View Full Version : So Cal Camp 2006 again?
SoCal (Unregistered Guest)
01-18-2006, 02:30 AM
Anyone know if there will be another?
01-18-2006, 09:37 AM
I will check into this for you..
SoCal (Unregistered Guest)
01-18-2006, 02:02 PM
If not in Venice Beach,who would be interested in San Diego?
01-26-2006, 12:45 PM
We will have our third Southern California Camp on Saturday,April 8,2006 at Ilan Dei's studio, 2100 Zeno Place, Venice,CA. 90291. Ilan's phone # is- 310-302-9222. Details will follow shortly...Please contact either Ilan, or myself to RSVP....
01-26-2006, 10:11 PM
I am a new Botter and will not have anything to share but would like to get involved.
I will be there also.
02-19-2006, 10:22 AM
New Botter and a novice.
I will be there too.
03-24-2006, 11:32 AM
Hi everybody
Thank you all for showing interest in our third annual south California camp.
The camp will be On Saturday April 8, we will start at 9 am
it will be at my shop in Venice, CA
about 15 minutes drive from Los Angeles international airport the address is:
2100 Zeno place, Venice CA 90291
the topics that will be cover:
3d cutting
Cabinet and furniture parts.
Shopbot hold-downs.
Sign making,
Mold making,
Show and Tell” where YOU bring things you have made on your ‘Bot
A brief rundown on the software which Shopbot/Delcam supports (Part Wizard/Insignia/Art cam Pro) and rhino cam
If anyone has material they’d like to share, please bring samples
I am looking for some one to present sign making , is any one interested?
Local hotels;
Marina 7 Motel
2435 Lincoln Blvd
Venice, A 90291
Holiday Inn Express-Marina del Rey
737 Washington Blvd
Marina Del rey,CA. 90292
Looking forward to see you all
04-08-2006, 10:07 PM
Ilan Dei(Host) and Bill Palumbo(Speaker).
Thank you very much guys for hosting & leading SoCal Camp.
It was very nice to meet 25 fellow Botters.
Topics of vacuum holding & softwares were very
helpful for me.
04-08-2006, 10:26 PM
Thank you Ilan, Bill and all that worked hard to make today a success! I really enjoyed the day, meeting famialar faces from last year, new faces and even friends from a past (pre-CNC) life (good to see you "Stu-Bob"). I woul have liked to have taken a few minutes at the begining to introduced our selves briefly to each other to get the local "Botters" community a little more connected.
I would like to take Bill's suggestion and gather more often. A couple of months or so from now at my place or one of yours? Like with my "Scouts" I try to remind them to always keep a good Service Project going, partly because it's a good thing to do and also because it always FEELS GOOD (whether they realized it at the beggining or not) when you get done. So, any suggestions or input? Community Betterment, Artistic Beautification, SERVICE, Education (future Botters young and old)etc.,etc.,etc... ? Sorry if I'm goin' on too much. It must be the beautiful weather or the nice drive home up the coast. So how about it a Jamb session and a service project arrond one of our Shopbots?
04-10-2006, 09:59 AM
I got back from the Southern California camp last evening, and I have posted some pictures on the Shopbot Flickr site.
The Mecsoft people came in and did a demo of Rhino and VisualMill. Our host Ilan Dei showed off some project/prototypes which he is working on (including a hot wire attachment for his 'Bot)
There was quite a wide range of projects discussed, and shown. Everything from a magical folding "chair in a box" to "turnings" done without an indexer. We saw some excellent examples of carving panels for large projects. And Phil Mulligan brought in his "beam cutter saw" attachment and explained how he uses it to cut multiple sheets of material at the same time (don't try this at home kids.....). Hopefully as with some other regions, the 'Botters down in Southern California will now be able to do some follow up, and meet occasionally throughout the year.
04-10-2006, 10:21 AM
WOW, some fantastic stuff out there. How would I get in touch with the Hot wire botter? This entire section with the work being done out there is incredibly inspirational.
04-10-2006, 10:38 AM
You can contact Ilan Dei about this (his e-mail address is on the calendar of events). I believe that he and Ken Zill (another SoCal 'Botter) came up with this device. Ken cuts surfboards with it...
There is a LOT of good stuff being done all over the country, and we're hoping that more people start bringing their work to the Camps to show it off.
If not, the NEW Shopbot web page has more than enough categories to allow this kind of showcasing, and I'm hoping we see more and more people send in pictures of what they DO...
(P.S. Just back up on this thread for Ilan's address)
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