View Full Version : Oklahoma Camp

01-19-2005, 08:19 AM
April Fools Day: Most appropriate to host a camp in Oklahoma. Once again, camp at Ada, OK. April 1 & 2. Bill P. will be with us again. More details will be coming, watch for them. Until then, mark your calendars. Start at 8 (or so), end at 5 (or so), stay as late as we want.
Contact me at: superiorsignshop@cableone.net (mailto:superiorsignshop@cableone.net)
Doug Strickland

01-20-2005, 02:13 AM

Happy to see the OK camp at your place again. If my back lets me travel I'll be there.

olecrafty@charter.net (mailto:olecrafty@charter.net)

03-02-2005, 07:41 PM
Wow: time flies when you are having fun. It is now time to post the scheduled events for our camp on April 1-2. This is going to be a different kind of camp; all the usual things, but we are going to push the envelope on learning all about the ShopBot. We will discuss a possible job, design the job, create the files, using all the techniques necessary, load into the 'bot, discuss such things as hold-downs, vacs, positioning on the table, and then actually cut the file. We will use a couple types of software to do this, to show how they compare to each other.
Additionally, we will DO some glue-chipping(of glass), some etching/blasting glass, and then learn the basics + of gold leafing from a long time Letterhead. Joe Crumley will instruct us in the ancient art of leafing, using various styles, and kinds of leaf (23K, silver, etc.)
All the usual topics of discussion will be observed. And, of course, Show and Tell will be utillized throughout the camp.
Bill Palumbo will show us some 3D carving techniques, with the 'bot, and will be available to host an ArtCam discussion if needed.
Wes Mason will also be here, to show and demo his door cutting program.
We will start at 8:00, quit when everyone leaves, on both Friday and Saturday. Coffe and donuts at 7:30 sharp, both days. Pizza for lunch on Friday, grilled Oklahoma hamburgers on Saturday. Free everything, eats, drinks, and knowledge. Hard to beat.
Come on to Oklahoma, it is beautiful in the spring.
Motel reservations:
Microtel, directly across street from shop
580 436-9900 Raintree Best Western, 2 blocks away, 580 332-6262, Quality Inn, 2 blocks away 580 332-9000
Let me know if you need additional info on motels

Just heard from Bill P.: The rooms are filling fast, seems there are several events occuring on the same weekend. Probably a good idea to call quickly. Again, if you need any other info, you may call 580 436-1010 Office, 580 421-2010 Cell or email superiorsignshop@cableone.net (mailto:superiorsignshop@cableone.net)
See you on April Fools Day
P.S.: we are located at 930 Lonnie Abbott in Ada, OK for mapqquest users.

03-05-2005, 10:37 AM
Four weeks and counting....just a reminder to make your reservations for our camp. I understand the motels are filling up rapidly, due to serveral activities on the weekend of April 1. Here is a list of the balance of the motels: (see above posting also): Budget Inn: 580 332-4995, Economy Inn: 580 332-3883, Silver Spur Motel: 580 436-3310, Village Inn: 580 332-4000.
Also, would appreciate a note letting me know you are coming, and number in your party. Helps plan everything.....don't want to run out of donuts, you know.
Show and tell projects: Please bring some, pics, samples, etc. We will share through round table discussions. Have about eight campers committed, latest being Gary Beckwith from Wichita, KS. He makes custom entry doors with the bot. Really pretty stuff.
For those that suffered through the road consturction mess last year, it should be completed in a week.
I will post complete driving instructions next week. If you need them before then, give a heads up, and I will supply them. Also, they should still be on forum from last year.
Come join us, I know you will enjoy it, and leave with some new skills and knowledge.

03-12-2005, 06:15 PM
Three weeks and counting.
There have been numerous contacts regarding motel accomodations. There are still rooms available. See the above threads for contact information.
All is on go here, and we are awaiting final approval for two more "classes".
Thus far, our concept of "Show and tell and DO" is being very well received. Several campers have exprerssed almost delight at the thought of actually cutting something at a camp.
I need to hear from you if you plan to attend. Also, I need the number in your party. Please confirm with me next week if at all possible. I need to make arrangements for tables, chairs, food, etc.
Final plea for show and tell items: samples, pictures, commnets, etc. All will be welcome and used at our "round table discussions".
Let me know....speak up

03-13-2005, 12:34 AM
Doug see you there April Fool Day. Me and only me planning on being there.

03-13-2005, 12:43 AM
Doug how about an address to the location of the camp? Coming from Moore so can find it.

