View Full Version : New York Camp Shopbot May 17

01-02-2008, 08:56 PM
On Saturday May 17th we will be hosting a Camp at the shop of Erminio Marrese in Bedford Hills, NY. His business name /address are:
Woodworking by Erminio,Inc
297 Bedford Rd
Bedford Hills NY 10507

914-666-8756 office
914-666-2411 fax
Wberminio@msn.com (mailto:Wberminio@msn.com)
www.woodworkingbyerminio.com (http://www.woodworkingbyerminio.com)

We'll be posting details regarding this Camp over the next few months, so if you are anywhere near the area, and are interested in attending,keep watching the Forum.
We'll be covering many of the most asked for topics regarding CNC work, but Erminio will also be doing a demonstration of some of the different techniques he uses in his shop, including a demo of how to steam bend wood...As usual we'll ask that you please RSVP us so we know how nany people to plan for...

03-21-2008, 04:52 PM
An update on this Camp;
We'll have our coffee/donut session between 8-9 AM

Sessions start at 9
Cabinet making with the Shopbot
Mold making
Steam bending
Sign making
3D carving
And more....I've got some new toys and handouts as well...
If you haven't contacted us yet to let us know you're coming, please do so in the next few weeks. You can just drop a note to; campshopbot@gmail.com (mailto:campshopbot@gmail.com)
and tell us that you plan to be there. We need to get at least a ball park figure for supplies, etc.
If you need driving directions they are posted on this web page; www.WoodworkingbyErminio.com (http://www.WoodworkingbyErminio.com), or you can tell your GPS to steer you towards the address in the posting above this one....

04-03-2008, 08:41 AM
How long do these usually go until? I'm trying to figure out if I should find a place to stay Saturday night - I'm coming from the DC area, about 4.5 hours away. Thanks!

04-03-2008, 10:08 AM
Most Camps start with a "coffee/donut" session from 8-9 AM.They then run throughout the day ( with a Shopbot sponsored lunch in the middle)until roughly 4-5 PM.
Sometimes people do hang out afterwards, but generally speaking the Camp itself should be over by 5PM...

04-07-2008, 11:46 PM
Diane and I will be there, it sounds like a good time.


www.balchsigns.com (http://www.balchsigns.com)

04-07-2008, 11:56 PM
Thanks for the RSVP ! It always helps us know how many people are planning to attend . We're probably going to have a good turnout for this one, so if anyone else is planning to come please drop us a note at campshopbot@gmail.com (mailto:campshopbot@gmail.com) so we can add you to the list...

05-12-2008, 09:13 AM
Anyone coming to the NY camp from eastern CT that would like to share the ride email me at jimhansen@snet.net (mailto:jimhansen@snet.net)

05-12-2008, 12:18 PM
We're going to have a pretty good turnout for this Camp. I just spoke with Erminio and he suggests that people park in the parking lot of the municipal building which is next door to his shop.
A reminder to those that have had their machines for awhile;please bring something for the "Show and Tell" session so we can see what everyone has been up to lately.
And if you have not contacted us to let us know you'll be there please do so ASAP! We need to know how many people to prepare for...Thanks !

05-12-2008, 11:50 PM
I plan on attending.

05-14-2008, 10:44 AM
Hope to be there also.

05-14-2008, 12:06 PM
I just want to welcome all to the Camp on Friday.
It's my first Camp,but we're real excited!


PS Parking is limited just outside the shop.You can park on the street or next door at the bank(they are closed on Saturday)
Just Don't Park On Route 117!!
You Will get Ticketed!

05-15-2008, 12:35 PM
And a last minute reminder to all- if you have any examples of what you have been making with your Shopbot please bring the item, ( or a picture of it) along with you to the Camp ! Thanks!

05-16-2008, 03:29 AM
Erminio, friday? or saturday?

05-16-2008, 07:42 AM
Sorry,Camp is on Saturday!

05-16-2008, 07:49 AM
If,by chance anyone comes on Friday.......
We'll put you to work


05-18-2008, 11:25 AM
It was a great Camp, and I think everyone who attended came away with some new ideas, etc.!
We've just posted pictures on the Camp Flickr page;
and the Camp blog has also been posted at; http://campshopbot.blogspot.com/

05-18-2008, 11:56 AM
I would like to thank Erminio, Bill and Shopbot for a great time at the NY Camp. As usual, it was a great experience and a fun time. It's always exciting to be able to meet fellow shopbotters and exchange ideas.
Thanks again - looking forward to the next one!
PS - the food was fantastic!

05-18-2008, 02:43 PM
I had a great time at the camp!

Since I'm a student, the Shopbot that I use belongs to the school. But the professor I work under has said that if I provide the materials and create the files on my own time, I can use the machine for personal projects. I got some great ideas this weekend on what to try! Chip carving, inlays, a canoe...I just don't know what to do first.

Thanks to everyone! Especially Erminio, his lovely wife, and Bill Palumbo.

05-18-2008, 08:44 PM
Thanks Bill, Erminio and his wife...great information!

05-19-2008, 09:32 AM
I'd also like to send a big THANK YOU to Erimio and Bill!

If you read this forum, and haven't experienced a Camp Shopbot, I have to say you're really missing out on a fun day.

The tips I picked up at Camp Shopbot were great. But what really made the experience unique was the encouragement and feedback from people that spoke "CNC language." If you've ever tried talking to folks at your local bar about your latest CNC victories/defeats you know what I mean.


05-19-2008, 08:06 PM
It was a great meet. I planned to learn about building cabinets, instead Bill gave away the secrets to sign making. Things that it took me years to learn were given away to a bunch of guys in one day. It is just getting too easy these days. 15 years ago I had to design and build my own router, then the software was a major problem. Now days the software and routers are so good that anyone can make signs. ;^)

We had a great time.


05-19-2008, 09:19 PM
Finally made it to a Camp, well worth the time. Great bunch of people. Even picked up a few useful tips, techniques, etc. Look forward to the next one I can make it to. Erminio and Shopbot(Bill P.) were great hosts.

05-20-2008, 10:11 AM
My wife and I would like to thank everyone who attended.This was our first camp, with the help of Bill Palumbo,it was fun to setup.(plus my shop got cleaned up)
Thanks, again, to all who attended

Erminio & MaryLou