View Full Version : NOT buttons
07-17-2015, 04:53 PM
Needed some interchangeable (magnets) lids for a crib board that Kirk came up with design for in his "spare" time.
Needed a plain vanilla cheap lid as an alternative to his 3D's for entry level board for a shop in town.
Tomorrow...simple Vac puck/jig for magnet pocket or carving a blank.
Carving time was reasonable, but Compass Rose needs node editing as had tearout on unsupported endgrain on East/West and some lines were so faint I had to cheat and nudge.
Curly and Cherry were 3/8" Ocooch 4X24" blanks. Walnuts resawed on Uni(thanks Eugene)
THEY'RE HUGE!!! 4X5"!!!!! :)
11-27-2015, 08:31 AM
William Morris frontispiece commonly called "Lady in the Woods"
Curly Maple live edge with umpteen coats of our Linseed/Beeswax finish brushed on.
Kyocera(Drillman1) .125" 30 degree engraving with .012" flat entered as VBit
Do you like how I buried the bit near her foot on a pause/resume? :)
11-27-2015, 08:46 AM
Finally tried a larger 3D.
Quilted Maple live edge "Moose scene 5"
Tried to get the knot placed rising above the mountain and lucked out on placement, but knot got smaller(oil may bring it out).
Carved against the grain,no roughing pass, unsanded, just brushed with an acid brush for the fine fuzzies.
Onsrud 37-23 at 1.5% 2,2,18K default VR settings.
Changing VR settings for the second side which will be the Loon Scene I use on buttons.
Need to buy 32'nd TBN.
Can't wait to sand and oil:)
This one's for the house so I don't mind the time.
11-27-2015, 09:33 AM
LOOKING GOOD. The testing of my UPS went great. Talk about peace of mind.
Chuck Keysor
11-27-2015, 04:30 PM
Scott, the detail on this carving is quite impressive. Thanks for posting.
As to the "Kyocera(Drillman1) .125" 30 degree engraving with .012" flat":
1) Where did you purchase this bit? I found a number of Kyocera suppliers, but would like to be steered to someone that provided you with good service, if you can make such a recommendation.
2) Have you had problems with the tips of such fine bits breaking when you "zero" them with the Bot's aluminum zeroing plate?
Thanks, Chuck
PS: I saw that on another forum you said that Drillman1 was on Ebay. But when I searched EBay's site, it didn't find any such name.
11-27-2015, 04:31 PM
I do love that fine detail with the desktops!
Where did the Morris relief come from? Way cool.
I wouldn't mind taking a high res photo of the Morris illustration and seeing how it did on a litho.
11-27-2015, 04:48 PM
Yeah Rick, only a 7 hour cut, but glad for the UPS:)
Chuck, Seems he's out of the 30's with the .012"flat at the moment(DON"T buy the "Sharp"(.006"flat) as I did break 2 in a row on Bloodwood, and somebody else had breakage with that one particular bit) NEVER had a tip break on the Zero plate yet.
IF it doesn't say Kyocera in his listing.....I've used several of those and couldn't tell the difference in cut or longevity.
VERY prompt service on several orders now. Recommend. ra.TRS0&_nkw=Kyocera&_sacat=6028
Dave, Got my .eps direct from Rick after loving what others were doing in both this thread and the one mentioned.
Should have used a 60 for this small size.
Oh, Dave. Both "Lady" and the Moose were stuck in for 1 repetition because I hate sanding.....Got to love the Desktops repeatability:)
Shut the Fein down at 11PM after babysitting the first pass and dozed 40' away for the RR....only noise that woke me up on the .25" Onsrud was the spindle shutting down at 6:30 AM:)
11-27-2015, 07:00 PM
Thanks again Cowboy!!!
Many requests for that one:)
(including my apprentice for her birthday in Feb.....thanks a lot:)
11-27-2015, 07:58 PM
i have had the Lady in the Woods file for years now but have never cut it. But i have it if anyone wants it just email me at
11-27-2015, 08:11 PM
Thanks Rick,
Only problem was the vine over her trailing foot in VCP.
Thanks once more for the file!
NO open vectors and such---carved out of the box.
11-28-2015, 07:51 AM
Here's the file and pics of 1 that I have cut, it's a nice one to play with.
