View Full Version : Live edge tables.

Brian Harnett
05-20-2015, 08:05 PM
Made these up this week I milled and kiln dried the wood last year, two are cherry tops the one is catalpa with firewood legs out of cherry and one maple leg.

Bot cut the mortises and tenons for the legs besides the catalpa one I drilled and doweled that one.

Played around with spraying waterborne poly I think they came out pretty good.


Brian Harnett
05-20-2015, 08:07 PM
Some more pics


05-20-2015, 10:32 PM
Beautiful work Brian....I expected nothing less! I want to ask you about your mortise and tenon technique but i'm too sleepy right now...so remind me later! lol Good job

05-21-2015, 06:57 AM
Those look great Brian. I love the live edge look.

05-22-2015, 11:28 PM
Always love looking at your stuff!!:)
Really like the curved one and always like the wedged tenons!
Kindofashame the Beavers got at the legs of that one, and the sapwood of the other :) :)
Is that your carving chainsaw or one of those right-angle grinders with a chainsaw blade type thingamawidget on it?
(or what do I know....drawknife/ skorp?)
Always like Cherry heart/sap contrast as it ages...Very interesting grain on that Catalpa! :) (always see the pods....never seen the wood before..Thanks.
Nice pieces Brian!

Brian Harnett
05-23-2015, 06:16 AM
Scott I use a arbortech pro cutter head for the texturing, used to use a chainsaw but the arbortch leaves a smoother surface the pro head has 3 replaceable cutters. the lancelot chainsaw grinder heads are dangerous much more grabby if not used correctly. I made a special tool mount for mine the angle grinder is mounted in a old chainsaw frame the switch is wired through the trigger more control and further from my hands.


05-23-2015, 07:11 AM
Thanks for pic Brian.
Yup, Lancelot upon searching is the one I've seen being used.
You've got WAY more of a shaving coming off yours:)
Looks like it would be great for logs!
Once again I like your rig and how you adapt stuff....I KNEW there was a reason I didn't throw away my oscillating brush cutter, even though the motor was Fried!
Probably safer than my 12" drawknife when used from the wheelchair too!! Come close to shaving my kneecaps with THAT sucker too often:(
Saw a guy for the last few days building a Spruce log cabin from last years 12-16" logs that probably would have given his eye teeth to have one....although his Swedish forged axe was to DIE for, and you could have shaved with his adze:)
Saw his boom truck coming in as we were leaving the woods and he'd just finished the rafters Thursday....So he's not a TOTAL Luddite, just used to building cabins 50 miles from the nearest powerline and HATES listening to a generator:)

05-23-2015, 08:36 AM
Is it your “style” / general practice to remove the bark and then texture the “live“ edge? I enjoy seeing your work!

Brian Harnett
05-23-2015, 09:28 PM
Steve, I am a bit random not sure about style, one I removed the bark and followed the contour without texture the other cherry one I textured these are going to art shows everyone has a different style preference. One thing I dislike on live edge furniture is squared off ends on a board I see it a lot and it sells for others, I just do not like the transition.