View Full Version : Midwest Camp Shopbot
08-14-2002, 08:37 AM
On October 11,12 and 13, I will be holding a Camp Shopbot. It will be at my shop in Edison, Ohio about 40 miles North of Columbus.
The Camp will be on a Friday, Saturday and whatever time Sunday people want to stay.
I am looking for a few local (mid-Ohio) Shopbotters with areas they would like to share with others.
I will be demonstrating the following:
Solid surface fabricating with a shopbot, including solid inlays, resin inlays, carving and fabricating cutting.
Vector Cad Cam tips and tricks.
ArtCam Pro and ArtCam 2d tips and tricks.
Cabinet and furniture parts cut with the shopbot.
Shopbot hold downs and small vacuum fixtures using the Fein vacuum.
Some limited sign making info.
Programming 2 routers and using the CC command to make life easier.
And what ever shopbotters want to play with and discuss.
I will be furnishing times and directions to Nancy soon and ask her to put them on Shopbots Home page.
I would appreciate that those that are planning to attend email me so that I can get an approximate number for food (read pizza, Ohio's State Bird).
John Forney
09-03-2002, 12:19 PM
Will you have a TV on so we can watch the Buckeyes on Saturday?
I'd rather see them have a webcam on so that those of us who cannot attend might get a view of the goings on! We have done this at many Letterhead meets. It takes a little organization to set up the webcam in the right place at the right time, and someone to narrate (on the keyboard) what's happening, but it's a cool way to be in on a meet without actually being there.
09-04-2002, 09:54 AM
Steve: Since my wife Renee' is a big Bucyeye fan I wouldn't be surprised.
Mayo: The idea of a web cam is intriguing but I simply don't have the expertise. If anyone can make that happen I would be willing to do what I can.
The offers for demonstrations keep comming in. I can hardly wait to listen to some of the people who will be demonstating. The schedule will start to take shape in the next week or two (as any good shopbotter knows Camps stay fluid). I will be updating the schedule as I talk to the people that have offered help.
Hoping to hear from Rookie and Aaron Savak. Also, since in my small town of 35,000 we have 3 schools with shopbots, I hope to get one or more to discuss items that can be done in an educational arena.
If anyone else is interested in presenting anything to do with shopbot please contact me so that we can get you scheduled. Friday and Saturday are going to be the big days. I will be here on Sunday (after mass Renee') for those that have no place to go or just didn't get enough Shopbot. I tend to be one of those.
If you have any special interests that you would like addressed let me know and I'll try to arrange something.
Again if you are planning to come please let me know so that I can arrange food, drinks, printed info and cds with cutting files for attendees.
John Forney
09-05-2002, 09:57 AM
I'm still alive...
I'd love to attend, I just don't know if the timing is going to work out. If I can make it, I can get the webcam working for you. I have the cam and software, just need a PC and a connection to the 'net.
09-05-2002, 02:10 PM
Have an 11 Mbit wireless connection and an extra computer. Hope you can make it.
09-06-2002, 04:31 PM
I think I can make it. If work schedules don't get in the way. I'm looking forward to it. I may have a few projects to bring in as well.
09-12-2002, 12:32 PM
Ohio Camp Shopbot Directions.
The camp is being help at my shop on October 11, 12 and 13 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). The address is:
132 ½ High Street (State Route 95)
Edison, Ohio 43302
419 947-8186
Edison is approximately 40 miles North of Columbus, Ohio
If you come in on Interstate 70 you will want to go towards Cleveland on Interstate 270 and then go North on St. Rt. 23 if coming from the West and north on Interstate 71 if coming from the East
From the North or South on State Route 23
Exit on St. Rt. 95 which is the Marion Exit and go east (left from the North and right from the South.) approximately 12 miles. When you come into the town of Edison you will go over the RR Tracks and past the School with is at the first and only light. One half mile on the South (right) side will be the Pins & Cues Bowling Alley. Turn into the parking lot and you are at my shop. There will be signs indicating where to park. We share the parking lot and my shop is on the west side.
There is only one bowling alley in Edison (which only has 65 registered voters) and Edison is adjacent to Mt. Gilead for those that are going to use a mapping site.
