View Full Version : A E-mail that we got from the Army.

01-23-2015, 06:30 PM
Each Year Tina and I have sponsored Events for our wounded Warriors. My office wall has 6 Thank you Plaques from Fort Campbell. The first one we received was had written from The soldiers. We have had no clue that our effort to help our soldiers had made this sort of impact. This is only a portion of the letter the rest is just about future events. When ever you can do programs like this.. It really helps the soldiers and your self.

I want to thank everyone who has helped make 2014 season the most successful year ever in the HOOAH's history. Below is a summary of what you made possible, recommendations for future events, and the future of HOOAH.

Our Success:
- In 2014, nearly 800 soldiers and 300 family members participated in a HOOAH event making 2014 the most successful year in the program's history.
- No less than 25 soldiers and several family members personally approached me, SGT Carter, or their command and stated that a HOOAH event had saved their life that year. That's over 75 lives saved since 2013. This past year I saw a double amputee soldier climb into a tree-stand for the first time since his injury, watched numerous soldiers catch their first fish or harvest their first animals, and witnessed untold numbers of soldiers do things they believed they never they could do again. You guys (and gals) saved numerous lives and changed untold numbers more.
- At least three other soldiers and their spouses credited an event to saving their marriage. That's three families that are still together and at least 7 kids who didn't have to endure a divorce.
- No less than 10 soldiers found employment through contacts while on an event and untold numbers of soldiers made friends for life.
- Numerous soldiers stated this year that HOOAH events have allowed them decrease their dependency on their medications, especially for pain and anxiety. There is no doubt that HOOAH events have proven to be mental medicine at its finest.
-During a recent inspection, soldiers from the both Warrior Transition Battalion (WTB) and outside the WTB ranked the HOOAH program as the most effective therapeutic program they had experienced. Once again, HOOAH has proven it is "mental medicine at its finest".
- For the first time ever, HOOAH participated in a soldier/ youth hunt and couples' specific events. These events had a significant impact by helping strengthen the soldiers as well as their families.
- Several people have stated that HOOAH events played a significant part in wildlife conservation. A few locations normally off limits to all hunting make an exception and allowed a HOOAH hunt to take place for the first time. The impact of these hunts has allowed those animal herds to become healthier and more stable by removing aging or injured animals that needed to be culled. Several events allowed harvested meat to be donated to local charity organizations for use by the local community.
- HOOAH began Operation Last Hunt (OLH) for terminally ill service members who wish to conduct one last outdoor event such as hunting or fishing before they pass. While no OLH events have taken place as of yet, one event is currently being planned and basic procedures have been established for these type of events, most of which must be organized very quickly and take place within days or weeks of initial notification. The "foundation" is there if/ when an OHL event ever needs to happen.