View Full Version : control over B axis

05-02-2015, 08:03 PM
this is my best chance on a Sat to figure this out, already struck out in the help files.

I am checking out a new toy for the handibot for Ted and it uses the B axis to move linearly for tiling well the control software insists on returning it to .5" before starting cutting, is there a setting to turn this action off so I can properly control B?



05-03-2015, 02:06 AM
Not quite sure of the situation, but it sounds more like it's a post processor issue. The generated tiling file is telling it to go there at the start of each file. Much in the same way that the x and y would go to 0,0 before going to the start of the cut. If you are using one of the Vectric products, there is a tutorial for modifying/customizing the post processor file. For an experiment, you could open each tiled file in a text editor and edit out the line that returns it to that position.

05-03-2015, 04:14 AM
Okay, it is fixed and I'll post in case someone else has this problem, the safe hight for A was set to .5", well it afects B as well so if you have this problem the fix is [VC] then delete any value in A safe height.

05-03-2015, 03:32 PM
Good to hear. Knew 'A' was there, but interesting to know that it affects 'B' as well. So, I take it that the 'JH' at the end of a tiled file is what was jogging the 'B' axis to 'Safe Pull-Up as well.

05-04-2015, 12:21 AM
That is exactly what was happing Scott. I knew it had to be a Safe Pull up somewhere but of all the looking around in the control SW I had never seen [VC].