From the North or South on Interstate 71
Exit at the Mt. Gilead exit and go West (left from the South and right from the North) approximately 15 miles. Go through Mt. Gilead and turn into the Pins & Cues Bowling Alley. Turn into the parking lot and you are at my shop. There will be signs indicating where to park. We share the parking lot and my shop is on the west side.
As you can see I am right in the middle of State Route 23 and Interstate 71 on State Route 95. In Edison St. Rt. 95 is also High Street, so if you are looking up directions on a mapping site use the High Street address. If you require other directions please email me and I will send them.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd.
132 ½ High Street
Edison, Ohio 43302
419 947-8186 (
09-12-2002, 12:33 PM
Motels in Marion
Comfort Inn
256 James Way
1 740-389.5552
Country Inn & Suits
2091 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd.
1 740 386-5451
Fairfield Inn
227 James Way
1 740 389-6636
Super 8 Motel
2117 Marion- Mt Gilead Rd.
1 740 389-1998
1952 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd.
1 740 389-4671
Motel close to Mt. Gilead
Best Western
Rts. 95 & I-71
Exit 151 off I-71
1 419 768-2378
Knights Inn
West of I-71 at Exit 151
1 419 946-6010
I would suggest checking the web sites for the motels since the lowest room rate is usually there.
John Forney
09-13-2002, 11:20 AM
John, what time do you want folks showing up in the mornings?
(I'm trying to decide between driving there friday morning or staying locally thursday night.)
09-16-2002, 08:54 AM
We will officially start at 9:30 a.m. Also I am looking for anyone that will be staying at a local motel that would be interested in providing a ride to and from for people that have no transportation. Please contact me.
John Forney
09-17-2002, 12:31 PM
I'm registered at the Best Western Executive Inn,Exit 151 off I71. I'll be there thursday and friday nights. If someone needs a ride from there to John Forney's shop, please E-mail me.
09-18-2002, 03:09 PM
Ron Brown from Texas way will have Rhino info as well as his dovetail jig for the shopbot.
We will also have info on Vcarvz and Vfontz and maybe something on Millwizard.
If you have any particular skills or request let me know.
John Forney
10-04-2002, 10:43 AM
I am updating the semi schedule as things have changed a little.
Ron Brown won't be able to make the camp and I am looking for anyone that has Rhino expertise.
Chris Burns of Shopbot Fame (for those that don't know Chris is the guy holding down the shopbot in all the ads.) will be here and plans to demo and explain the lithopane technique. He is going to show the probe and the new bar code wand which is used to trace a shape off a drawing.
We will be having open forums (shopbots term for what I used to call bull sessions). This will be a great place to ask all the questions that you have. Write them down and bring them with you.
There are some great door prizes that have been donated including shirts, hats, bar code wand and the mega collection of vector art. At least one door prize will be given out to a lucky winner that has brought something they have made with a shopbot (You bring something and you get registered for one specific drawing). It will be something very nice so don't leave home without something to show.
If you are coming to see if a particular drawing or clip will work with some of the software don't forget to bring the file. Files either have to be on a cd, floppy or zip disk.
To answer a question that has been asked many times: "No, there is no fee for attending the camp." (perhaps it should be: "Yes, there is no fee for attending the camp.")
If you are staying at a motel please let me know the motel so we can arrange to have someone lead a caravan to get to my shop. Otherwise see the directions in a prior post. The Bowling Alley is going to have a "Welcome Shopbotters" sign up. Take my shop phone in case you get lost.
Since this is a three day camp there will be duplication of some sort every day. We will be covering Software all three days. This will be hands on. There are going to be computers that you can use to try the different programs on. We will be cutting files generated by the various programs.
This is a woodworking shop so don't wear anything you don't want to get dirty or dusty.
Anyone planning to come that hasn't notified me please do so soon. There is a lot of planning that has to take place. Every one will be given a folder with information from various suppliers.
I am open to suggestions but time is getting short, so make them soon.
John Forney
419 947-8186
10-04-2002, 06:01 PM
How do we get a Shopbot camp up here in the pacific northwest?
10-04-2002, 07:49 PM
Chris, I have tried to "promote"such an event, but almost everyone I've contacted has the same response-"I'd like to host it, but I'm SO far away from civilization...". Bill Young and I have been looking for someone up your way since it would sure make life easy for the West Coast contingent. At least back here in the East we have a couple of sites ( Durham, New Jersey, Atlanta) to choose from. It doesn't take a lot of people to make up a Camp. Bill Y's boatbuilding Camp a few years back had 4 of us showing up ( Bill, Ted, Bob Grim, and myself..).We had a GREAT time..
