View Full Version : Atlanta area Camp Shopbot 2007 !
12-27-2006, 02:55 PM
The Marietta, GA Camp ShopBot is Scheduled for Saturday Jan.13th, 2006.
It will be hosted by Ed Conley of AHA WoodWorks, Inc. at 4921 Canton Highway, Marietta, GA 30066. Phone # 770-928-6150.
Since we haven’t had too many people contact us in advance with any special requests, we’re going to set this one up to cover some of the following;
Latest vacuum techniques
Newest software packages including Part Wizard 3
The new PRS series
4G control board updates
3D scanning and machining
We are really hoping that this year we see much more “Show and Tell” displayed as well. Even if you only have a flash drive with pictures, that will be fine. We've had some great projects shown in Atlanta in the past, and it's a great way to see how people are using their machines.
If anyone has specific interests, now would be a good time to let us know so we can try to accommodate you.
Ed is currently slammed with work so I’ll try to answer any questions you might have regarding the Camp. I know that Ed said he’s heard from a number of people with RSVP’s but I’m sure there are more people out there who haven’t contacted us yet. Please get back to me with your confirmation, ideas, OR any interest in doing a presentation. Thanks Bill Palumbo
12-27-2006, 05:02 PM
Part Wizard 3???
12-27-2006, 06:52 PM
Yup ! It's PW 2 with a couple of minor changes, AND Millwizard..... For the last few months all new owners have been receiving version 3, which means that they start out with 2D AND 3D software.
A lot of this probably has to do with the increase in speed and improved cut quality which has happened over the last year or so. It's making 3D a lot more feasible for many owners. So we'll mention some of the new options at our Camps this year.
12-27-2006, 09:52 PM
I downloaded the new PW3 when my PW2 quit working with Corel X3 installed.
I saw the Millwizard but don't have a key. Is there going to be some promo for previous owners or recent buyers to get a Millwizard key?
12-28-2006, 11:08 AM
The Upgrade for existing PartWizard users is $195 and this would include millwizard.
12-28-2006, 07:17 PM
Scott-How about a bit more on the changes from PW2 and what millwizard can do?
12-29-2006, 09:17 AM
PartWizard 3 has a few improvements over 2 in that the help videos are working now and some of the drawing tools give you more options but the millwizard is the largest improvement. There is a link in PW3 that will launch Millwizard to allow you to do 3d CAM(machining of a 3D part) and you can find a better description at this link.
12-30-2006, 12:52 PM
Some more details on the Camp;
There will be a coffee/donut session from 8-9AM.
Actual session times will start at 9.
As with all Camps there is no charge to attend, but we DO ask that you contact someone to let us know that you do plan to attend. Again this lets us plan for refreshments, seating, etc.
We've received a few requests for 'marketing'sessions so we will add that to the schedule.
We've also had a few questions about the "Show and tell" session. If you have made anything with your 'Bot that you think is interesting, OR you might need some more ideas on how to complete a specific project, bring either it, or a picture of it, and we'll try to do some brainstorming.
If you have any requests, or questions, please get back to me ASAP as we've only got two weeks to go...Thanks !
12-31-2006, 09:55 AM
Ed and Bill, I am 90% sure I can attend. That said, I recently completed a Gar Wood speedster replica boat using the Shopbot. Obviously the Bot's contribution was a small, but significant, portion of building this boat but I would be happy to bring a thumb drive of pics and go over the entire boat construction quickly if there is interest.
Construction details that went into this boat are here:
PS, I suppose I could also bring the boat over from Augusta if you think there would be sufficient interest.
Videos of this boat are here: ( (
01-05-2007, 09:06 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know that we will have directions and additional info on the camp posted next week. We are going through a remodel here so be prepared for a messy shop.
Still need a couple more speakers. Please call me at the office if you are up for making a presentation.
Ed ,
How many people are planning to attend ? or has everyone not committed. I am planning to attend if i can get a job out before fri. Is this going to be a one day camp or is it going to be sun also? As usual i am sure the camp will be great so i must get back to work so i can attend. Thanks , Gene
01-09-2007, 10:17 AM
We're still getting a few responses on a daily basis. It will be a one day Camp, and we've got some interesting stuff in mind.
I've asked Robert Ball to bring some of his bat stuff.
Tom Lang might bring pix of how he uses the 'Bot in his boat restorations.
Dirk Hazeleger will be there to help sort out the Gecko drive upgrades
Paul Nielsen will show us some of the Vectric software.
Ed Conley will explain how they are using the 'Bot for their produuction runs.
