View Full Version : Midwest Camp ShopBot revisited
06-16-2004, 12:53 PM
The original thread for my Camp ShopBot is closed. This will be the new thread for this the 3rd annual Midwest Camp ShopBot. It will be held the last Friday and Saturday of September. Also know as September 24 and 25th. On the afternoon of the 23rd will be a free Vector CadCam training at my shop. It will require an RSVP and will be limited so let me know early if you are interested. More info will be posted here in the coming weeks but the information on the closed thread still applies. This is a small area and no new hotels or freeways have been built.
Anyone with any interest in presenting anything let me know. As always, bring something you have made and maybe win a prize.
John Forney
P.S. As always, Gerald you have my personal invitation to come. Hope you can make it this year.
06-16-2004, 02:18 PM
......pulls out map and starts looking for Edison, Ohio about 40 miles North of Columbus.....
07-23-2004, 09:25 AM
My wife has organized a trip to the Amish in Holmes County, Ohio for wives/husbands or any other politically correct term you want. Space may or may not be limited (depends on number of drivers), so if you are interested let me know as soon as.
Again, we will have a software engineer from ArtCam showing Insignia and Pro. Of course they will be able to answer questions about PartWizard.
We will be spending time actually drawing and cutting a cherry rose inlay into a maple board. Fits so well it has to be tapped into place with a dead blow hammer.
Even though this is only the end of July and the camp is the end of September, if you are interested in showing/teaching something you do, let me know and I will set aside time and gather materials for your demo. The more you demo the more I get time off to watch.
John Forney
419 947-8186
07-23-2004, 01:10 PM
Where is the camp being held?
07-23-2004, 01:54 PM
This was copied directly from the old topic.
Ohio Camp Shopbot Directions.
The camp is being help at my shop on October 11, 12 and 13 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). The address is:
132 ½ High Street (State Route 95)
Edison, Ohio 43302
419 947-8186
Edison is approximately 40 miles North of Columbus, Ohio
If you come in on Interstate 70 you will want to go towards Cleveland on Interstate 270 and then go North on St. Rt. 23 if coming from the West and north on Interstate 71 if coming from the East
From the North or South on State Route 23
Exit on St. Rt. 95 which is the Marion Exit and go east (left from the North and right from the South.) approximately 12 miles. When you come into the town of Edison you will go over the RR Tracks and past the School with is at the first and only light. One half mile on the South (right) side will be the Pins & Cues Bowling Alley. Turn into the parking lot and you are at my shop. There will be signs indicating where to park. We share the parking lot and my shop is on the west side.
There is only one bowling alley in Edison (which only has 65 registered voters) and Edison is adjacent to Mt. Gilead for those that are going to use a mapping site.
From the North or South on Interstate 71
Exit at the Mt. Gilead exit and go West (left from the South and right from the North) approximately 15 miles. Go through Mt. Gilead and turn into the Pins & Cues Bowling Alley. Turn into the parking lot and you are at my shop. There will be signs indicating where to park. We share the parking lot and my shop is on the west side.
As you can see I am right in the middle of State Route 23 and Interstate 71 on State Route 95. In Edison St. Rt. 95 is also High Street, so if you are looking up directions on a mapping site use the High Street address. If you require other directions please email me and I will send them.
John Forney
Sawdust & WoodChips Ltd.
132 ½ High Street
Edison, Ohio 43302
419 947-8186
07-23-2004, 01:57 PM
To save me time and typing please check the follow link for information on directions and motel info.
07-23-2004, 02:01 PM
Bad news on Midwest Ohio Camp ShopBot.
For the 3rd time in a row Gerald is not able to make the Camp.
Good news for John.
Gerald actually called me. What a surprise. We had a very pleasent conversation and it is a disappointment to me that he can't come, however, he said he would (not maybe) come some other time. Well, I'll just wait and hope.
John Forney
07-25-2004, 01:24 PM
Any one that would like to share a ride. Ken Garbe from Chesterton Ind is interested. Don't know where Chesterton is but if you're on the way contact me.
John Forney
09-01-2004, 09:45 AM
Just got off the phone with Active Machine and Tool in Michigan (888-766-7437). They are furnishing us with Belin bits for a head to head comparison with Onsrud. They also are sending some bits for door prizes.
Also All Star Adhesives (1.800.878.STAR (7827)has two new gasket products that we will be showing. They have said that they will be selling quanities as low as 1 roll. These new gasket materials will be part of our hold down presentation. They have a double face tape that is far superior to the standard carpet tape.
Tiffany with ArtCam will be here to show PartWizard 2 as well as the other ArtCam products. Shopbot has agreed to send some great door prizes as well as ArtCam. Also ArtCam is sending cd's with a full working 2d Insignia program. No you can't save or generate code but you can actually do everything else.
Time is short and the camp is going to be full. Full of people and things to see. If you haven't already let me know you are coming please do soon.
Anyone that has something special or just mundane that they do can contact me and do a small/short presentation.
09-13-2004, 11:33 PM
Hi John, We are looking forward to your camp later this month. The vendors you have lined up should add a lot of good information. Do you have an agenda yet? See you soon. Bob
09-14-2004, 07:17 PM
I am still getting shopbotters that want to do a presentation and as most thing shopbot the agenda/schedule will be a bit fluid. Ok maybe a lot fluid. There will something interesting going on all the time and with the number of people who are supposed to show up I am sure that we will break into smaller groups and have more than one topic at any given time.
The first year I tried to force some order onto shopbotters. I think that they have won and we will be very open as to what topics will covered during the day.
Friday and Saturday will be very different and also very similar. If you have something that you would like to share (this goes for everyone attending) let me know now or when you get here and if there is interest you're up to bat.
John Forney
09-26-2004, 07:49 AM
John, thanks for hosting the camp for the third time. Once again, I learned more than enough to justify the 5 hour drive to your shop.
Having folks do short presentations was a good idea; we can always learn a lot from someone further up the learning curve on a subject.
09-27-2004, 12:28 PM
Thank you John for a great Camp, your time and use of your shop. The presentations were great.
Wish I could have been there for both days.
Thank you
Greg Barnhart
09-27-2004, 12:30 PM
John, I have to agree with Harold the camp this year was fantastic. Thank you for all the EXTRA effort that you put in to make the camp a great learning expierence for all who attended. The people from ArtCam again put on some great demos. Also other people that have expierence with their own ShopBots gave presentations and demos as well. It is through the generosity of people like you John that give up their time to host a camp, that keeps our community of ShopBotters active and learning new things.
I would suggest that anyone can benifit from attending these camps however, if you are a new owner of the tool, it is almost mandatory. It is the best way to get answers for the gray areas encountered during startup. If you have not attended a camp watch the forum for any location that you can get to. The next one is in NJ in October.
Would it not be great if some kind soul could post some of the great stuff that goes on at these camps here in the forum. A lot of us would love to get away to the camps but taking time from work is not alway possible.
If the some of the attendies could take the one idea they got the most from and did a little write up here it would be appreciated.
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