View Full Version : OKLAHOMA CAMP
01-23-2004, 10:01 AM
Any info on the one planned for Ada Oklahoma in March would be appreciated. Count Me in on attending and let me know if supplies are needed. Willing to help with stuff. I need all the help you shopbotters can supply.
01-23-2004, 05:31 PM
Hey Dale.....Got some info on the camp at my place in March. Times are March 19-21. As with most camps, Saturday is the big day. I will be here on Thursday for any early arrivals, and also here on Sunday for any late stayers. I will have somewhat the same format as most camps; education, training, and conversation. I am currently finishing up the agenda, and will have it posted on ShopBot's webpage on Monday. For now, spread the word far and wide. This promises to be a really good weekend. Now for pertinent data: I am in Ada, OK, 90 miles SE of Oklahoma City. I am forty miles South of I-40, 34 miles East of I-35. I will post a map with the other info. I have committments from 3 major hotel/motel chains within 3 blocks of my shop for discount room rates. There are at least 12 restaurant/pizza places within 3 blocks of the shop, so eatin' and sleepin' won't be a problem. Thus far, Bill Palumbo, David Allen, Gary Norman, Greg Oliver and Bob Richardson are all commited to be here. I was at Wayne Locke's camp this summer, and met some neat folk there. Your name is very familiar, perhaps you were there, or maybe at the WoodWorking Show in Dallas. I worked with Jim at the ShopBot booth a couple of days there. At any rate, I hope to see you here in March.I will contact Wayne and Bruce Clark, and invite them to attend also. At the present time, I am soliciting info/door prizes from some vendors such as Onsrud for the camp.
Be sure and watch the ShopBot website, and the forum page for further info as it evolves. Also, if you have ANYTHING to add, ask, bring, etc., do not hesitate to do so. These camps are wonderful tools of education, plus a lot of fun.
I can be reached at:
Doug Stricklalnd (
580 436-1010 Work
580 421-2010 Cell
P.O. Box 2036
Ada, OK 74821-2036
01-29-2004, 11:36 AM
I will try again to post the following: I will be hosting a ShopBot camp in Ada, OK on March 19-20. The format is basically the following:cutting of plex letters/logo's, etc., Art Cam Pro software(Bill Palumbo),various hold down/vacuum systems, sign shop operation/sign making, mold making, probe usage, 3D cutting(featuring Mill Wizard software), and other items requested as time permits. I would like to have someone fluent in Sign Wizard volunteer some time for a short seminar.Also, index on the SB would be another good item. Hopefully, Wayne Locke is reading this post and will be in attendance. David Allen will show us some neat ways to make various joints with the SB. So, all come, and enjoy a great weekend in Oklahoma. Contact me for any/all info you may want to know or share with others.
Doug Strickland (, 580.436-1010 Office, 580.421-2010 Cell. Looking forward to hearing from you.
01-29-2004, 02:25 PM
Ooops.....People with long pointy hats always have confused me...I meant Part Wizard, NOT Sign Wizard. Ol' Bill Palumbo always watches out for me. Thanks to him for the corrections.
Much more later, Doug
02-16-2004, 08:00 PM
Here is contact information for three motel chains, all within walking(no, I'm not kidding) distance of my shop. Three blocks tops.Microtell: 580-436-9900,brand new, less than seven months old, $38.00 single, $43.00 double (plus tax).
Holiday Inn:332-9000, $57.00 Single, $62.00 Double, plus tax. Best Western:580-332-6262, $64.00 Single, $69.00 Double (plus tax). As indicated above, we have a great weekend planned. Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Doug Strickland (
580.436-1010 Office, 580.421-2010 Cell.
Thus far, we have committments from Texas, New Jersey, Louisiana, Oklahoma and hopefully Iowa.
We have eighteen firm committments as of this date.
Don't miss this one, gonna be a keeper.
02-26-2004, 06:51 PM
Don't forget to tell everyone about bringing something to your Show and Tell if they can...
02-27-2004, 10:25 AM
Hey Bill: Thanks for the reminder. I have tried to remember to tell all, but I am sure I missed some. That is an important part of the camp. I enjoy seeing all the new/neat stuff people do with the Bot.
