View Full Version : Too many start points

08-01-2015, 11:29 AM
I am cutting 1/4" UHMW, the cut has a 200" perimeter. There are 20 indentations for indexing folds. The indentations are 1/4" deep and made with a 1/4" bit. My problem is I have 8 start points. All of the start points are in the indentations. The piece has been joined as one vector.
Can I remove the start points to have the toolpath run a continous cut around the piece? The drawing was made in DesignCAD 3D Max and imported into VCarvePro. The tool path is all in one direction

08-01-2015, 12:17 PM
If you have 8 start points, you don't have a joined vector. If you right click and choose to select all open vectors, how many do you get (shown in the status bar at the lower right)? You may also have duplicates on top of each other. Try right clicking and choose to select all duplicates and delete them, then make sure what is left is joined to one vector.

Post the file for more help.

08-02-2015, 04:31 AM
As Scott says it's definitely not one vector. When you say you joined it how did you do it? Grouping is not the same thing as joining.