View Full Version : Has anyone had experience using MFGQuote.com

07-26-2006, 09:46 AM
We are a small fabrication shop that is looking to "step up" to the next level and we were wondering if anyone has had experience using MFGQuote.com. They provide RFQ's for projects based on filters that describe your business. We are looking to use our Bot to just cut wood or plastic projects at the moment. It does have a monthly fee associated with it and I just wanted to see if there was any opinion one way or the other about how helpful it was. If this is not an appropriate question for the forums or if I posted it in the wrong place, I apologize.

07-26-2006, 09:56 AM
Tony, I did a little research and spoke with these guys. Also did a free trial period to see what it would generate. From my perspective, it looked more like a vehicle for some very small custom machined parts that might be useful to a metal turning shop, machine shop, or the like. For us the opportunities we saw were mostly small parts, snall volume, and hunderds of potential competitors better suited to metal turnings etc. Seemed the time to invest in sales, estimating, design, material issues, and often tight tolerances would be more costly than the parts or entire job.
Price for the service also seemed a bit high to me.
Consider the free trial 1st and see if it suits your needs but very little in wood or plastic that fit our profile or target types of work/$.

07-26-2006, 10:13 AM
Thanks Jerry. This is exactly the type of info I was looking for. We did the trial and had pretty much the same opinion. Given the price for the service I definitely wanted to investigate and see if it was indeed as helpful as it claims to be. Thanks again!

07-26-2006, 08:21 PM

I tried the MFGQuote route and the bang for the buck was not there for me. during the whole time I was in it got 10 request and only 1 small job out of it.