View Full Version : Dual Z
09-28-2015, 12:29 PM
Hello SB Forum,
I'm sure the answer is somewhere in the archive but I'm having a hard time setting up my dual Z machine to function as a tool changer. I've searched the forum and found ways people have done it in the past and none seem to be working how I'd like them to. I can manually change the inputs with the VI command and offset accordingly but anytime I try to put this into a custom file it does not work. I've fussed with the MTC commands as well and feel like I'm just missing something.
I'd like to make a custom file, edit the G code directly, or change my post processor to accommodate the tool change.
I have a PRT Alpha with Colombo Spindle (output1) and PC Router (output2)
Brady Watson
09-28-2015, 01:28 PM
You first need to setup offsets for each spindle using TS.
Once you have done this, you will toolpath your Spindle 1(Z) stuff and save out the SBP using the regular SB_Arcs_Inch (et al) post processor. You will toolpath the stuff for the 2nd spindle (A) and save out the SBP using the ShopBot Head 2 Arcs Inch post processor. (there are a few similar posts...some with spindle speed control etc)
The 2nd post processor will read the offset you did using TS (references the myvariables.sbc file) and sync the spindles between toolpaths.
I believe there may be another way to do this using the TC_Inch post, but the one above will get you there.
09-28-2015, 02:08 PM
If your offsets and tool #'s are set up properly, ShopBot_TC_inch.pp should handle each head accordingly. I don't run two heads (have a hard enough time with the one I have at times! ;)) , so proceed with caution.
09-28-2015, 09:30 PM
I have a 06 era twin z alpha… I have always manually edited the two files I created, one with the normal arc inch PP and one with the head 2 PP into one file. This is a bit tedious and so I only use it for large production runs… If as Scott has suggested, the TC PP keeps track of heads (with tool #’s) it opens wide the defacto tool changer usefulness! I’ll be exploring!
Brady Watson
09-28-2015, 11:19 PM
I haven't fooled with the 2-head setups with the newer TC_Inch posts more than a couple of times, but found this which should get you in the right direction:
If it doesn't, call tech support.
09-29-2015, 11:54 AM
Thank you all for the responses! So the CAM software I'm using is Bobcad/cam, how would I use these posts your recommending in correlation with the files I'm generating through bobCAM? or would I need to get a custom post written?
Brady Watson
09-29-2015, 12:14 PM
Yes. You would need to modify your existing or have BC do one for you.
It may be helpful to send them the ShopBot_TC_Inch.pp file to reverse engineer. I believe it is loosely based on a Fanuc type post, which they should be familiar with. Not many here use BC so I am afraid you might be on your own.
09-29-2015, 02:59 PM
I'll give them a call and post the hopefully positive results!
Is there a way to set a custom command to switch the Z and A and factor the offset? I experimented a little with this trying to use the VI command but could not figure it out unless I manual changed it in the VI window that pops up.
Gary Campbell
09-30-2015, 07:47 PM
You can use either of two methods to "toggle" between the Z and A axes for cutting. This assumes that you have access to the "SB zero A" file to ensure that the A zero has been set. (along with the Z, of course)
1) Use separate post P's. One for the Z (head 1) and another for the A (head 2) This is the legacy version and may not be supported anymore. Cutting files for each head will be saved to a separate file.
2) Implement and use the SB "MTC" system. Any number of tools for either head can be used as long as the tools for each head follow the numbering convention of 1-19 for had 1 (Z) and 21-29 for head 2 (A). Use the SB "TC_Inch" postP. This should be the currently supported method.
Before either can be used you MUST:
1) Have the "Head2 X&Y offsets" stored in the myvariables file. (Use ShopBot setup)
2) Have 4 axes enabled (VI) Both axes (A & Z) must use same unit value (VU)
3) Have a version of SB3 installed that includes the MTC files including C6,C7 and C9
If you use the MTC version you can use the tool number to "swap heads" and apply X,Y & Z offsets, no custom file required
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