11-28-2015, 08:42 AM
Scott, not sure that I could have cut into the quilted maple even after my brain figured out that it wasn't textured by the desk top. The moose scene is awesome. Would love to see after finish is applied.
11-28-2015, 10:49 AM
Thanks Joe. I got it off the Vectric thread.
Nicely done as well.
11-29-2015, 07:56 AM
Not quite so nervous after seeing how well my "shelf" came out with multiple coats.
Was a little nervous that it would be "Busy" and lose the Moose in the grain or versa visa.
Lucked out again in placement as hooves end at a layer, and antlers begin at a layer.
Originally had a .01" lip all around it, but after sanding to 600G the left side was only about .005" so sanded the lip off.
The right side needed more fairing than the right, and it's kind of an interesting effect(like Moose isn't confined on that side and can walk out of his oval), so going to fair out the left side as well.
First coat of 50/50 polymerized Linseed/Citrus was applied with wood heat soaked to 140F in oven. It "Drank" for about 40 minutes. Thirsty sucker.
First coat of Linseed/Beeswax was brushed on yesterday.
MAY hit spots like eyes with the smallest flame my Blue Blazer can give me to add contrast, not black, but like a golden marshmallow.
Fingers crossed if I do after testing on my live edge shelf.
My Mom said it must be expensive "What $49-59?" and I told her the bare wood cost more than that:)
11-30-2015, 07:25 AM
Turned out great!! Not as busy as I expected it to be. Sanding the lip away was a good choice. Makes the natural wood, outside the carving, part of the scene. Never have tried that type of finish. Will have to try sometime.
11-30-2015, 08:10 AM
Thanks David,
Decided to do the other half of the board rather than carving on backside of Moose.
Did this last night.
More on that Earthpaint Linseed/Beeswax later...Got apprentice in an hour and running 240 small Celtics that blanks were prepped last Weds first thing this morning.
Brian Harnett
12-01-2015, 08:47 AM
Really nice great detail.
12-02-2015, 09:41 AM
You are getting great detail from that bit.
12-02-2015, 12:26 PM
Thanks Guys.
Cutting a slightly smaller one I started 10 minutes ago with same set up, so Dad doesn't lug my quilted house pieces all over the place.
This one is the Moose again, but Hard Maple and about 2/3 of it is highly figured Curly.
Seem to be cutting slightly cleaner than the Big Leaf Maple Quilted because of density?
No live edge, so probably drawknife or gouge the edges a little like Brian does.
12-02-2015, 02:19 PM
Same settings and bit.
12-02-2015, 04:40 PM
Only a little over 4 hours because it was smaller.
12-03-2015, 07:56 AM
Of course the Moose WILL be a button soon.....just like the Loon scene:)
Same exact bit and strategy....only the feeds were changed to protect the innocent.
12-10-2015, 12:14 PM
Apprentice liked "Lady" so much I made her one for Christmas.
Used Drillman1's $4 Kyocera.125" 45 degree this time instead of the 30 degree used on mine on the right.
Cut an hour off the cut time to an even 4 hours:)
01-01-2016, 09:39 AM
Had family over day after Christmas. 4 adults and niece and nephew(12 and 8) and they wanted a start to finish new project to watch so each person could see what they were interested in.
Kids got a kick out of choosing their shape and both wanted Freestyle Script as their font.
Entire pocket was done with a MillMonster .125" 3F countersink bit with about a .03"flat at 10% stepover.
Cutout with a Whiteside Pointcutting Round Over .5"D .25R.
Everybody got a kick out of how fast VCP8 was to mod, and then watching the Desktop cut:)
Good time was had by all for almost an hour.
Oh, Kids decided to make them keyrings--so 5 minutes with drill press made it so.
01-01-2016, 07:45 PM
Those are pretty slick Scott! ;) Padauk?
01-02-2016, 06:23 AM
Thanks Scott.
Nope, Just Black Walnut.
I can see why you thinks so from the flash pic on right though:)
A Lady wants some keyrings made for $6-8 wholesale, so that was in the back of my mind when I made these.
She wants silver dollar/half Business card size though.
Putzing with original Triskellions:)
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