Also, for those staying at the Microtel, be sure and inform them you are with the ShopBot camp. This will get the lower room rates. If you have already registered, when you arrive, you can let them know at that time. No problem. By the way, the discounted room rates are $38 (+tax) for singles, and something like $42.00 for double. That seems pretty reasonable to me. Plus, it is brand new, very clean,and friendly.
Looking forward to seeing again, and everyone else.
Thanks for the reminder.
03-02-2004, 09:08 AM
I'll be giving a presentation on CAD at the OK camp.
if anyone has any specific topics they'd like included, please let me know.
time constraints may limit the detail, but I'll try to cover what's requested.
I'll be using Rhino and SketchUp with some TurboCad and DeltaCad thrown in for comparison.
<<I'll be out of town until the camp, so please use "dr01allen (at) yahoo (dot) com" for email >>
03-14-2004, 11:48 AM
Five days and counting:Five days until ShopBot camp Oklahoma style. All those planning to attend (at last count, 29 registered), here is the latest information. I have prepared detailed driving directions from all directions, and for Will Rogers Airport, to our shop in Ada. I will not post those here, to save space on the forum. If you wish them, email me at ( Now for the details: Camp starts at 8:00 am, ends about five, may be extended is needed/wanted. Coffee, juice, and donuts each morning, noon meal (pizza, etc.) provided. Evening meal, on your own. Have several "good eatin'" places very close-by.
Classes/discussions: These are not in any particular order. That will be decided on Thursday.All classes will be interspersed with show and tell, open discussions, question and answer, etc. Classes will be approximately 30 minutes long, may vary either way. We don't want this to be a structured meeting, but rather go with the flow, depending on interest, participation, etc. Sort of "loosey goosey" style. Now for software: Part Wizard, Art Cam Pro, Casmate Pro, Millwizard, CAD (Saturday only, at this point).Discussions: Tabbing/ramping using SB commands,Hold downs;vacuum, venturi,clamping, fasteners, hot-melt glue, gaskets/seals.
As mentioned earlier, between classes/discussions, we will have open forum discussions. Depending on subject manner, some of these may be continued after classes, to ensure smooth flow, and to control time.
At this point, I still need someone with mold making experience, CAD experience(Friday, and combine with David Allen class on Saturday),and perhaps someone to bring vacuum pucks for show and tell. Everything else seem to be progressing nicely. We hope to provide you with a cofortable environment(weather to be in 60's-70's, clear, and lookin' like spring), knowledgable instructors,and a great learning experience. We want all novice (neewbie's) botters to leave here with the confidence AND knowledge to go home and "cut something on my 'Bot!".
So, to all of you, feel free to contact me with any questions, thoughts, ideas, or needs. Also, Martha at SB is up to speed with all phases of the camp. ShopBot is always ready to assist with needs. They have given me wonderful support for this camp. Can't thank them enough, but I am sure gonna try at the Jamboree in April.
Have a safe and friendly trip.
03-16-2004, 08:18 AM
I'll have some vacuum pucks that I got from West Oaks several years ago. as well as a laser level that I occasionally use to align blanks. I'll have them on Sat. for show-and-tell.
I had planned on demo'ing 5 different CAD programs on Fri. and then showing how to convert from those CAD to SB code on Sat.
A scheduling conflict means that I'll only be there on Sat. What would people like to see most:
the demo's of different CAD programs, or
the conversion from generic CAD files to SB code?
the programs I'd demo are DeltaCAD, Turbo CAD, SketchUp, Rhino, and Vector. the conversion would use Vector, the SB DXF converter, RhinoCAM, and PartsWizard.
with everything else going on, I'll only have 2 to 3, 30 min., classes. what would you like to see most?
03-16-2004, 06:52 PM
What I want to see the most is your ugly mug in my shop on Saturday morning in time for coffe, juice, and donuts.I really am looking forward to this part. I have almost NO knowledge of CAD stuff, and eagerly await your class. Thanks again for helping, good to see you last Friday.
Have a safe trip.
03-21-2004, 10:35 AM
A very special thanks to Doug Strickland for the Oklahoma Camp. Personally it has been the greatest experience in a couple of years. The adgenda was exceptional. We had those who were extremely experienced, those that maybe just use the Bot (like me) and some who were interested in purchasing. There was something for everyone. Bill as always mesmerized all of us with the 3-d endless possibilities. I went away last night tired and couldn't wait to get back in the shop and try out some of the new ideas. I learned some new techniques and product possibilities from the round table discussions. I even learned better ways to do things I do today more efficiently and less costly. That's worth the time.
