View Full Version : runtime error 9 - subscript out of range?

06-12-2015, 02:53 PM
Anyone else ever get that error? It's puzzling because it happened while doing a 600,000 line tool-path, AFTER successfully doing an even bigger (900,000 line) file.

06-12-2015, 03:11 PM

Sounds like there may be an issue in your code. I would take a look here:


and give your code/tool path a good once over.

Give us an email with your code if you can not find any issues and we can give it a look.

-Tom H.

Mark Farris
06-12-2015, 08:15 PM
Yep, that was the error message I was getting in large 3D files when I was running the new 3.8.xx control software. I worked with Ted for quite a while trying to resolve it. I sent them my files and they tried it on many different computers and could not duplicate it. I went back to the tried and true 3.6.46 and have never had a problem. The unproven suspicion was that it was something in my computer when loading large files. It would run fine for 40-75% of the file then stop and display the error. This was using one of the first few versions of 3.8.xx, and I haven't had the time to try it again. As it has been said so many times on the forum "if it ain't broke don't fix it. I'm waiting for the new "on onboard" upgrade when it is ready.


Mark Farris
06-12-2015, 08:16 PM
I meant "onboard".


06-27-2015, 03:11 PM
For every one's information, the guys at SB (Ted and others) found the problem and sent me a revised exe that hasn't been released yet I think. It works fine. But they will have to explain the bug and why my file encountered it!