View Full Version : Jamboree 2006
01-12-2006, 09:36 AM
This is essentially a re-posting of the announcement which was lost when the Forum crashed..
Please check your calendars and save April 27-29 so you can attend this year's Shopbot Jamboree, in Durham,NC. Held at the Durham Hilton, and Shopbot Tools world headquarters, it will be three days of seminars, classes, and demonstrations. We'll be bringing in speakers from other companies who produce products, and services which we use on our machines daily.
Thursday is usually dedicated to a specific seminar topic(business,education,signmaking,etc.), as well as an all day level 1& 2 training by Shopbot staff.
Friday/Saturday are split between morning sessions at the Hilton, and afternoons back at Shopbot.
In addition this year we'll be having a 'contest' to see who can be the cleverest with a pair of "Sound pads" as we hold out first speaker building competition. (You'll find links to the pads on the Forum here if you use the "search" function).
Registration is still a bargain. You get three days of training, meals, and a T shirt, and if you register before Feb. 28th your registration fee is $25. After Feb. 28th the fee goes up to $35 so plan early...
To sign up, just call Shopbot and let them know that you plan on attending, but please do it as early as you can confirm your plans so we know how many people to expect.
There are links to pictures of previous Jamborees on the Shopbot web page (under "features") if you'd like to see what goes on down there...
01-24-2006, 10:38 AM
Should that last "once" be "one"?
Move over Chip, I have to stand next to you.
01-24-2006, 11:52 AM
Shopbot has reserved 30 rooms at the Hilton at a rate of for Thursday April 27, and Friday the 28th. The rate will be $92.00. They will hold these rooms until March 28th. For other hotel options please refer to the Jamboree archives on Shopbot's web page.
P.S Gerald, I know Chip, and I've seen pictures of you. Just how LARGE is this corner you are both trying to fit into?
01-25-2006, 12:44 PM
Regarding the rooms at the Hilton; you will have to call THEM directly to book your rooms. The number is:
01-25-2006, 02:37 PM
How do we sign up for the speaker contest?
01-25-2006, 03:25 PM
Bill Young is in the process of getting that posted, and it will probably be on the Shopbot web page in the next day or so.
For those of you who are just hearing about this for the first time we will be sponsoring a contest at the 2006 Jamboree to give Shopbotters a chance to show off their ingenuity through the use of "Sound Pads"by Sonic Impact. Here is a thread which gives an idea of what we hope to do;
01-26-2006, 02:51 PM
Speaker contest link;
If you'd like to register for the 2006 Jamboree and/or the speaker contest, please use the following link;
02-22-2006, 04:31 PM
Jamboree update
Reminder, the registration fee for the Jamboree goes from $25 to $35 after Feb. 28th.
We have added a few new sessions to the schedule;
Brady Watson will be doing a "Parts Wizard Tutorial". He is going to emphasize how to DRAW in PW2
Due to a number of requests, Scott Fiemster from Onsrud will do a session on choosing, and using the proper router bits.
John Murphy of All Star Adhesives will be there Friday the 28th to explain the concepts of vacuum hold downs, and how to properly use gaskets.
Dale Kerr will follow up last year's session with some more tips/tricks/demos on sign making.
James Booth will give a demonstration of "V Carve Wizard" , and he will also explain how some of the new 3D design services work.
Representatives from Delcam will be on hand to go over their complete line of software packages.
Sallye Coyle will have TWO sessions this year; on Thursday the 27th (1-4 PM) she will do a session "how to make fused glass".
From Sallye;"All are welcome. No experience is necessary. You’ll learn to cut glass, and assemble a design on a clear or colored base (think collage with glass). Warning: glass fusing is addictive, so you’ll get resources on how to continue if you get hooked.
Class will be held Thursday afternoon before the Jamboree at a place to be determined. There is a $25 registration fee to cover the cost of supplies. To register, email ( ( or call (919 906-7228). Space is limited."
Sallye will also be holding the traditional "Women's Class "on Saturday Morning (29th)at Shopbot. Again from Sallye;
"This year, the Women’s Woodworking class will be playing slots. No, we won’t be gambling, but we’ll be using slots to put together everything from candle sticks to hurricane lanterns, birdhouses to furniture. Once you learn the basics, only your imagination will be the limit.
To register, please email ( ( or call (919-906-7228). Space is limited. No charge with Jamboree Registration."