If Doug Strickland can generate a Camp In Oklahoma this Spring that will get the concept a little closer to you. Why not host it yourself? In the "ideal" world someone from Central Ca., and Central Oregon would host events, and that would minimize travel for all West coasters. BUT as we found out last year in NJ, "if you hold it ( and provide enough donuts) they will come.." We had people fly in from as far as Washington State, and others DROVE in from Georgia and the Southwest...
In the event you can't generate enough interest for a Western event this year, don't forget that the 2nd annual Shopbot Jamboree will be held down in Durham, NC the first weekend in May. Keep an eye on Shopbot's web page for details..Bill P.
P.S. Bill Y. and I will gladly help with any logisitics to get a Camp going anywhere there is interest..
10-04-2002, 11:41 PM
Is there an agenda with times for this camp? I'm in the market to purchase a shoptbot and would love to come to this event.
Dan Hofer
Fort Wayne, IN
10-05-2002, 08:57 AM
All the info on the camp is in this thread. Just read the above messages and if you have any further questions email me or phone at 419 947-8186. I will be working all weekend on the camp at that number and would welcome a chance to talk instead of work.
John Forney
10-14-2002, 08:41 AM
John, thank you very much for hosting this camp. It was obvious that you had put in a lot of effort to make thinks go well, and they did.
This camp was more beneficial than I expected. I was concerned about only being able to be there 2 of the 3 days, but I got all my questions addressed the first day, and learned a lot from all the discussions.
The size of the gathering was about right for the size of the facility; there was room for everyone to see the demos, and between demos, there were always 3-4 small group discussions going on that one could join.
Chris, thanks for your patience in answering my questions and for your demonstrations of the hardware and software.
10-14-2002, 09:52 AM
Great job, John.
I'm enjoying your shirt.
Now, if only ShopBot would raffle off one of those three phase vacuum blowers for the next camp....
10-16-2002, 09:01 AM
just finished a copy of the "Forney Vac table". Even without the gasket material and the Fein vac both of which I've ordered it works great. Talked with your man John Murphy at All Star and per your prediction, the man was extremely helpful. Once I have the gasget material in, and a couple of superimposed part jigs I'll send you a jpg. Size of the base unit is 36" x 24" and even with a simple shopvac the hold down power is terrific. One of the best ideas I've seen. Thanks
10-16-2002, 05:14 PM
Hats off to you for a great camp, I only wish I could have been there for the entire time. I will definitely be making a copy of the Forney vac table. I'm still using the Generation one table you designed about 2 yrs ago. I did happen to miss the supplier for the gasket material however. Thanks for the tip on my jog speed. Seems to have corrected my overtravel problem.
Still trying to tweak my inlay problem. My cut out piece seems to be oversized by the diameter of my bit. My vector units are set at .00004 and my pocket doesn't seem to change at all by adjusting feed rate percentage. I am rounding my corners by bit radious befor offsetting bot pieces
I am getting real close by ofsetting my cut out piece to the inside by1/32nd.
10-17-2002, 07:29 AM
The gasket supplier is
Allstar Adhesive Products Inc.
30 Cutler Street
Warren, RI 02885
John Murphy Owner
In Vector set the line thickness to the diameter of the bit. See if you have a gap or overlap in the drawing. Vector has some problems with the inlay or at least I have had some problems. I have done inlays in it but it isn't easy. If you are still having problems I suggest Vectors forum. It is Also you can send the file to me and I'll give it a go.
John Forney
ArtCams inlay wizard takes care of the mess of creating inlays. However it is a jump in software cost.
08-06-2003, 09:41 AM
2nd Annual Midwest Camp Shopbot
I have scheduled the 2nd Camp Shopbot in my shop for September 19 and 20, 2003. All the information on motels and directions are the same as in the above messages (nothing much changes in Downtown Edison Ohio).
Please start sending me requests for things to be shown and included. Plan on bringing your best stuff to show off. So far we have demos for Rhino, millwizard, artcam pro, artcam 2d and PartWizard. The programs will be available to use at the Camp.
