View Full Version : North Carolina Maker Faire !!!

03-01-2010, 02:39 PM
Jamboree/North Carolina Maker Faire !
We have again joined forces with the folks who run the Maker Faires, and for the very first time they will be holding an event in North Carolina ! Even better, they will be holding it the day after our Jamboree,(Sunday, April 25th) and in the same location ! This means you'll be able to come back on Sunday and SEE some pretty incredible stuff!
In fact if YOU would like to have a table/booth of your own for this event you can go to;
http://makerfairenc.com/ and sign up for their mailing list which will keep you up to date on their plans.
This is a great chance to be part of the first such event in the area, and we'll also be there with booths from Shopbot, and "100Kgarages.com"as well.
And as the weekend calendar starts to fill in, it would REALLY help us if those planning to attend the Jamboree would contact us to register ASAP. Thanks !