View Full Version : 4th New Jersey Camp Shopbot !!!

08-04-2003, 11:21 AM
Number four at the Shore!

After being reminded by a number of ‘Botters I have set the dates for this year’s New Jersey Camp Shopbot as October 18/19.. It’s the standard Friday night find the shop, Saturday –main event, with a Sunday session for anyone who will still be in the area, or wants to work on specific projects. We’ll run “officially” from 9AM until ?
As usual the Camp is free of charge, and open to anyone with an interest in the CNC process.
I’d again ask for input regarding topics to cover, or projects to demonstrate, so please get your ideas into me ASAP. We’ll have a few machines running, and some software demos going on. The “Show and Tell” session will still be a focal point, but this year we’ll ask for LESS items, and MORE descriptions of how you really did the work. If anyone has material they’d like to share, get it to me for duplication well in advance please.
Since this event has gotten larger each year I’m asking for some sort of RSVP to let me know what to expect this time around.
I’ll post hotel/motel info in the next week or so for those of you coming in from the provinces. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of “annuals” as well as any newcomers who’d like to meet a lot of ‘Botters..

08-05-2003, 04:54 PM
this is a Great camp
Bill Palumbo is the best
The marshall's Millwork crew will be there in force.
Bill let us know if you need anything

08-26-2003, 07:49 AM
Upcoming info...
We're working on some information to be posted on the Shopbot web page soon. It will include driving directions, hotels, etc. It's not too early for people to RSVP, or let us know what kind of focus you'd like at this year's Camp.
We'll always try to cover the "perpetual" issues, such as hold downs, different materials, machine maintenance, etc., but if you can think of topics that might benefit the 'Bot community as a group, please pass along the suggestions...
If I start to clean the shop today, it might be presentable by October 18th.....

08-26-2003, 09:44 PM
OK, the first changes are in effect already.. We just posted the directions and hotel info on Shopbot's web page. THEN the local motel got back to me with info that their "group rate" deal is off. In short they have changed hands at the Super 8 and now it's "first come/first served" instead of blocking out some rooms for us. SO if you plan to attend the Camp , and want the closest place to stay, call ahead early.

08-28-2003, 09:33 AM
Bill had a GREAT idea...
since he has the day planned and no indexer at his shop. We are going to host an indexer camp at our place.
Our shop is only 10 or so miles from his so anyone attending camp NJ should be able to make it.
By concensus we have decided on fri the 17th. please respond here so we can get together on this.
the more the merrier.
please let me know how many will attend.
and what your particular interests (indexer)are so I can plan ahead.
I'm looking forward to this.
gene marshall

this posting was made in the other topic as well

08-28-2003, 10:15 PM
Count me in! I'd like to see one in action and pick up some tips and tricks.

I know I'm not the only one that still has his sitting in the original crate...


09-09-2003, 04:43 PM
Hello, I’ve started to get some RSVP’s for this year’s NJ Camp. So far we’ve got people coming in from Canada, New Hampshire, Florida, Oklahoma, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and maybe Georgia. The usual suspects from the New Jersey /New York area will be well represented also. I’d ask that if you are considering on coming please contact me so I can make appropriate preparations in terms of food/beverages, handouts, and how much debris to shovel into the corners of the shop.
I’ve started to come up with a list of topics we’ll cover this year, and I hope to be able to post them within a week or so. Since there are so many first timers planning to attend we’ll also do sort of a “review”of some of the ongoing topics which everyone is concerned about ( hold downs, software, etc.).
I think Bill Young might have some goodies for us again, and I’d hope to hear from others who have things they’d like to either show, or see, while they are here.
For those of you who have not attended before “schedule” is a loose term as we seem to start off by addressing a few topics, and them we spend the rest of the day on tangents as everyone chimes in with their own experiences and thoughts.
Since it gets larger each year I’d anticipate, more people, more cars, and less space..With this in mind I’d ask again that those of you bringing items for the “Show and Tell” session please be selective and bring UP TO FOUR of your favorite pieces. The emphasis this year is more on the TELL than the Show since we all get to learn more that way..
Driving directions and hotel info are posted on the Shopbot web page. We’ll try to get started at 9AM on Saturday, and I’ll hang around the shop until 9PM on Friday night for those of you who might get in the night before and want to make a dry run to find the place. Sunday will be even looser ( if that’s at all possible) than Saturday as I realize some people will have a few hours to kill before planes take off etc. We can try to cover anything left uncovered from the previous day.
So please get back to me , if you haven’t already so I have some idea of what to expect..
Thanks..Bill P.
P.S Don’t forget, for those of you who have an interest in using the indexer, Gene Marshall will be hosting an “indexer Camp” on that Friday, so if you DO get into the area early it would be a great chance to see his shop, and learn some rotational tricks…