Ken, maybe you would be able to do more Corel draw stuff?
Anyway, let me know if you plan to attend for food and drink stuff.
John Forney
08-06-2003, 01:54 PM
John, I wouldn't miss one of your camps. I'll be there! Would like to see the new version of ArtCamPro (6) to see if it is worth the dollars compared to 5.5
08-06-2003, 02:07 PM
Just had another thought after responding to your camp ShopBot note. Has anyone figured out how to leave the shopbot running when you leave then turn off the router when the program is complete. I've considered putting an on/off button (connecting the porter cable to it) and attaching it to one point of the x rails (outside the area you are currently cutting) then modifying the cutting program to move x and y to a position that hits the switch and cuts the power to the router before going back to the home position.
Anyone done this or have a better idea. My wife is getting tired of me coming in at midnight (or later) waiting for a program to finish.
08-06-2003, 02:25 PM
There is a schematic in your ShopBot shop manual that shows how to create a relay for turning things off and on. You can use the relay in conjuncion with your router and one of your output switches in the control box...No need to reinvent the wheel.
08-06-2003, 03:12 PM
Where at in the ShopBot manual?
08-06-2003, 03:22 PM
Use either output 1 or 2, I use 2; and hook up a relay switch using the output to turn on and off the router. Then just put: SO, 2,1 to turn on the router and : SO, 2,0 to turn off the router. Add these lines of code at the beginning and end respectively of your cutting file. This is for output 2 this works very well, I use it almost all the time.
08-06-2003, 04:31 PM
Thanks Brady and Gerald, I'm with stickman, Can't find it in the manual. What section is it in? I understand the connection part to the shopbot computer, and the programming commands but still at a loss on where the schematic is. I assume you need to purchase the relay somewhere, and suggestions. Apologies in advance for being a little think on this thing. If I can get this working it would be great. Can you train it to turn the coffee pot on and off???
08-06-2003, 04:33 PM
Page 121 of your shopbot USER GUIDE
08-06-2003, 06:36 PM
Jim, I built a relay box for my ShopBot about a year and a half ago based on the schematics in the manual. Purchased all the parts needed from Radio Shack and Home Depot. I mounted all the parts including a dual outlet box inside a plastic Radio Shack project box. I mounted relay sockets to the side of the project box and the outlets to the top. The relays plugged into the externaly mounted sockets for ease of replacement with the R Shack part # noted on the outside in case of failure. Each relay and outlet is powered off a separate 110v cord. I like to run my router on it's own circuit. The second line I use to control my dust collector and vac. hold down. I use the following routine to run the relay box, I keep a copy on my desktop and copy and paste it into my routines.
'Hit enter to start vac
so, 2,1
'If OK, hit enter to start router
so, 1,1
'If OK, hit enter to start cutting
Then I scroll down to the end of the routine and insert the following command.
This shuts down both relays at once.
You can also use the following to shut each down
SO, 1,2 'shuts down output switch #1
SO, 2,2 'shuts down output switch #2
I use these commands on the command line to manually control the relays outside of a program so that I don't have to unplug from the relay box when doing things manually. If interested I will bring unit to Ohio Camp Shopbot.
Be advised that there is risk of serious injury controlling your router in this way and so I would never recommend doing it. Also you should never leave your ShopBot running unattended. I on the other hand I am a thrill seeking, extreme risk daredevil with only three fingers, one eye and 6 toes left. There is a downspiral Onsrud router bit embedded in the left side of my brain. This condition is inopperable and may have impaired my judgement. Seriously though, there is some risk, and injury is not funny.
Keith Simmerer
08-06-2003, 07:36 PM
Thanks Dale, been through the manual and no luck. Page 121 of users manual makes no referance to the subject. I'll get with ShopBot tomorrow and see if I can get a copy of the schematic. Many Thanks
Keith, YES, I'd love to see that at the Ohio ShopBOt Camp. In the meantime, assuming I can get a copy of the pages on the schematic I hope to get this built, but will probably have some questions along the way. Thanks to all of you. Boy this forum is GREAT!
08-06-2003, 09:31 PM
Jim, you do not need to "get with ShopBot tomorrow". The ShopBot folks have the latest version of the User's Guide available for download from their website, and the schematic is on page 121, just like Dale told you in his posting.
