View Full Version : hardwood plywood warpage

12-04-2015, 08:27 PM
I would like to cut multiple pieces of maple plywood for carcass construction and assemble them when time permits. Could be 4-6 weeks before I can get to them. What is the best way to store them to reduce the chance of warped material? Do they need some kind of finish to inhibit moisture gain?

12-05-2015, 10:15 AM
I've had good success with keeping them stored flat. Also, when using vacuum hold down I'm sure you're aware that if the edges of the plywood are bowing up then it's extremely difficult to get a good seal but if the plywood bows up in the middle then the vacuum can easily pull it down. So sometimes I'll store the plywood leaning against a wall so that it develops a slight bow in the middle (making sure to take in account which is the good side that you want facing up on the table).

12-05-2015, 10:29 AM
Thanks Paul;
So I don't have to cover an outside face with finish or plastic? a little warpage is not a killer for this project but too much makes it tough to assemble. Bob