And I will "fill in" any spare time with;
vacuum holdowns
3D software /carving
Marketing your products, etc.
SO we'll have "bats, boats, and 'Bots"
Hope you finish your work on time so you can join us...
For anyone else who is intending to attend, please get back to us pronto so we can order refreshments, etc.
01-11-2007, 09:56 AM
Friday, January 12th
We will be doing some cutting with the shopbot after 1:00pm on Friday if you would like to stop by.
Saturday, January 13th
5:30--finishing up
01-11-2007, 10:00 AM
Driving Directions -- 4921 Canton Hwy
Marietta, GA 30066
Driving Directions.doc ( (24.1 k)
01-11-2007, 10:01 AM
hotels-motels.doc ( (24.6 k)
I will be there sat morn with 1 of the guys that work with me . Looking forward to the camp. Gene Rhodes
01-13-2007, 08:41 PM
Well worth TWICE the price of admission! :-) Great information, better than expected.
Thanks to Ed for hosting and Bill for coordinating. Scott from Onsrud was very helpful. We solved some of our issues and came away with great ideas on how to improve our products. We were also very humbled to see the great work others have done. Well... except for Ed, he couldn't carve 3 letters in 8 hours. I don't know how he expects to make a living. ;-)
01-14-2007, 01:56 AM
My thanks to all that organized, hosted, presented, and attended this event. As usual, I came away from another Shopbot Camp with lots of new information and new friends. The amount of new information that I learn from each one is tremendous. Thanks again!
Many Many thanks to Ed, Bill, and all who attended and made the camp the wonderful experince it was. Definately worth 3 or 4 times the price of addmission . To all , if you have the chance to attend a camp DO IT what you will see and learn will be worth it. (unless you are a know it all) then come tell everyone else.
Sharing info is what makes the shopbot forum and camps what they are , simply great...
A special THANKS TO EVERYONE. ( even Ed's wife and Mom who fixed a wonderful B B Q lunch home cooked meal for everyone)
01-14-2007, 02:12 PM
Thanx Ed for hosting the camp...
We had everything from 'bats' to 'vectric'..with a great 'BBQ' in the middle...
01-14-2007, 02:21 PM
I also want to express my thanks for a super Camp. I meant to say good-bye to several of you yesterday, but I had to leave right away to another commitment.
Everything I saw yesterday was impressive, especially the new Cut3D software by Vectric (shameless plug, but also the least I can do as I won the software as a door prize!)
01-14-2007, 04:45 PM
Thank you ED, Bill and Scott, This was a great camp. You learn so much by seeing what others have done. Everyone is so helpful.
Thanks again
01-14-2007, 07:26 PM
I'd like to add my thanks to our host Ed Conley, Scott Feimster, Paul Nielsen, Dirk Hazeleger, and everyone who gave a presentation during the "Show and Tell" sessions (which were probably the most detailed we have had to date...).
In addition we owe thanks to the vendors who supplied door prizes and materials for everyone.
We'll be posting a bunch of pictures in the next 24 hours with some details.
It was a great start for the "2007 Camp season"...
01-14-2007, 08:55 PM
We have just posted a bunch of pictures from Atlanta/Marietta. If anyone has any more pix they might have taken please pass them along to me, and we'll get them posted.
The pix are at;
Thanks to EVERYONE at the camp...too many names to mention! Ted is truly blessed with a super machine and a family of botters filled with excitement and enthusiasm in supporting his continual improvement efforts. Bill, the copy of Photo V-carve that I won will not run on my Delta Unisaw. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks again!
01-15-2007, 04:48 PM
The program is obviously confused. Paint the Unisaw blue.....
I knew you would have the perfect solution. Thanks again...botters.
01-17-2007, 10:15 AM
I would like to apologize to Ed for my failed joke. My remark was not intended to be a slight on his abilities in anyway. Cutting 3D textured backgrounds is a very time consuming process and requires considerable machining time. Ed has a very capable business for all of us to envy.
My apologies Ed and thanks again for hosting the camp.
01-18-2007, 07:37 AM
I'm sorry to have missed this year's Marietta camp, especially since my shop is just 4 miles south of ed's... But it was my weekend with the kids and there's an Extreme Makeover build going on in the area, kind of a double whammy on my limited time these days... On the upside we got the entire house finished that day, those guys you see behind us were sent in to clean up...;)
Seriously though..., Ed is just going to have to make these Marietta camp dates more flexible moving forward, last year I had to go onsite to Texas the week of his camp, and this year... :D
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