Harold Weber
08-07-2003, 08:14 AM
Keith AKA Ken
See my message about corel draw where I called you Ken. If you can do your "magic" it would be appreciated. Forgive my poor memory.
On another note, Gerald (South Africa) spend some of that money you are makeing with the shopbot and visit us at the Camp. There must be a face with your name. Even if you can't make it (outrageous airfare or something like that), I'll have a nametag ready and we'll consider you here in spirit.
p.s. For those of you that have my email address as ( please change it to ( I am going to close the yahoo account down one day, too much garbage.
08-07-2003, 10:49 PM
I would be happy to do a little Corel Magic. I also have come up with a new technique / material for the tiff converter. I've been sitting on this for about 2 years and have it tweaked but don't know what to do with it. It looks great, kind of like a sepia tone photo, it has good gradiant shading, requires no special lighting and is a real jawdropper once you realize it is a relief carving. Material and tooling are VERY inexpensive and if I stay within certain depth and DPI parameters it works every time, unlike acrylic lithos that two hours into a great cut can turn to plexmess poop.
If you want to see it you'll have to go to Columbus. You'll get to guess what it is and how it's done, then I'll disclose what it is and why it works. Then I get to pick your brains on how to use the idea. Pretty cool huh? Who thought these free Camp ShopBot things up!
See you in Columbus (Edison)
Keith (AKA KEN)
08-08-2003, 07:51 AM
Doggone, I'll even attend and pay attention.
John Forney
08-09-2003, 05:01 AM
Hi John F,
Thanks for the invite, but you guessed right about the expense simply being too great.
As for a face to go with the name, click on my name above (the underlined blue bit). Will any other Shopbotter match my ugly mug in their "profile" page? (Use the "Go to Profile" button below and load a pic (.jpg) of under 25kB)
John, you should put your new e-mail address (and photo!) in your profile.
08-09-2003, 06:17 AM
Holy **** Gerald,
My dog ran and hid under the bed when clicked on that link.
Fair warning to all take a peak at your own risk... LOL
08-09-2003, 06:51 AM
08-09-2003, 10:03 PM
Wow! Gerald, pretty bad, but I got you beat in the ugly department, but not by much.
08-10-2003, 02:19 AM
John, how are we going to get this thread back on track? Maybe it was getting a bit long in any case, and you need to start a new thread titled "2003 Midwest Camp Shopbot for pretty people only"?
08-10-2003, 08:44 AM
"2003 Midwest Camp Shopbot for pretty people only"?
That won't work. I've seen John before...he'd have to find someone else to host it!
(Sorry John, I couldn't resist)
08-10-2003, 02:23 PM
John may be hard for you guys to look at, but he's MY John and I think he'a pretty handsome!!! So watch what your saying!!!
Mrs. John (Renee')
08-10-2003, 02:46 PM
It looks like John has taken to writing posts, and siging Renee's name to them.
09-02-2003, 01:44 PM
If you are going to attend the Midwest Camp and haven't gotten around to letting me know, now would be a good time.
We have an ArtCam rep (Jen) attending the Camp and she will be available to answer any questions on ArtCam Insignia and ArtCam Pro. Jen is also going to show some of the things that are possible with ArtCam. She really knows her stuff. In addition we have some other knowledgeable people who will share their expertise.
If anyone has a particular interest please let me know and I'll try to get info for you.
You show up, we provide drinks, snacks and lunch. Cost is nothing other than getting here. And when it is all said and done, I get more out of it than anyone.
John Forney
09-02-2003, 03:04 PM
John, last year I bought a machine after attending your camp. I don't think that will happen again this year, but I'm coming anyway.
09-03-2003, 08:23 AM
What, no two machines?
Keith Simmerer is bringing some relay switch thingy. The output works the router, vac and coffee maker. He will also be going over Corel and sign making. Don't forget Keiths new tiff converter solution (I don't have the slightest idea what it is, so I have to wait until the camp).
Harold is going to show MillWizard and Rhino.
09-09-2003, 08:14 PM
IS the date still Sep.19&20 and if so what time will you be starting. I would realy like to leran a fue new tricks. I have a Indexer if you would like me to bring it.
