View Full Version : Southern California Camp !!!

01-14-2005, 01:42 PM
There will be a Camp Shopbot in Venice ,CA on Saturday, March 26th at the shop of Ilan Dei ;
2100 Zeno Place, Venice,CA. 90291. Ilan's phone # is- 310-302-9222.
If you are interested in attending, OR presenting a demonstration regarding something you do with your 'Bot please let us know so we can start to get a schedule firmed up, as well as a tentative head count. This should give all of you time to work on something for the "Show and Tell" session.....
I'll be sort of "in the neighborhood" as the Ada, OK. Camp is the following weekend and I'm planning to attend both of them...Hope to meet some of you out West this Spring...

01-15-2005, 12:39 PM
I forgot to include Ilan's e-mail address yesterday. it is; info@ilandeistudio.com (mailto:info@ilandeistudio.com)

02-19-2005, 02:34 PM
SoCal Camp update;
I’ll be helping Ilan with the Camp this year, and here’s what we have come up with (so far) in terms of topics to be covered;

Making ‘knock down”furniture

Sign making

3D carving

Using the Shopbot probe

Vacuum hold downs and clamping

Working with water based metallic finishes

“Show and Tell” where YOU bring things you have made on your ‘Bot

A brief rundown on the software which Shopbot/Delcam supports ( Part Wizard/Insignia/Artcam Pro)

I’ve suggested to Ilan that we ask YOU as a group to let us know what kinds of sessions you’d like to see while at his shop. We have enough time to add a few more sessions, but I’d rather address your interests than just fill in time slots. So please get back to me at; baycraftdesigns@comcast.net (mailto:baycraftdesigns@comcast.net) (Ilan will be on the road quite a bit) and I’ll see what we can do to accommodate your needs. Regards, Bill Palumbo

P.S. In answer to some requests Ilan has come up with two local hotels;
Marina 7 Motel
2435 Lincoln Blvd
Venice,CA 90291

Holiday Inn Express-Marina del Rey
737 Washington Blvd
Marina Del rey,CA. 90292

02-22-2005, 09:26 AM
I have had a few responses regarding the idea of using vacuum as a clamp/hold down system so we'll certainly put some time into that. I'll bring some new "pods/pucks" I've been working with, and pix of a pump unit I have almost finished that should cover most needs for clamping/vacuum bagging. We MIGHT even have one of the units there as well. Keep me/us posted as to your interests...Thanks

03-15-2005, 04:58 PM
Getting close..
I know that Ilan and I have both been getting requests for info regarding the Southern California Camp. Many of you have indicated that you'll be there, but we don't have a solid head count as of yet. The Camp will start at 8:30 and run until late afternoon. There will be software demonstrations ( Visual Mill and Rhino).And I'll try to answer any Artcam questions you may have. If you need any specific details please be sure to reach us in the next few days so we can try to accomodate your interests.

03-24-2005, 07:15 PM
I'm still getting some last minute confirmations from people planning to attend the Camp on Saturday.
As I'll be travelling most of the day tomorrow anyone else wishing to get info ,or directions, should contact Ilan directly at; 310-302-9222. I'm loking forward to seeing everyone in Venice,CA this Saturday, and in Ada,OK the following Friday/Saturday...!

03-28-2005, 01:45 AM
SoCal Camp report-We had about 25 people turn out for this year's Camp in Venice. It was a pretty diversified group with a few newbies, and a bunch of experienced users. The uses ranged from cabinet work, to magician's stage props. Our Host, Ilan has a VERY beefy steel table setup on his machine, and showed how he uses pneumatic registration pins, and multiple zone vacuum clamping.
One of the Campers even described how he has his machine set up with a 7" buffing machine using a 6" saw blade in his second Z axis to turn his 'Bot into a " beam saw" .
A rep from RhinoCam/Visualmill gave a demo on both of the programs, and showed how to draw, and toolpath a 3D part.
We also did presentations on using vacuum jigs, 3D carving, Shopbot modifications, and discussed some of the other software options for creating files. A good crowd, and a nice day...Thank you Ilan for hosting things...

04-03-2005, 07:45 PM
I wanted to post a few quick shots of Ilan Dei's custom table, which he fabricated in his metal shop. It HAS to be one of the beefiest steel tables out there.
As you look at the table you will see a few distinguishing features; (picture 1)-one is the double "I" beam rail setup which adds considerable heft/mass to the machine.
Then there is (picture2)the pneumatic "pin guide" system which Ilan uses so that he can flip a lever and have steel positioning rods rise above the edges of his table for quick alignment of materials.
And lastly (picture3)with the 12 inch gantry in the background you see the requisite volleyball which is a standard feature on most Southern California machines..
You may also notice his lathe which is canted on an angle so he can cut tapered columns...




Erik (Unregistered Guest)
04-11-2005, 12:16 PM
I was recently at the Venice Beach camp & at the end of it I thought I heard that maybe Ilan or Bill was going to email everyone who attended everyone elses email address so we could keep in better contact with one another since we all lived pretty close to one another. I know there were a few & I can't remeber their names that I would like to keep in close contact with in the future. Is that going to happen or was I just taking to much of Ilan's sawdust?

04-11-2005, 01:23 PM
You'll have to ask Ilan for the list as I didn't get a copy myself when I left there...Usually we ask people if they'd mind having their e-mail address distributed this way, and I too thought we asked that question during the Camp. Drop him a direct note and see whether he can accomodate you...Bill

04-11-2005, 06:05 PM
Erik - I was at the camp and don't mind sharing my email to keep in touch with 'botters. Check my profile for address. I am on the central CA coast if anyone else is near. Thanks, Pete