We are still adding sessions, (and also still waiting for feedback regarding what YOU would like us to cover...)
As we pin down the list of vendors we'll also post the notices here, so please keep checking back for further updates....
PS. The "IPODS"are in ! They will be some of the prizes offered for the "speaker building contest"using "Sound pads". Don't forget to register for the contest (you'll get a FREE set of Sound pads with your registration for the contest) so you have a chance to win an IPOD or other goodies..
03-04-2006, 12:20 PM
As a "warm up" for the Jamboree speaker contest the employees of Shopbot held their own "competition" last week. If you'd like to see how they used their "Sound pads" to build speakers you can go to - for some ideas.
Don't forget if you want to participate in the Jamboree speaker contest you HAVE to contact Shopbot when you register for the Jamboree to let us know you'll be entering the competition. The "rules"and criteria are posted here on the Forum...
03-04-2006, 01:08 PM
...and on the Camp blog (
03-15-2006, 11:41 AM
2006 Jamboree Schedule !!!
Here is our (tentative) schedule for this year's Jamboree. As in the past, there may be minor changes between now and April 27th, but we will post any changes when/if they occur. As you can see we have added a few new topics to the list, and due to requests from 'Botters we have asked a few people to make a return appearance based on the success of their original presentation.
REMINDER- ALL entrants in the "speaker contest" will HAVE to contact Shopbot to get your "Sound Pads" by April 15th. This insures that you will have enough time to finish your project before the actual judging. It's a good chance to win some great prizes, and show off your ingenuity. If you have any questions regarding the Jamboree please respond to this thread, OR e-mail us at; (
2006 Shopbot Jamboree Schedule
Thursday- April 27th, (9AM-4PM)Level 1 & 2 training at Shopbot
1-4 PM “Fused Glass” by Sallye Coyle at a location TBA
Friday April 28th AM-
(Durham Hilton)
9-9:45-Ted’s welcoming speech, “State of the ‘Bot address”
10-10:50 – John Murphy – Vacuum hold downs/Gasketing
11-11:50 – Brady Watson- “How to Draw using Part Wizard 2” (Tips and tricks)
12-1PM Lunch at the Hilton
PM sessions
(Held at Shopbot)
(BR=”big room”)-(TR= “training room”)
BR- Grant Bailey- “The Design Process”
TR- Delcam software engineer-“Part Wizard 2”.
BR- James Booth- “Carve 3D-V-Carve Wizard” (Overview of 3D process)
TR- Delcam software engineer- “Insignia”
BR- “Marketing your products” (“Now that you can make it, HOW do you sell it?”)
TR-Delcam software engineer- Artcam Pro-“Introducing new features in version 9”
Saturday April 29th
(At Shopbot )
9-12 AM -Sallye Coyle-Women’s Class
Hilton- AM Sessions
9-9:50 – Scott Feimster- “Choosing and using the proper cutting tools”
10-10:50- Duke Thompson-“Insurance for the Shopbot /small shop owner ”. Why and how.
11-11:50 – “Show and Tell” (Bring your project , OR pictures of it)
12-1:30- Lunch (back at Shopbot)
PM Sessions
1:40-2:40 - BR- Dale Kerr- “Sign making 2”
TR- Dirk Hazeleger- “Using Excel to make parametric part files”
2:40-3-BR “ Announcement of Speaker Contest winners”
BR- Will Sampson, from Cabinetmaker magazine to do a session on “pricing”.
TR- Bill Palumbo “Shopbots in the Classroom”
BR-“Experts panel”- Live Open Forum where attendees can ask anything ‘Bot related
(“Experts” to comprise of Shopbot staff/tech support).
04-11-2006, 10:58 AM
Back to the Jamboree thread....
In addition to the scheduled sessions listed above we will also again have a number of "vendors" available back at Shopbot in the afternoons. These are representatives of companies which have worked with Shopbot/Shopbotters throughout the year, and they will be on hand to answer specific questions regarding their products.
Some of the companies which have signed on to attend are;
Onsrud Tools
Oriental Motors
3D CNC Art
Carve 3D
Vector 3d Clipart
Cabinet Parts Pro
Woodworker's Supply
There may be more added between now and then as well, so please keep checking back here for updates...
04-12-2006, 04:01 PM
The location for the "Fused glass class" on April 27th has been confirmed. it will be held at;
Good Harbor Bay Warm Glass...