09-10-2003, 08:03 AM
Yes and we start at 8:00 A.M. No don't bring the indexer since we don't have time to install it. You could, however, spend half an hour discussing the indexer with others. I'm sure that there would be interest in that. If you are interested in sharing with the group let me know and I'll set aside time for you.
09-10-2003, 10:29 AM
I'm just doing the basic work with the indexer. But I will bring some of the Canes I make and if someone wants to know what I do to make them I well tell them.
09-10-2003, 06:17 PM
I understand John's comment about not bringing the indexer. However, if you have some, would you please bring some pictures of your indexer (from a few different angles, if possible). I haven't seen an indexer yet. Maybe you even have some pictures showing your indexer in action! :-)
Thanks in advance.
Jim Umbaugh
09-20-2003, 02:47 PM
John, another great camp! The 2002 camp was great, if possible 2003 was better. What are you going to do for 2004 bring in a 3 ring circus? You and Grant seem to be naturals at teaching and You guys have a knack for generating enthusiastic and creative attitudes. Of course Jen's demo on ArtCam Pro blew everyones socks off.
Thanks for hosting the camp, and thanks to ShopBot for their support.
09-20-2003, 08:51 PM
You are going to do this when in 2004, I want to thank you for hosting the camp and to thank the others in helping to make this, my first camp an enjoyable one.
Dan Brown
ps now where's my coffee cup (lol)
09-21-2003, 10:36 AM
I will jump in with the rest and say the camp was grate. And add that I got a lot from being there.
But I don't want to wait a year for the next one what we need is the 2003 1/2 camp. It worked with your address.
Thanks for all your hard work.
ED McCullough (
( The Cane Man )
09-21-2003, 02:45 PM
John, thanks for putting up with all of us again this year. I picked up some valuable ideas and met some folks with similar interests. Good job.
Harold Weber (The Rhino demo guy)
09-21-2003, 05:26 PM
Thanks to John for the midwest camp. The camp was very well done and kept on track. Sorry I had to leave early, next time I will make better arrangements. I learned much and actually got my creative juices going (that is saying a lot for me). I hope to make some contributions next time.
Don Roy (
09-21-2003, 09:06 PM
John Forney and Saint Renee' put on a good show. There was Pizza at the next door bowling alley, many door-prizes, and Mr. Weber took the time to actually print up his instructions for his RHINO demo. Grant Bailey showed the latest "Beta" on the WinDoze software.
Bill Jarvis and John Forney showed some of the "Chip-Art" carving files they had for sale on a CD. Ed McCullough gave one of his beautiful canes away as a door prize, Lonnie Prince flew through showing one of his propellers made on the ShopBot.
It was a good time and I am glad I got to attend.
09-21-2003, 09:29 PM
Many thanks, great camp. Thanks to Jen, Ron, Harold, David, Ed and all the other great people.
Charles Paustian
09-22-2003, 06:24 PM
John, job well done. Having just purchased a shopbot cnc, the camp was extremely useful. I elected to purchase a shopbot over another manufacture based on the help one receives on this forum. Thanks to all for making these camps possible. Shopbot, artcam, Ed and all those who donated prizes were wonderful.
Glad I bought a bot.
09-24-2003, 08:46 AM
To all of you that came to the Camp. Thanks. It was a pleasure to meet all the new attendees and catch up with you old botters.
Special thanks go to the following, though not in any special order:
Dick Allen
Ron Brown
Harold Webber
Grant Bailey
Jen Van Gellen
Bill Jarvis
All of the above presented and helped during the camp.
Ed McCullough gave a nice cane that he made on the indexer as a door prize and Brian Boehm brought homemade blue berry muffins.
It is amazing to me how smart Shopbotters are. I was blown away by some of the ideas and techniques you had.
I am thinking of a twice annual Camp, maybe one in the late spring. If there is any interest let me know. Renee' said that a second one might work but we weren't taking homeless shopbotters to raise. Any case email me re one in April or May.
Again thanks to all that came.
John Forney
09-26-2003, 09:56 AM
John, Thanks. The midwest camp was very well done and worthwhile. Being a new shopbotter, the camp was very helpful to learn the tool. I wrote fifteen pages of notes which I reviewed this week. Got some good ideas which I hope to turn into projects and that I can contribute the next time. Mark Ziegler
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