If you have never been to the camps or jamborees (this was my first) You better plan to go. I will guarantee you to come away with more Ideas and tips than you have time to implement. Personally can't wait till I can go to another one.
Thanks Doug and all for sharing your time and experiences. GOOD CUTTING and if anyone has an extra copy of laying around not in use let me know.
03-21-2004, 06:33 PM
And one time at Shopbot camp,
We need to thank Doug for hosting and putting up with us. Alot of great info was exchanged here at camp and look forward to seeing everyone at the Jamboree.
03-21-2004, 11:03 PM
Great Camp Doug. I really enjoyed it.
03-22-2004, 08:27 AM
Enjoyed the great camp Doug. Thanks for hosting and thanks to all for the sharing of info. Had a great time.
03-22-2004, 09:19 AM
I think it was obvious to all of us that you, and your staff, put a LOT of effort into making the Camp work as smoothly as it did. You covered quite of bit of ground in a relatively short amount of time, and I think everyone was able to have their questions, or needs addressed.
The diversity of the group, and their uses for the 'Bot made it all the more interesting. I'm sure there was quite a bit of "cross pollination" going on as the sign guys looked at the work of the furniture guys, etc., etc...The time spent in small groups between the scheduled presentations was equally as valuable, and the quality of the "show and tell" pieces on display pointed out just how far we as a group have come over the last few years.
Maybe one of the best by products of the Camp was the fact that there was a lot of "networking" going on where people were able to establish some face to face relationships. I'll bet there will be a lot of follow up as the weeks roll on.
A good indicator of how well it all went was the number of people who have now decided to come on down to Shopbot for the Jamboree next month. The general consensus was that if they could get SO much information from 35 other 'Botters, having over 100 people in the same place HAS to be even better...
Again, thank you for your time, and effort. it was a great weekend.....
P.S. To those who attended; if you have any good pictures of what went on during the Camp, please send them along to ; so she can post them on the web page, thanks..
03-22-2004, 02:26 PM
Hats off to you Doug!
Thank you for the wealth of information you (all) provided. Thank you for your hospitality and for making everyone feel at home in your shop.
You and your team did a fabulous job.
03-24-2004, 03:36 PM
I'd like to thank Doug and his crew, too, for creating an excellent event. I've copied an email that I sent to Nancy at ShopBot:
"Nancy - I have quite a few pictures from the Ada ShopBot Camp that I'll burn onto a CD and try to get out to you today. I'll send what I have without editing and let you decide what you can use. They should arrive in Durham in a few days. BTW, we had a great camp. Many thanks to Doug Strickland who was a wonderful host, providing lunch both days and breakfast goodies too, and for his willingness to sacrifice several production days from his business. Doug and his employees went to quite a bit of effort to provide us with a great ShopBot experience. And, thanks to all the presenters; Dale Grabowski, David Allen, Doug Strickland, Gary Beckwith, and the others who's names I didn't catch (apologies!), but who all did a great job. And special thanks to Bill Palumbo for his presentations and patience. Doug had a great turnout with thirty-plus attendees. I learned a lot and really enjoyed the company and observations of a lot of forward thinking ShopBotters. Finally, thanks to whoever, at ShopBot, for the loan of the video projector - it made a good event a whole lot better. OBTW, the camp probably convinced a couple of prospectives to purchase their own bots."
Again, thanks to Dale and crew for their efforts - an excellent job.
03-26-2004, 04:22 PM
Thanks for a great camp. I have already tried some new ideas from the discussions. I have saved time and money in the process. The three days will of lost production will be payed for very quickly.
A note for Tank and the others that were looking for end mills and cutters. The company I deal with is
M & H Supply & Equipment Inc.
p.o. box 185309
Fort Worth, TX 76181
They are an SGS distrubuter along with other brands. They are very helpful and easy to work with
Thanks again Doug for the hospitality,
Kaiwa Westbrooks (
03-26-2004, 10:17 PM
Doug, Can't begin to thank you enough for hosting the camp in Ada. Jo-Anne and I came away with lots of ideas for new product lines. Thanks to your staff for making it possible also. They were great. James
04-03-2004, 12:32 PM
There are now some pictures of the Oklahoma Camp on the Shopbot web page;
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