10-03-2003, 02:32 PM
NJ Camp Update...
We are starting to get daily calls from people planning to attend this year's Camp, so I think it's going to be larger than any of our previous efforts. We've got a few topics locked in so far, and I'm working on some other ideas if time permits.
Topics to be covered so far include;
The Windows version of Shopbot's software ( by Ted Hall).
Hold downs,jigs, and vacuum tables.
Mold making.
Water based metallic finishes.
New features in Artcam.
And Bill Young has some "goodies" he will present.
If you have any more ideas let me know ASAP please.
If you are coming in from out of town I've just discovered a great deal on car rentals. Enterprise has a "weekend rate" from Friday to Monday for $9.95 a day! So for those of you flying in try to book that rate. You get 100 miles per day so whether you are flying in to Philadelphia, Newark, or Atlantic City you'll still have plenty left over. Their local number is 732-506-7600, and their national # is; 800-325-8007.
Please plan to get here early enough so we can get started BY 9AM. With this many people it's going to be chaotic ( at best..). Remember "Show and Tell "stuff too. FOUR of your best is the feasible limit with such a large group. If you have any questions call me at 732-286-2700..

10-03-2003, 04:42 PM
Are there any plasma-botters in the N.J. area?

10-03-2003, 05:11 PM
Yes, Brady Watson is about an hour away, and he'll be at the Camp...Bill

10-03-2003, 06:27 PM
I'll be there. Let me know via e-mail if you have a specific interest with the plasma Bot.


10-03-2003, 07:39 PM

It turns out the "weekend" rate at Enterprise is for picking up a car on Friday afternoon and returning it Monday morning, at a local (i.e. non-airport) location. The local locations are not open on Sunday. This may make it worthwile for those with extra time to stay over 'til Monday, but it won't work for me, as I am leavin' on a jet plane on Sunday.

Thanks anyway, and I'm looking forward to seeing you and the hordes on the 18th.


10-06-2003, 09:00 AM
If anyone is planning to attend the Camp and wants to connect with other 'Botters to share rides, hotel rooms, let me know pronto. Maybe we can facilitate things...

10-06-2003, 01:37 PM
For those of you who are directionally challeged; at last year's Camp Ed Coleman pinpointed the location of the shop on his GPS gizmo.
We are EXACTLY at;
Latitude- 39.59.445' North

Longitude-74.16.275' West

10-10-2003, 05:21 PM
Hey Bill,

I was hoping to get down to you for this camp, but looks like it won't happen, swamped routing by hand! I'm in MA, but my Parents retired in Toms River, off 37 & Mule Rd, so I'm down your way a few times a year. I'm just setting up my PRT96, and I have to come up with a vaccum table that will hold many 5"x15" boards, allowing me to route circle pockets, and then edge trim 2 sides square. I have some ideas, but wanted to see your setup. I hope I can hook up with you at some point.

- John Bilotti
Tyngsboro, MA bearwood@bearwood.biz (mailto:bearwood@bearwood.biz)

10-10-2003, 06:17 PM
If you can...try to get to the camp. You will be glad that you did and learn a LOT of techniques...especially if you are a newbie.

Hopefully I'll see you there!


10-10-2003, 07:33 PM
We'll be doing a segment on vacuum jigs again this year at the Camp. Your rig sounds interesting. Try to get a picture when you can, and post it here on the Forum.
If you can't make it to the Camp, stop by anytime you're going to be in the area. Your parents live about 3 miles from my shop....Bill

10-13-2003, 11:37 AM
Hey Bill & Brady, thanks for the replys, it's great knowing there is a nice user community out there.
It sounds like I cannot afford to miss this camp, I guess product will have to ship a bit late this month, and I'll plan to come down for the weekend. If I can get closer to using the Shopbot for producton, it will help so much in the long run.

I will plan on bringing some samples of what I need to get the Shopbot to do in order to prep the stock for the laser cutter. Please let me know if there is anything additional you would like me to bring.

