View Full Version : SB Control CPU and SB controller in one box?
David Iannone
01-21-2015, 02:23 PM
I am thinking of cleaning things up a little. What I am thinking is having a mill finish AL box fabricated to look like the ones SB includes with new machines now. I was going to have it made big enough to put all the boards from the SB controller in it, and also all the parts of the control PC in there. Both taking all the stuff out of the cases. I imagine I would have to have them cut some vent holes in the box. I would then just have the monitor plug cut into the side of the box, wireless mouse/keyboard/monitor mount on a swing out arm off the Bot. Add the on/off switches for each box cut into the box, etc.
Any possible issue with this?
01-21-2015, 02:33 PM
I have worked on similar boxes in a Plant that I was assigned to as the IT Service Delivery manager for my company and unless you put a few computer fans for vents, you might overheat the computer. Also, be sure that you use filter material over both the incoming and outgoing vents. Leave some space between them so you don't have any interference. Those would be my main concerns. Do you have an original model with the small computer box? That was my first shopbot. If so, you will probably also want to have separate power supplies as you do now.
Just my thoughts.
David Iannone
01-21-2015, 03:16 PM
Thanks Joe,
Yeah I have the older style small box. 2001 PRT with 4G upgrade.
Separate power supply plug ins, I didn't think that far ahead yet, but will do that and start looking into some fans and in and out filter..
I'm gonna have my Dad make the box for me.
His business:
01-21-2015, 04:09 PM
I wouldn't have any issue with building a control computer box to mimic the control box on the Bot, but I wouldn't put the shopbot controls and control computer in the same box.
Reason being, the shopbot controls don't need cooling, and they do need to stay clean.
The computer components need cooling and don't need to stay clean, there are no contactors in a computer.
I can't see any reason why you can't put all the components in one box if you wall off the shopbot components and it's nice and tight.
Even if you filter the box, there's going to be dust in there.
To me, it doesn't make sense to fix what isn't broke, ya know? All you can possibly do is harm the shopbot components by putting everything in one box.
It'd look very nice and tidy if you just added a second control box for your computer that matches the shopbot control box. And it wouldn't have any chance of harming anything.
That's just my two cents, and worth as much. :)
I'd like to see pics of what you do. It'll undoubtably be cool.
David Iannone
01-21-2015, 09:02 PM
Thanks Scott,
Very good info, I didn't realize about the differences between control box and control CPU. I will have him add in an air tight wall keeping the control side and the CPU side separate. Maybe I will have a big open section on the back of the CPU side to let it get the air it needs, keeping the CPU in its original case. But the front will of course be one swing open door. I will put the SB logo on it in blue vinyl cut graphics and all....
I will definitely post pics when done the control box. It might be a month or two though.
I started the upgrades on the bot about 6 months ago, 4g board & pinions, Aspire. Now Vac hold down and new control CPU. I figure since I have opened up the can of worms I might as well do all the things I have been "thinking about" the last few years. Any issues that come up I know I can get help here on the forum.
The good news is the rails and Z are still in GREAT shape. Although it is from 2001, I have never really used the machine in a heavy production environment. Just making signs and cut letters. It sat in storage for a number of years at one point too. Has really been my favorite machine of any other piece of equipment I have.
Brady Watson
01-22-2015, 08:00 AM
If you are going to put the computer in the same case as the controls, make sure everything will be cool enough. Make sure your ATX power supply is at least 300 watts to cover both systems...and make sure you use a 10-12' USB cable between the board and computer so that you don't have timing issues like you could have with a 1-3' USB cable. Sounds hokey...but it happened/happens.
David Iannone
02-19-2015, 03:19 AM
My Dad in DE fabricated the box I had in my mind. It shipped today. I cant wait to get it and put it in place.
I decided not to get crazy, and just leave the back open for venting. My new plan is to just place the control box and CPU in the new Silver box on the way.
I will drill a few holes big enough for the cables and keep it simple......Gonna make a custom arm welded to the bot leg that holds the monitor, keyboard and mice.
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