View Full Version : Rubber and plastic for tabletop

06-08-2015, 10:17 AM
I want to create a tableto that will be vee carved, the vees filled in with a white or colored plastic or rubber type material and then finished with plastic as in a bar top.
I need reccs for products a what to watch for.

06-08-2015, 12:03 PM
For the plastic bar top there are special tabletop epoxies like the Whitaker KlearKote (http://www.creativewholesale.com/ProductDetail/tabid/174/ProductID/1290/Default.aspx) or the USComposites KleerKote (http://www.uscomposites.com/kk121.html). I have used the latter and it works well.

I would be careful putting something rubbery under the epoxy. If you smash a glass on the surface the rubber will give and the epoxy will crack. I would rather seal the surface, fill the carving it with pigmented epoxy of the same type and sand flush/clean before final coating. These epoxies usually need a thin seal coat to be partially cured and a thick flood coat on top.