View Full Version : Bot stalling... this is new.

08-31-2015, 06:02 PM
Circa 2006 PRT Alpha running most recent software 3.6.46 released in 2013 which is the newest I believe it will run.
PC has been running on it almost a year now, new USB hub recently (few months) after the old one failed.

Over the years I've had a few random disconnects while running but it has never been chronic and it's always been the typical error message pops up and it can't find the bot. Again, that's been rare and far between and excluding the USB hub failure has maybe happened twice in the last year since the move.

However... today it has just stopped, twice so far. It is running along and just stops. The screen (other than being static) is normal. The PC has not locked up, I can still move the mouse inside the start button. It's just not making progress. Spindle is running, just no movement.

To recover, I take a picture of the screen, use the task manager to end the process then open the control software again. It shows the x,y and z are now all zero. So I use the photo of the screen I took to move the bot to -x, -y values shown as the last position and re-zero the Z and restart the job a couple of lines ahead of where it stopped. The job then finishes without event.

I'm not sure what to think of this at the moment. Twice in one day, been running about 6 or 7 hours total. First time was a couple of hours in and the last time was to be the last job of the day.

It is hot out there, but that's nothing new. The PC seems normal, fans are clear and again, it didn't lock up. I've not had to reboot it to recover. It just puzzles me that I don't get the disconnected error and can continue after dealing with that. I've never had the control software stop responding like that during the middle of a job.

Ideas or suggestions would be appreciated as I plan to look at everything in the morning while it's cool. I figure I can replace the hub again, run some diags on the PC, check for nicks in the cables or loose connections, check the grounding etc...


Brady Watson
08-31-2015, 07:39 PM
I went through this with my personal machine. Turned out that one of the contactors was just about to give up the ghost. This caused the 24v power to drop out intermittently. It drove me up a wall trying to track it down...swapped out board, swapped out card, checked 24v PS and no change. Swapped out contactor that switches the 24v on and off, and all is well...

You may or may not be able to check them by pushing them in if one or both is sticking out (gray bar on contactors for 24v - not spindle one). They DO get tired after a while and heat does affect them because they get heat soaked and the electromagnet gets saturated.


09-01-2015, 12:40 PM
That makes sense Brady, now I know what to suspect which is a good start, thanks!

Everything looked OK this morning, been going a couple of hours now without a problem but it's not quiet as hot as it was yesterday. I suppose I could just order new relays to have on the shelf.


09-07-2015, 01:57 PM

Has everything been running ok since your last hiccup? I have a 2005 Alpha with a new controller (v204) which was purchased months ago. I am still a hobbyist so it's not getting a heavy workout but when I do run it I am getting intermittent stops midcut and sometimes I can just restart the file from the last line and it will finish fine. It's that stop in midcut where it just dies and once it started looping a cut and moving a few inches at a time towards the end of the table (had to turn it off to stop that one). The last time this kept occurring, I replaced the usb cable and all was fine. Now it's back again so I replaced the cable, added a tripp lite powered usb hub and it's still happening. I've emailed Frank to update him on this latest but figured I'd come here to start searching again.


09-17-2015, 03:51 PM
I pretty sure now I need to replace relays. I caught it not acting right today when I turned on the power. Normally there is the sound of multiple clicks all at once as the relays close. Today there were the normal clicks then a short pause and another click as a relay closed late. Obviously it lagged behind the others which tells me something isn't right with it.

The problem persists though not a daily occurrence. It is random and seems to be the worst when it is very hot.


Brady Watson
09-17-2015, 04:27 PM
Sounds like contactors to me...the ice cube relays on the board (Alpha only) can also cause similar issues when they go out, but I'd put my money on the contactors.
