View Full Version : table base coordinate troubles

09-29-2015, 11:49 AM
My shopbot has run great until the last update (Vcarvepro for shopbot).
I set up my table base coordinates and x,y, and z, I check the travel with M3 command and then zero x,y, and z. I then create a file using Vcarve pro. When I open the file in shopbot3 The table moves back and the router cuts off the table surface and then limits out and shuts down.

Any ideas this has been driving me crazy!
See video



09-29-2015, 12:02 PM
I was going to suggest, in Vcarve check to see if you have the use offset button checked on the job set up, but I think I can see that it is not in the video. Can you post the file?

09-29-2015, 12:26 PM
You are right off set was not checked but I did another file and it did the same thing see attachment

09-29-2015, 01:00 PM
Not sure if this will help but try checking the lower left button for the xy data position or any different button and see which way the router moves when you run the file.

Brady Watson
09-29-2015, 01:10 PM
Just to reiterate...Make sure origin offset is not checked.

Put XY reference radio button to bottom left corner. Your very small pic shows 0,0 at bottom right corner. The tool will of course go in the -X direction to begin cutting.

This is most likely a case of 'outsmarting yourself' - where you double compensate for the circle being out in no man's land.


09-29-2015, 01:19 PM
In your Vcarve screen you have origin in lower right. this puts the left side of your field negative.
Open a new file with the origin in the lower left. The horizontal axis on the screen is X and the vertical is Y.
The far right of the model field should be positive now.

(Brady and I sent the same idea! He posted while I composed)

09-29-2015, 01:32 PM
ok, I made sure the origin offset was not check. Then I selected the bottom left radio button as you suggested.

Back in business!

Just outsmarted myself I guess
Thanks for all the help!