Thanks guys,

- John

10-13-2003, 02:07 PM
Glad to hear you are coming down!

Just bring you & maybe a notepad to jot down contact info and ideas that are going to jump out at you.


10-15-2003, 04:38 PM
Last minute thoughts...
For those of you attending two things might come in handy; a camera, and your business cards. Usually there are pieces that you want to look at after the Camp is over, and a few digital pix will cover that nicely. We'll also be trying to network a few of you with similar interests and business cards mean you won't go home with a pocket full of donut wrappers that have important phone numbers on them..
Latest forecast is "possibility of showers". If that is the case we'll be a little crammed in for the "Show and Tell" session, so again, I'll ask you to refrain from dragging your entire inventory with you. We're hoping to get some of you to TELL us how you do your work this year at that session...
I'll try to keep one computer connected for e-mail during the next few days, but things will start getting hectic as the first Campers are expected in tomorrow...If you can't reach me by phone,leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible...

10-16-2003, 09:35 AM
As a side note to all of you who are attending Gene Marshall's 'Indexer mini camp' on Friday. I spoke to Gene yesterday and he said that it will start at 12 noon Friday (tomorrow). He is about 20-30min from Bill's shop.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at Bill's on Saturday!


10-19-2003, 04:03 PM
Camp report....
The last Campers have just loaded up and started their trips home. There were over 50 people attending this year's version from Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, New England, etc.etc., and I think it was probably the best Camp we've done so far. A lot of people had information to offer/exchange, and with the exception of wolfing down a LOT of donuts and pizza there were NO breaks in the action...
Good show and tell items, and a lot of information on HOW the pieces were done this time. A few companies sent in demo CD's and promo material. Shopbot provided everyone with goodies to take home, and we had plenty of door prizes as well.
Hard to say what the highlight of the weekend was, but I'd probably vote for Bob Dodd's tubular lithophane of the leaning tower of Pisa, OR Bill Young's absolutely amazing "etch a sketch" gizmo that was drawing designs for us as we set up other presentations.
Ted Hall gave us a real tour of the new Windows software,(which has now been released on the web site..), and Brady Watson demonstrated how to make molds of just about anything.
We had many new faces this year, and they got to meet some of the "regulars" who have been to our previous sessions. Hopefully these connections will go on long after this weekend...
I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to the weekend, and to Shopbot for their assistance in making it possible.....Bill P.

10-19-2003, 06:21 PM
Bill & ShopBot,
Thanks for hosting the event. I think that it was one of the best shows yet that I've been to. It was great to meet so many new people and exchange ideas and technologies with the regulars. The show and tell part was great since we actually got to share techniques instead of just praising the work.


10-19-2003, 08:29 PM
Bill & everyone,
Thanks so much for all the information this weekend. John and I knew we were interested in a shopbot but had no clue to it's seemingly endless possibilities!!!!! We both hope that by spring we too will have one. I find it so exciting that we finally have found what seems to be a wonderful community of helpful and friendly creative people. That are not afraid to share ideas and mistakes to save others time. Hopefully sometime in the near future we can return the favor to all of you. Hope to see you all next year at camp 5!!!! Thanks for everything Francine Gay

P.S. Mr. Dodd your leaning tower of Pisa blew me away!!!!

10-20-2003, 11:52 PM
Bill, Ted, Bill, et al,

Thanks for a terrific show this past weekend. I'm glad I was able to attend. It's always inspiring to see what other ShopBotters are doing.
Bill P, you are most gracious to open up your shop for the weekend - I know how much work it is.

Thanks again,
David B.

10-22-2003, 02:48 PM
I too would like to thank both Bills and ShopBot for this great weekend camp session in NJ. It is great to know that we have a great fellowship and community of "botters" who are willing to share their wisdom and experience with others. That is what makes it so great. It was good to see the regulars and the newbies. Thanks again to everyone who made a contribution, and everyone did.

10-23-2003, 06:28 PM
Did anyone get some pics of Bob Dodd's Leaning Tower of Pizza? Sure would like to have a copy if you did. Thanks in advance.

10-24-2003, 07:55 AM
ALL Camp pix wanted....If anyone else took some shots at the NJ Camp please forward them on to me or Nancy at Shopbottools.com please. In particular some shots of Bob Dodd's turnings, and Bill Imschweiler's home made vacuum clamps... Thanks..Bill P.

