View Full Version : Spindle shroud after 5.5" Z MOD ?
01-04-2015, 07:27 PM
"Hey Scott,
What's the deal with the dust hood after the upgrade. I see that the hinge plates are removed and not reused. So I assume all we're left with is the extraction without the hood.
Mazes like those make my head hurt.
Just had a friend from OZ who's about to do the 5.5" Z-MOD upgrade (in 100F heat:) ) ask me that question.
Old style had 2 pins that had to be engaged at the same time and then slid down and locked with spring-loaded pins( PITA from wheelchair height as I couldn't see the pins so made Plexi shield instead and Kirk has the mini-enclosure which made it unnecessary.
New Z-plate has no method to attach and .pdf says you can't use it anymore.
Anybody figured a work around?
Anybody who has bought a new Desktop recently with the 5.5Z....Does it come with a spindle/router shroud anymore? Could you please send close up shots if so, of how it's attached? Is it easy to use?
Also dimensions to see if we could use our old ones.
Like I said, not a big deal for me, but he uses his, and others may want to as well.
Here's an old pic of mine as delivered the first day.
Thanks for any help!
Steve Wonser
01-04-2015, 11:27 PM
Hey Scott, I have one of the new Desktops. It didn't come with a dust hood. The attached picture shows what it looks like.
01-05-2015, 01:13 AM
So they've decided the shroud is not required, I guess. Well, that's easy then.
Thanks for the picture, Steve,
01-05-2015, 08:05 AM
Yeah, You guys who color co-ordinate your dust hose color to your spindle power cable would get along good:) You guys are grounding inside the hose right! :)
Thanks for pic Steve! (pics are allowed about 3 times that size(if .jpg) -and then if people click on pop up pic--they can Zoom to Really see problem areas and details).
LOVE your spoilboard!! :)
I guess after 2 (3?) different shroud designs, and having problems, they decided nobody was going to work THAT hard to stick their fingers in the bit? :)
Thanks Steve,
01-05-2015, 01:12 PM
Was the desktop the only model that had the dust shroud? I have a PRS Alpha, with and HSD spindle, and it doesn't have one. I could be wrong, but it looks like a good bucket to collect dust... :eek:
01-05-2015, 01:23 PM
The shroud on the desktop has always seemed perfectly "see through", not suffering a dust build up. In fact I don't believe I've ever had to give it a wipe down or blow to clear it of dust.
And I guess I've always treated as just another layer of protection, since it was provided, but if it is no longer included then perhaps ShopBot have concluded that it was no more necessary on the Desktop than on other models. If that's the collective wisdom...
01-05-2015, 03:45 PM
I believe the shroud is now not around as the Mini enclosure is an add-on option.
01-05-2015, 05:35 PM
I've had the Z-axis upgrade kit for a while but am only now getting around to installing it. I've come unstuck on step 21 where the spring assist bracket is reinstalled.
In the attached photo, from the instructions, the bracket has a slot on the lower edge to accommodate the Z-proximity switch. My bracket has no such switch and consequently cannot be installed.
What did others do about this?
01-06-2015, 06:41 AM
Sorry to say Graeme, but think you will have to grind/cut/file a notch:(
I only had 2 business cards (.02") clearance between Proximity switch target and the Backlash? nut and mine HAS the notch.
Took some measurements that are pretty close(ignore drawing quality Please:).
Hope this helps.
I only got one of the target screws in(screw was in the way for the second one) so i super glued it (gel) it first, and then put the one screw in.
Send some heat this way:)
01-06-2015, 12:11 PM
I was hoping to avoid filing down metal in this heat. A more elegant solution would have been preferable. Oh well, I guess that's it. I'll out the ShopBot out to pasture (just kidding).
01-06-2015, 12:26 PM
Graeme, double check clearance on yours, top of prox target plastic mounting rectangle needs to be approximately 1/2 way between center of right hand bolt head and bottom edge of bolt head. Maybe you can squeak by super gluing it?
It was 4 am, cold, and hadn't finished my first cuppa when I was trying to get exact clearance--slightly awkward spot for me with the prox already installed.
Worth a second look.
Funny Kevin hasn't replied:(
I'd be happy for you to prove me wrong:)
01-06-2015, 12:31 PM
OR, temporarily glue it butted up to spring support in the location of the lousy drawing. It would get you going and only lose 1/4"?Z until it either cools down or Shopbot ships a new part? (hint hint Shopbot)
01-06-2015, 12:41 PM
Hi Scott,
I'll organise to send you some of our heat in a another month. We're still using it.
Here's a pic of my proximity switch. Yes, I could unscrew and glue it in under the assist bracket. I'm not fond of "permanent" solutions like that. Filing down would be prefereably - second to having the correct part, fully glazed in that shimmering blue.
01-06-2015, 01:11 PM
Ya, temporary sometimes stays permanent.
Screw is new. Had factory install Upper Z Prox and X,Y 24,18 prox's and all 3 were superglued and still going strong.
What? You don't want to lose some Z you paid good money to get, AND you want to keep your pretty paint:)
I suppose you want your beer cold too? :) :)
(First time an Aussie Opal dealer asked me that... I didn't get it, and said "Of Course!" :)
01-06-2015, 01:20 PM
Graeme, I just measured, If under spring support then you lose 4mm Z. Superglued prox comes off of Shopbot blue coating easily/cleanly by wedging a razor blade under and twisting, superglue stays on prox plastic for the most part and can be scraped off of plastic pretty easy.
Had my Y,18 prox on off 4 times trying to ease a hair more out of Yaxis(wound up with a 1/16" more--not worth it) and didn't hurt it a bit.
01-09-2015, 01:02 AM
Filing down... still filing... Not a fast process. Good way to stay warm. Oh, wait, it was 35C today. Warm enough
Yep, I'll leave the switch where it is and work around it. ;)
01-10-2015, 07:20 PM
Completed the Z-axis upgrade and adjusted the potentiometers for the steppers. Delighted with the increased height. Moving the gantry in both gross and fine movements is now whisper quiet. Amazing improvement.
"Je suis Charlie"
01-11-2015, 04:34 AM
Kind of neat to see the Z isn't it:)
Never understood the noise difference between your steppers and mine, glad it wasn't simply the difference in Countries electricity!
Congrats on having one of the "Limited Edition Desktops" that didn't have the notch in the spring support plate:) Only 14 other Shopbotters will have to deal with that now according to Kevin at Shopbot.
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