks before I get the Onsrud line into the shopping cart.
thanks gary
03-02-2007, 06:15 PM
This was my second ShopBot Camp and I thoroughly enjoyed the time with kindred spirits. Last year I made my decision to buy a ShopBot after attending Wayne's gathering and it was the best decision I've made since asking that little girl in high school to marry me.
It was good to meet Chris after having had several conversations on the phone. My mental picture of what he looked like didn't match his real appearance at're much nicer looking in person, Chris.
James Booth and I had met previously in Chicago, I believe, and it was very nice to see him again and learn of all that he is producing these days. I would like to be able to plug into his brain and just transfer all that knowledge over to that cavity between my ears.
And it was really nice to see old friends, Ray Skaines and Don Chapman again. Ray...I forgot to thank you for the dinner, but it was especially nice to catch up on family news. Doug Strickland and I had met almost 20 years ago in OKC and he still looks the same.
All the folks associated with ShopBot are like family, even after such the short time that I've known them. I'm looking forward to seeing each in the future and being able to pick their brain for ideas.
Hopefully, by next year I will have a better grasp of ArtCam and can present some really nice samples. Little by little it's getting easier. Right now, I'm still amazed at what all the ShopBot is capable of producing.
03-09-2007, 09:26 AM
At the Austin ShopBot Camp someone mentioned an inexpensive gage block that could accurately measure angles. I can't find where I wrote it down. Was that you Raymond?
03-09-2007, 11:16 AM
Wayne was the one who mentioned the gage block.
here's the link
03-09-2007, 05:18 PM
Thanks Gary and Wayne. A great addition to the toolbox.
03-16-2007, 08:47 AM
What is that place in China Texas that sold PVC for those pucks? Heard about it from that austin camp.
03-20-2007, 09:20 PM
Here were some photos I Took at the camp. -Oscar
05-14-2007, 12:17 PM
Can someone help me to find out who is the seller for sign foam? I just remember someone mention the company close to Baytown, TX
05-14-2007, 03:11 PM
Hey Santiago, it is Duna-Usa Inc.
Product is called Corafoam. -Oscar
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