03-14-2005, 11:58 AM
Dennis: From Moore, this is the easy way. Go South on I-35 to Pauls Valley Exit, #72. Turn East on SH 19 for 32 miles to Ada. Go under overpass, exit to right, stay to the right as the road curves to the North. This is the road we are on. The road construction is finished, so keep to the right and follow the road around the North end of town. This is Lonnie Abbott/Industrial Blvd/Richardson Loop. Go through the traffic light, past the stop sign, and we on the left (North) about 2 blocks East of the stop sign(Mississippi St). You can't miss it, really. Let me know if this won't work. Our address is 930 Lonnie Abbott, big white metal building with the too-small sign on it. (Figures, doesn't it).

03-26-2005, 02:01 PM
Friday is almost here, be sure and give me a headcount on those planning to attend our camp in Ada, OK on April 1-2. If you haven't done so, please contact me and give me your name(s) and number in your party.
Here is the preliminary schedule for Friday.
Coffee and donuts at 7:30 sharp. Campers will check in and fill out entry information, get their packets and spend some time getting acquainted with other campers. We will sort of "ease into" the classes, depending on the number of campers coming in. As we get rolling, there will be a self introduction of campers, along with a short discussion on what kind(if any) of SB you have, and how you utilize it. This will be for all campers to participate in, and for those non ownere, and wondering about the bot, a good time to ask pertinent questions regarding purchasing and using it.
Our first class will be a walk through on a just created job. We will openly discuss the need, how to fulfill the need, how to design the job, how to create the files, how to load the files onto the bot computer, how to secure the material to be cut, and finally, actually cut it. There will be various discussions regarding technical issues, i.e., bit choice, cut speed, move speed, etc., during this time. James and Jo Gilliam will be heading up the file creation, using Part Wizard software.
After each session there will be a question and answer period. Hopefully, this will stimulate conversation among all attendees. To my knowledge, no camp has ever actually created and cut files during the camp. For those wishing to see the bot earn it's keep, this is the perfect way to introduce them to CNC at it's best.
Additionally, the following seminars will be conducted: A seminar on upgrading the PR-PRT to much higher speeds, and more power. This will be conducted by Bob Campbell, Jim Cullens and Alan Overby, from Texas. Joe Crumley, from Norman, OK will show us how to create all the neat shapes and forms he utilizes for his award winning signs. He will also give us valuable pointers on layouts and color combinations, using Flexi-Sign sign writing software. Then he will top this all off with a class on gold/silver leafing, and working with prismatic letter forms and V-carving, applying leaf to these. Joe is an original Oklahoma Letterhead, and is very respected in the Letterheads community. He has shown us some of his work recently on the forum. He has a PRT in his shop, and uses it almost daily.
Now to doors: We have THREE classes on doors: Gary Beckwith, from Wichita KS will show us how he makes such beautiful doors, then we will hear from Max Simmons. He has recently written a software program to cut doors. Then, Wes Mason will show us his software, which is already being used by many 'bot owners.
Throughout the camp, we will short breaks/show and tell sessions from our campers. We encourage you to bring something and "show and tell".
Additionally, we will do some glass blasting and glue chipping. I know most of this sounds like Sign shop work", but it can be utilized in the furniture business, home decor, and anwhere you have the imagination to use it. Speaking of furniture, Greg Russell of Cypress Stools will enlighten us how he uses the 'bot to create childrens furniture.Greg lives in Cypress TX and is eager to show us how to have fun and make money using the 'bot.
And finally, there is the "Doc", my pal Bill Palumbo. Bill is very well know in the ShopBot community, and comes to us from the California camp. Bill lives in Toms River NJ and works for ShopBot now and then. The rest of the time he helps idiot like me make things work on the 'bot. Bill will be sharing 3D and mold making expertise with us.
So now you know. If you like what you see, come to beautiful Oklahoma and hang out with us.
If you want to use Mapquest to find us, our street address is 930 Lonnie Abbott. There are two other names for this street: Industrial Blvd. and Richardson Loop.
Hope to see you Friday.
Contact me is you have any questions

03-30-2005, 11:06 AM

I will see you on Friday.

olecrafty@charter.net (mailto:olecrafty@charter.net)

03-31-2005, 01:57 PM
Just received notification from Max Simmons of a death in the family (Grandparent), and will be unable to attend the Oklahoma Camp. Our deepest regrets go out to him and the family. We will miss your presence here.

