View Full Version : Diamond Drag---offset mounting?

12-17-2014, 10:30 AM
Dad would like to engrave on Bormioli jars for button displays.
Pics shown with spindle 5/8" below upper Z-prox switch height.
Pics show problem with Z height---looking at WidgetWorks DiamondDrag which has .5" of spring loaded travel. They mention using an offset mounting bracket which may solve the problem.
Has anyone done this and with what results/recommendations?
Have .25" between dust foot and spindle housing(not much and thinking too flexible).
Where would be best place to mount? Would like to either leave mounting bracket on without losing cutting area, or easily removed and accurate/quick remounting.
What are odds of breaking glass?
Other diamond Drag recommendations?
Any pics of engraving clear uneven glass you've done for legibility of fonts?
Thanks for any advise.

12-17-2014, 02:47 PM
Diamond drags have been used on all kinds of glass including those cheap mirror tiles from HD, etc, so the heavier weight of the glass in one of those jars should be no issue as long as the adjustment directions are followed correctly. Offset bracket mounts are typically designed to mount in front of your spindle and you will lose some cutting area. They will have to verify whether they all ready have a bracket mount for your model spindle/mounting plate designed unless someone else with a DT has one and chimes in.

12-17-2014, 03:31 PM
Thanks Dave, Still researching as with 4"Z from before I'd sort of put it out of my mind, and we hadn't a use for it.
Realize I'll lose some cutting area when using Drag, but was more worried if I left it on I'd lose some X-travel from gantry---Plenty of room though, if I don't Rube Goldberg it:)
Seem to remember somebody did some honey jars? Napa, just sprung to mind so I'll search the archives again.


12-21-2014, 11:56 PM
Hi Scott,

That "Napa" reference was probably me. You can see my post HERE. (http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13064)

I haven't used an offset mount, but shouldn't be too hard to fabricate one.

12-22-2014, 05:30 AM
Thanks Ron! Didn't have search parameters right--and wasn't sure enough to search your posts:)
Without the dark contrast(was it honey?) how do you think legibility would be? We do have multi color lids we could engrave on if contrast was needed.
Did you use the stock 120degree bit? Do you think the optional 90 degree might have worked better?
I like the times:)
Agree offset mount should be fairly easy(Famous last words:)
Thanks Bob D for offering to do a proto!

also getting interesting advice on vectric forum,

12-23-2014, 02:58 AM

Yep, it was honey. :)

The text showed up pretty well, without it, but the honey did accentuate it. I used the 120 degree bit, and the lower case letters were less that 1/10" tall.

I haven't tried the 90 degree but, but am going to order one.

I done some other items like plate glass and mirrors with much larger text, and then you may want to play with the fill options to bring the text out better.

12-23-2014, 08:03 AM
Thanks Ron, Just got a Nice and informative e-mail from Russell at WidgetWorks last night. He said they recommend the 120 degree for all glass(good to know), and need to measure spindle cone depth/my Technics .5" collet in the Nut/Max Z to spoilboard/ and Jars Exactly. He thinks Maybe no offset mount needed, but if needed he said to make it removeable as wood dust and Fines Can creep into the bit and pack the spring and change the tension settings---NOT recommended to leave on machine all the time. Good to know.
Also mentioned that people have had Very good luck using their vinyl knife to cut mask for etching glass for things as small as shot glasses!
So, another thing to research:)