View Full Version : Repairs

03-04-2015, 06:36 PM
My desktop is fairly new and not in need of any repairs but I was just wondering, if at some time it is in need of service, how do we go about having it repaired. I'm sure we don't send the whole unit back to Shopbot.

Brady Watson
03-04-2015, 07:22 PM
You can perform the service yourself or pay for a technician to come to your shop and do the repair for you.

Of course, preventative maintenance will thwart many repair work, so start by keeping the machine clean, especially the X & Y rails and bearing blocks.

Avoid the temptation to lubricate the lead screws. They are teflon coated and meant to be run dry.


03-05-2015, 07:25 AM
Just to add to what Brady said, Check bolt tightness maybe monthly(depends on cutting hours) as part of your maintenance.
Also good tip from Brady was to avoid using compressed air on Z to clean, as it drives what you're trying to avoid INTO the bearing blocks...use Vac. Thanks Brady.
Haven't really seen many "regular" issues with Desktop that can't be done yourself with help from Forum or calling Tech Support:)