04-03-2005, 06:43 PM
Oklahoma Camp report..
I just want to publicly thank Doug Strickland for hosting one of the best Shopbot Camps I've been to. He put in a LOT of time/effort to have his shop and staff ready for us, and there were over 35 people attending on Friday, and probably more than 25 on Saturday.
A two day Camp is really a lot of effort, as it means the host is "out" of his shop for a few extra days so things can be prepared. And Doug had every resource we needed available which let things run pretty seamlessly.
There were sessions on V carving, and Part Wizard, and different Shopbot upgrades. We covered vacuum hold downs, and 3D carving. Joe Crumley did two wonderful sessions teaching us how to gold leafing and do "faux" finishing for sign panels. There were some excellent "Show and Tell" items as well, and once I unpack I'll try to post pictures of a few of them on the Forum tonight.
If anyone else who attended the Camp has pix please do the same so that those who could not attend in person can get an idea of what really goes on at these events.

04-03-2005, 07:57 PM
Here are a few shots from the Oklahoma Camp. I was running around too much to get pix of everything going on, so I do hope that others who were there send their shots in as well..
The first 4 shots feature Joe Crumley, and some of the panels he made before, and during. the Camp using Trupan as a base.
After that will be a few of Gary Beckwith's offerings, including the newel post and wooden register grill.
The Arkansas contingent showed off some REALLY precise,small plane parts for a tri plane kit that they build, and then you'll see the actual plane itself ( it DOES fly, but they didn't launch it at the Camp. Anf finally there is a great kid's play bench ( but I apologize to the builder as I forgot who it was, will someone who attended please help me on this one?))











04-03-2005, 11:25 PM
I would also like to side with Bill and thank Doug Strickland and his staff for another great camp.
The camp covered a wide varity of topics that had something for everyone. Presentations were very informative and the show and tell was outstanding, it definitely shows the creativity of shopbotters.
I would have to say our good friend and master letterhead Joe Crumley stole the show with his demonstration of gold leafing and his application of wood grain finishes to Trupan. Thanks Joe for sharing your knowledge and technique so openly.
For those that didn't make the camp you missed some great Oklahoma hospitality and a fantastic learning experience.
I would also like to thank the other attendee's of the camp who openly shared their experience and expertise, their participation helped to make the camp the success it was.

04-04-2005, 11:32 AM
I too want to thank Doug and his staff for all their effort. The camp was great and once again learned many things and met many great people.

Joe really did steal the show - can't wait to see what he comes up with for next year! I got most of his presentation on video - not sure yet how to get in a digital form, but if I can and Joe grants his permission, I'll try to post it somewhere.

Dennis Sapp did the playtable.

04-05-2005, 08:29 AM
They said it couldn't be done, but Doug Strickland did it. Doug worked out a way to have his machine actually cutting some of the files that were written during the camp session. I know it had to make a difference for those that had never seen a machine operate. This was indeed the best workshop I've attended because we got to see actual demonstrations of how to do things instead of just being told how to do them. Thanks again, Doug and your staff of helpers, for the excellent workshop.

04-06-2005, 01:10 AM
I like to thank a few folks for a really great time this past weekend. Doug, thanks for being a great host. The many years I've been in the sign biz it's always fun to see how other sign shops are set up. Wish I had as big a shop at yours.

Thanks also to ShopBot for the food and other provisions this weekend. My learning curve of the ShopBot was greatly improved. It was great to have Bill Palumbo come down south to give us his expertise. Thanks Bill.

And a great big thanks to Joe Chumley. What a guy. I appreciate him letting me hang on to his shirttail for the two days event. It was fun to gain his knowledge and visit with a true Letterhead.

To all the others there I enjoyed the learning experience. Hopefully once I get some good experience with my ShopBot I'll pass it on to others as they have with me.


04-11-2005, 10:15 PM
We attended the Oklahoma Camp in Ada and would like to direct some questions to the person who made the wooden picture with the trees and church scene. Not sure who made it, but curious as to what they used to get the image for the picture. Thanks. It was a great two days for us!!

04-11-2005, 11:04 PM
That was Gary Beckwith...

04-12-2005, 11:20 AM
JD, I will email you later with the process I used.

04-13-2005, 12:50 PM

Where did you say that you found the 3d file for the grapevines? I would sure like to have that.

04-13-2005, 09:43 PM
Dennis, that particular grapevine relief is included in the example folder of ArtCam. Due to time, for the camp I used a small section of that relief and manipulated it into different positions to obtain what you seen.