View Full Version : Screws for HDPE joinery

Josh Beckmann
10-12-2015, 05:11 PM
I'm looking for stainless plated screws for HDPE work. They need to be corrosion resistant and preferable plated instead of solid stainless. (I'd like to avoid the softness of a solid stainless screw.)


10-12-2015, 05:29 PM
http://www.non-ferrousfastener.com/ Maybe some hardened aluminum could wor too. They do have plated.

Josh Beckmann
10-12-2015, 06:39 PM
I just gave them a call and it sounds like they don't have platted screws- only solid stainless screws.

10-12-2015, 07:59 PM
On the front page they posted "For BULK discount pricing on Plated Steel and Stainless Steel"

Sorry it turns out they are fibbers. :mad:

10-13-2015, 01:10 AM
Sounds like a supplier issue to me. The stainless screws we use are stronger than the most standard screws.
Interestingly enough this table does indicate a minimum 20,000 psi yield, while 65,000 psi is typical. We get all our stainless hardware from fastenal and have no complaints with the quality and have never found them to be in any way soft.

10-13-2015, 09:49 AM
Built the whole house with Swaneze SS screws of all types with zero issues inside/outside in 3 years. Square drive a Definite plus.
Perhaps find some near you and try?
Perhaps the bugle heads or the "Beaver bites" would be good...NO HDPE experience.
Bought at woodworkers warehouse which went belly up, so no idea of a good supplier.
If anything, SS was TOO hard/brittle if you tried too small or didn't predrill in harder woods.
https://www.google.com/search?num=20&biw=1280&bih=666&noj=1&q=swaneze+stainless+steel+screws&oq=swaneze++screws&gs_l=serp.1.2.0i7i30l5j0.137631.139543.0.145464.11 . .1.10.1026.Tzx8Rc65Vl8
(just bought 3 more of that Onsrud you gave me...THANKS:)

Brady Watson
10-13-2015, 10:40 AM
It is not unheard for for stainless screws to snap off. You gotta lube before you screw. Micro-crystalline wax works very well for this. I do this with SS sheet metal screws in AL. forget to use it, and they will snap mid-drive. Proper pre-drilling of the pilot hole will keep you from snapping off as well.

I am not sure that you would generate enough torque to snap one off in HDPE, as it is pretty soft stuff.
