View Full Version : Patch for VCarvePro ShopBot Edition v8
04-09-2015, 02:28 PM
If you have installed VCarvePro ShopBot Edition V8, you can get the patch to take V8 to V8.014
Do ‘Help – Check For Updates’ on a computer connected to the internet they should be told there is a new version available and it will be downloaded and installed.
If using a computer not attached to the internet, download the patch from …
You can use a USB stick to transfer to the computer where V8 is installed. Copy this into the ‘Program Files\VCarve Pro – ShopBot Edition’ folder and run it.
04-09-2015, 02:50 PM
This also true for Aspire 8, patch is available.
04-09-2015, 02:53 PM
My control computer Thanks You Nancy:)
Oh! PLEASE keep the downloadable patches coming for those of us with unconnected control computers!
Thanks again Nancy!
11-05-2015, 09:25 AM
Any chance on another downloadable update for VCP8?
V8.014 has a serious glitch when VCarving in a pocket and my control computer has never touched the internet and don't want to as there's no antivirus at all.
They're up to V8.024 now, but ANYTHING more recent than 8.014 solves that particular glitch.
Thanks for anything you could do for us!
11-05-2015, 10:14 AM
Isn't V8.024 more current than V8.014?? I'm confused.... :confused:
11-05-2015, 11:50 AM
Nancy had posted a downloadable V8.014 for unconnected internet computers for Shopbot edition.
Regular download of new editions from Vetric and put on thumbdrive don't take as it doesn't recognize Shopbot edition.
Both connected computers are already patched to v8.024, but control computer is very stripped down and no protection or internet.
Means I have to do all the files in the house completely and remember NOT to recalculate any toolpaths in the pocket or it puts a groove through them:(
11-05-2015, 12:29 PM
I beg to differ, I have Vcarve Pro 8 shopbot edition and I update it from vectric, just did the update to .024. If I am remembering correctly, vectric made a change for updates to be able to do it from their site through the app. I have the download if you want to try it, I can upload it to me website and you could download it and try?
Brady Watson
11-05-2015, 01:58 PM
Go here: Vectric Portal ( and follow the instructions.
11-05-2015, 07:00 PM
Thanks guys.
Located the e-mail from Dianne with my VCP8 upgrade license and info for the library downloads, but just doesn't let me get into or set up portal account:(
Frustrating after a full day, so shoot at it again tomorrow while I'm fresh.
Joe could you e-mail it to my account in contact info? I'll try anything at the moment.
James M
11-05-2015, 08:16 PM
Thanks to the Original Poster!
I hadn't realized that they had released a patch.
11-06-2015, 10:13 AM
Thanks to the e-mail from Joe this morning...control computer is running VCPSopbot edition 8.024 now:)
His suggestion to take VCP8.024 edition on laptop/copy to thumbdrive/ and copy/replace my 8.014 worked a charm.
For some reason I did have to delete the shortcut on desktop and make a new shortcut.
Also (again I don't know why) I had to copy past the 8.024 patch into the Win32 folder for it to show 8.024 in the about tab .
Thanks SO much for the suggestions and e-mail Joe!!! :)
11-06-2015, 12:35 PM
Thanks and always happy to return the favor, many have helped me and I will always try to return the good deed whenever I can....
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