View Full Version : Buddy 48 Standard Help Needed Athens, GA

07-13-2009, 09:14 PM
Hi Everyone,

I have a Buddy 48 standard with the aluminum table and have been having the same problem with sharp internal cutting since I first got my machine. I have posted about this before but I have not been able to fix the problem myself. I was wondering if there is someone knowledgeable of the Buddy in the Atlanta Georgia area or surrounding that would not mind coming to Athens (45 min outside NE of Atlanta) to take a look at my buddy. I would GREATLY appreciate it and would not mind compensating you for your efforts.



Phone: 404-474-2223
Email: mcotwright@gmail.com (mailto:mcotwright@gmail.com)

07-13-2009, 10:12 PM
Marty, I am curious because I just bought a 48 and am still learning about it. I did cut out some circles and rectangles which seemed ok.

07-13-2009, 11:16 PM
Marty, I cant make it by.. its a good day and a half drive. But perhaps you can post some photos of your problem. I use a BT-32 all the time, and cant relate to your description.

Another thing you can do is post video somewhere that will allow it (the forum wont) and let others see it. Seeing something really helps compare to our experiences.

There are clearly botters in the Atlanta area, so that will probably work out for you also.

Good luck-


07-14-2009, 10:38 AM
Some history...

(this is a different thread, starts with same picture)

I have personally cut Marty's file on Marty's material on my PRT Alpha96 with very acceptable results using nothing but vac holddown. I've not been able to make it to Athens and I understand it'd be quiet a hall but Marty knows my shop is open if he brings the tool with him.

I personally believe something must be binding and/or lifting during direction changes. Such as the X rack and pinion or a mount or something. If Marty could atleast get the quality that I get he'd be in good shape. It should be possible.