11-18-2003, 11:10 AM
Bob Dodd's Leaning Tower looks quite impressive in the Camp photos.

Does anyone know what type and thickness material he used for his illuminated Leaning Tower of Pisa? How wide and tall is it? How did he hold it on the indexer? What software did he use to create it? And, how did he light it?

Very nice work. :-)

11-18-2003, 11:31 AM
Camp photos?

11-18-2003, 11:39 AM
On the ShopBot website Gerald.


11-18-2003, 12:48 PM
Thanks Dale, found them (http://www.shopbottools.com/CSB2003NJ.htm).

11-18-2003, 02:27 PM
Metal coating info;
I’ll write this blurb here instead of individually responding to the info requests I’ve received regarding the water based metal coating demonstrated at the NJ Camp last month.
It’s a water based polymer which is produced by a company catering primarily to sculptors called “Sculpt Nouveau” (www.sculptnouveau.com). Debbie is their info person, and she knows about Shopbotters. Call and get a sample..
They have a very nice system where you can take just about ANY substance and make it look like almost ANY metal you’d care to, including patinas and signs of oxidation. The coatings are made for use on metal pieces of sculpture which are usually displayed outside, so this is truly an exterior product. After you have brushed/sprayed the metal coating of your choice on the object, you apply the patinas or dyes ( gazillions of them..) while the surface is still wet. Before long you have a very attractive surface. You can then leave it, wax it, clear coat it etc., depending on your application. There are three different metal coatings, but we mainly use the “A”and “B” varieties because they do not need any catalyst or hardener. Their “C” version is the hardest surface of the bunch ( can be machine buffed..), but it requires BOTH a hardener and catalyst so it’s tough to mix in very small batches if you are doing limited runs. The “B” has been fine for the applications I’ve played with (signs, sculpture, see attached..)\image
I’ve used it over Styrofoam and HDU, as well as a few wooden pieces. With the foam I’ll prep the surface with either a primer, or epoxy, and then brush/spray the coating of my choice.Some spray guns will jam unless you really stir this stuff up, ( I’m using a $50 HVLP gun from Harbor Freight, works fine..). There is actually a patina forming on the lip of my paint bucket since this stuff has such a high solid mix (but it washes off with soap/water I don’t understand the chemistry..).
They have a few distributors around the country, in the Northeast it’s “The Complete Sculptor” in downtown Manhattan. Best part of all this is that we have been looking for a product like this for years. Up until now you had two companies which both wanted to charge you thousands of dollars to buy into their “system” before you could buy individual refill packages at nearly $500 additional. A gallon of the sculpt nouveau formula costs about $60 for the “A” or “B” varieties, plus you don’t get locked into inventory which will probably spoil in your shop as you try to come up with ways to use the rest of your initial purchase by the expiration date ( such as bronzing the hamster cages, old bicycles, or every planter in your house….). And you can buy it in very small quantities if you just have a small project.
In short a good product , which is affordable, and delivers the results they claim. I think anytime some of us find stuff like this we should pass the word along…

11-18-2003, 03:02 PM
Obviously I haven't quite figured out how to post an image here on the Forum ( I know there is an explanation, I read it, still haven't figured it out....). Once I learn how to do it(.....), I'll post another picture of a file done in HDU and coated in bronze "B"

11-18-2003, 05:07 PM
Let's try this again

11-18-2003, 05:11 PM
Is that you?

11-18-2003, 05:11 PM
What I want to know is who held you down for the probing?

11-18-2003, 05:13 PM
I think it's one of those Gods from Mt. Olympus...Maybe I can pierce my nose for your next sign?

11-18-2003, 05:14 PM
Hey it's Santa Claus!!!


11-18-2003, 05:17 PM
Well Bill you are sort of a ShopBot God, so the mix up was an easy one!!!

It looks awesome, I truly did think it was you though, and was thinking geesh, now I have to figure how he did that.

11-18-2003, 05:19 PM
LOT'S of coal in YOUR stocking this year Mr. Watson.....Thanks for the help in getting the image onto the Forum...

11-18-2003, 05:21 PM
We used a medical imaging scanner, followed by Artcam for the toolpathing. More to follow as this venture gets going..

11-18-2003, 05:26 PM
****, where can I pilfer one of those now....arrggh! You Americans


11-18-2003, 05:27 PM
I am feeling a little cheecky tonight I am working on plans for a very real looking Train toy box and am getting bug eyed!!!