View Full Version : Tic Tac Toe
Tim Lucas
02-01-2015, 06:24 PM
Been making some of the tic tac toe boards featured for Christmas on the Vectra site. Had a good time making these and my dad (lives in PA, 84 years young :eek:) is giving them away like crazy!! Sent him 3 - then 12 - now 20 more! :D Making them using spalted oak with clear, and maple for the painted ones.
Herb Holmes
02-01-2015, 08:08 PM
Very nice Tim , I made one out of Corian , gonna have to make some more and paint em like yours .
Tim Lucas
02-01-2015, 08:14 PM
Looks good Herb, I have a lady painting them for me and we have found that the paint is a little thick so I had to enlarge the cutout in the base so they would fit.
What type bit did you use on corian and what feed and speed rates did you use? I have a pocketed sign to do out of corian . My cut depth is .15 and I would like to use a 2 flute quarter inch bit . any suggestions on a feed and speed for this ? Thank you Gene
David Iannone
02-03-2015, 01:08 AM
Start slow and then add in speed as needed. I would use an Onsrud bit. The sharpest looking one in my pile.
I rarely cut Corian, but when I do......... I cut it on the Bot.
Herb Holmes
02-03-2015, 08:32 AM
What type bit did you use on corian and what feed and speed rates did you use? I have a pocketed sign to do out of corian . My cut depth is .15 and I would like to use a 2 flute quarter inch bit . any suggestions on a feed and speed for this ? Thank you Gene
Gene , that was the first time I cut corian on my machine , although I have routed it before on the router table . I used a 1/4" 2 flute spiral down , I believe it was a Southeast Tool bit , I was @ 80 IPM and .125 depth per pass , I had the router speed dial to about 12000rpm , since it was first time on machine I went slow , cut fine could have went faster on the feed .
angel and the bear
02-06-2015, 02:26 PM
Those are awesome! One more thing to try on my list, thanks for sharing
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