5520 Lockridge Rd
919 906-7228 ( (
For further info please contact Sallye directly.
04-15-2006, 04:45 AM
More information on the "Fused Glass Class" on April 27.
The class will be held from 1 - 4 pm on Thursday. There will be a van leaving from the Hilton at about 12:30, or contact Sallye for directions to the studio. We won't leave you stranded, the van will take folks back to the Hilton after the class.
For those of you who have an interest in the history of ShopBot, the glass studio is also the place where ShopBot began.
Frank Haverkamp (Unregistered Guest)
04-18-2006, 08:48 AM
I just bought my first machine last week. (Not here yet). I am coming down to Durham for the jamboree to learn all I can before the machine arrives. While down there I would like to do some flyfishing. Can anybody tell me about the area as far as fishing goes?
04-20-2006, 07:36 PM
One week to go !!!
We're in the countdown phase right now, and there are only seven days to go before we start this year's Jamboree. As of today there were 135 people registered to attend from 27 states, as well as a few of our neighbors to the North in Canada. If you plan to attend PLEASE let us know ASAP so we can finalize all of our arrangements for food, materials, etc.
Looking forward to seeing some "regulars" as well as the first time attendees...
04-23-2006, 08:37 PM
Bill Palumbo
Can you shed any more light on what the Level 1 and 2 training sessions on Thursday will be about.
04-23-2006, 08:57 PM
It will be a somewhat condensed version of the standard level 1 & 2 training to fit the time frame we have available. You can see the agenda that is normally covered in this training at the following link on the Shopbot web page;
04-24-2006, 10:12 AM
Frank (with the fishing question above),
Send Tim at ShopBot an email...he'll be able to help you out.
04-24-2006, 01:05 PM
Thanks Bill,
Look forward to seeing everyone for the 3 day event.
04-26-2006, 04:35 PM
Jamboree web cam !!!
For those of you who might be interested in seeing this year's Jamboree right from the beginning, we have installed a web cam camera to show things as they progress. It will "refresh" the image every few seconds,as it did last year, so be patient. Obviously we are still in the setup stages here so don't expect to find any content regarding presentations etc. It's still something we''re working on...The link for the web cam is;
04-27-2006, 08:08 AM
The Jamboree wiki is live at . There's some preliminary information on many of this years events there already, and also all the reporting from last year's Jamboree.
Anyone can read the wiki, but to post comments you'll need to register...don't worry it's free! Hopefully attendees will be adding comments throughout the next couple of weeks so keep checking back.
Many thanks to Jean Francois for setting it up for us...
04-28-2006, 12:42 PM
Pictures from the Jamboree have started to trickle in and have been posted on Flickr. You can find them at
Ryan Patterson
04-30-2006, 07:52 AM
I always knew ShopBot was a great company and had an outstanding support team, now after meeting this team I realize great and outstanding should be multiplied by a 1,000.
Thank You Shopbot
04-30-2006, 12:45 PM
WOW what a Jamboree!!
Great food, folks, information and a super great company hosting it.
It will take a least a week to decompress and recompile all the information I took in.
Now down to the shop to practice some of what I saw and learned.
05-01-2006, 03:49 AM
A couple of quick post-Jamboree notes..
* If you attended the Jamboree PLEASE add information to the ShopBot wiki so that folks that missed a lot of the talks (like me and Bill P!) can find out what went on!
* We've added a lot of pictures on the Flickr page and more are trickling in all the time...if you have pictures that you're willing to share just send them to us at (
* Links to Jamboree resources like the wiki, the pictures on Flickr, and some MP3 interviews with a handful of attendees can be found at We hope to keep adding things to this link list so check back often.
I started to make a list of people to thank for making this Jamboree so successful and so much fun, but it ended up being everyone. So thanks to all for making this Jamboree such a great event!
I have been reading everything in this forum for several months now and only after attending the Jamboree did I feel up to participating in these discussions. As a new "Botter" I don't have much to contribute but after attending the jamboree and meeting some of the nicest people I have had the privilege to be associated with, my enthusiam has reached a new plateau. A most impressive gathering and much appreciated by this attendee. Thanks to the staff at Shopbot and allthe other presenters, participants for a most enlightening 3 days. We look forward to seeing some of you at the Kitty Hawk camp in October.
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